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Show To Night. "ThoOIrl and the Stampede" will be presented at tho Thatcher optra house tonight. Miss Grace Lambert Is at the head of the show and of her a press notice says: "MlssOracc Lambert toappearhcrc soon In 'The Girl and tho Stampede' company came from an old family of professionals. Hobcrt Buchanan and the late Kd Buchanan were her uncles. Miss Lambert at the age of live years played her llrst Important part In the ' Hanker's Daughter.' She left the stage at the age of seven to enter school at Waukegan, III , where she spent her school das. Miss, Lambert, Lam-bert, speaking of her stage career, said' 'I little thought I would follow the footsteps of my uncles Hut a circumstance cir-cumstance which I love to lclato opened the door of the stago to mo anew while attending school. A bene lit performance of the opera 'Pinafore' was to be plajed and I was cast for I one of the minor parts Everything ran along smoothly at lehearsals and the coming opera was looked forward to as the event of tho season. One bundled and llfty of Waukegan's best talent had been selected to take part, but on the night of the performance, where Buttercup has a solo, the lady-cast lady-cast for the part became confused with whit we call stage fright and lost herself her-self completely 1 knew the climax of the act depended on this solo, so I took It up and sang It through. 1 acted upon tho Impulse- so suddenly that lustafter 1 scarce!) knew whether I had done right or wiong, and felt cmbariasscd until the director, at the fall of the curtain, came to me and clasped me by the hand and thanked me so heaitlly. That was the leglnt Ing where I had lcftolTatthcagcol sccn. Since then 1 hae played some 300 puts In stock and road co-npanlis, tut no part hao 1 ever played that 1 like and can compare- with the part I am now playing, Hess Crabtiee, In 'Tho Girl and the Stampede' Hess Is so full of life and humor that one can fairly llo her In lealty "' |