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Show W I LEGAL NOTICES H PHOBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICE. H (.umult louiiif Clerk or the Respective Sign- 1 rn for I iirthrr Information. H la the Dlitrlct Court, Probate Division In and H (or Cache Cojnty, State of Utah. H NOTICE TO CltHDITOltS. H INtalc of .lent Clirlillnnsfii. tltwaif-fl. H rmlltors "ill pri-siml claims wltli vouchers H IU ill iii-iluiMirmMl ni hit rt'ilileiu'o In llyriiin H (fliv. I'lnli, Id iliiiroiintyof Ca hii and Main M li i i i r In'foru III.' 1st (lay of (lay of H A " i A I H m i.- nr li-t iitilillt-all n Mitn-li .to. A. IIK7. H t) .1 Ulllll-TIA.NSKN. H Ailriilnl.trul.il .if I In' i iialoof H .li-ni ('liristl.inscn, tleceavd. H .1 r u niiiTs, Aiiuini'y. 1 .NOTK K TO OUDIII rolts. IMft ' of in'ow Hen'mini, ilcrcaspd, H Onwliton will present claims with vouchors H lo Iho iimliirilttriiMl al his rrilileoco In lljilo B I'Blk, In Iho I'minty of Cfti'lio anil statu of H Hull, on or hcfjru thuSl'lli day of August. M n. nw. B l)aliof ilrst imlillcatloi April 20. A. I). 1007. H Ueoikii W. Hkhions. B Administrator. H .1. '.. Stewart .Tr , A Homey. H .Sheriff's Sale. H In TMstrlrt Court. Cacht' count), t'mli, H John .IoIhikoii ami Kuiri'iiu .lolinton, co H partners dot itr husluoss under lim linn naino H uf .lohn JoliUMin Sou. plalntHTs. vs. (ieortrn B T. CiinimiDirs Ir mid l.lllli' .li"iui Cllinuituk's. H (iDfendants H To bv is. .Id at SIn-rllT'M xalo on tliii fill day of H Mar. iu0i.nl tliofrontcloorottlmcourtlioiiw. H In Uisau lit v. Utah, at U'.OO o'clock noon of B Kaldday. Ihc rollowlui; duscrlhod real estate. H Ui Coinmcni'lni; at a point ten rods westof B lim Miutlmasi corner of lot 8, liloi'k is, .1, W. lox's Westllelil surveyor -M 111 vlllo farm land. thence wi"l elirhi roiNi thonco north tocoun- tv t-oad f'iru rn 1st thence east on lino of H road ohilii ioiN; tlicuce south forty rods to the place of iN'tfiunln. riiiittilnliur two acres, and ni tu u U' In the soulliwi'si iiuaricr or section si. lownslilp II, norlh of raniM t east of Salt Ink'e iiierlillin. Cnoliii county, Utah, H T. II. Smith, T! SlicrllT Cncho county, Utah. .1, C. Walters, Attorney M In the District (Jourt of I In- First H Judicial District, State or ITtsih, Uoun- H t) of Gaelic. H i Saniinl M. l'rlco, I'lalnlllT, vs. S.imuol H W. Price, Maud K. l'rlce, Franklin B V. Price, AgnesPrlce, William H Price .iihI Amanda C. Price, Defend- M The State of Utah, to the said Do- H Vou aic hereby summon d to appear H within twenty d.iys after the service H of this summons upon you, If served iiVH within iliecounty In which this action H Is broiiK'ht, otherwise, within thirty H days after service, ami defend the H i above entitled action; and In case of H your failure so to do, judgment will be1 H rendered against uu according to the' H dciDimd of the coinpl.iuit, of u hlch a ii"H copy K ll'cd In the olllce of the Ulcrk H of the above-Tinuml couit ii"B Plalntiirs Attorneys H ' V o. address: Lo'an, C.iclio courity , iH ; I NOTICE. H Special Road Tax Election H Vouni Road District, Cache County, iiH Notice Is here!)) clveu tliat in put'- suauce of a rcsolut Ion adopted by the H lloaid of County Cumiiilsslniici of M - Caclie County, Utah, on April 1, 11107, iiVi-H n Special Klect Ion Is hereby called In iiiI the VruiiK Hoad District of Cache iiH ; County, Utah, to be held on Monday, iifi-H ' April 21), 1007, tt the district school H house, In the said district, between ' the hoursof seven (7) a m and seven ' '(7) p. in. on said day, for the purpose H I of submlltliiK to the quaiilied elcc- 1 i tors within said disiiict a pioposltlon H i to authorize the Hoard or County Com- mlsslonrrs of Cache County, Utah, to H levy for the llscal year, 1007, a district B road tax of live (5) mills on all taxable B propei ty within said dlsrlct, to hi H used exclushcly for the construction and repair of roads and hlKhwas sit- H Only registered voters lesldliiK with- in said district who shall have- paid a propel ly tax therein in the year pre- H ceding such election shall be entitled H to vote at such election. H The follow InK-nnined persons have H been dul appointed b thcs.ild boaid H to conduct said Special K'ectlon, te- H ( C. II, Jcppest'ii, It A Dowdlo and B Ilnitn Olsen. H l!y older of the lloaid of County H Couimissloticisof Cnche County, Utah H A, M 1buai:i.si:s, H sua 1,1 Chairman H .1. S. I.AUHl'.N, H County Cleric. H Dated, Lovaii, Utah, A pi II t, 1007. 1 Notice to Stockholders, 1 I Notice is hereby Ki ven that at the 1 annual meeting of the stockholders cf the Trenton-Clarkslon Mill and Rlc-I Rlc-I vator Company, to be held at Trenton, Cache foiinU, Utah, S.itmday, April I 7, at Id o'clock a 111 , a piopositlon ' to amend art leles six (ID, seven (7) and 1 fluht (,s) of the ai tides of Ineorpota-j Ineorpota-j I Ion of said com pan) will be considered consid-ered and acted upon as follow: I To amend article (0) to read as follows: fol-lows: A 1 tide (I "That t he amount of the capital stock of this corporation Is llfty thousand ($50,000) dollars, and j Ihc number of shares Into which It Is divided Is two thousand ('.',000) of the p .1 value of twenty-live (!." 00) dollars . eli ' I To amend article seven (7) to read as follows: A 1 tide 7 'Theniinib'iand kind of oillcersof this corporation shall boas follows: There shall he a board of directors consisting of live persons who shall elect from their number a president and vice-president. They shall also elect a secretary and treasurer treas-urer who nny or may not bo a director The ("lalllioUlons of each director and the secretary and treasurer shall be to own at least one share of the capital stock of the corporation. Their term of oillco shall ba two years or until their successors are elected and quail-lied. quail-lied. A majority of the board shall constitute-n quorum and exercise the powers of the corporation." The names of those who aro to serve as directors until the llrst election, etc , aro as follows: H. V. llenson, H. !'. HIiiKhani, II. T. Petersen, Henry Spackman and John Huttars, who shall, Immediately after qualifying, elect the other officers as provided In this article To amend article eight (8) to read as follows: AitlcloS "There shall be a meeting meet-ing of tho stockholders of this corporation corpora-tion held at Us general place of business busi-ness at Trenton, Cache county, Utah, on tho last Saturday In January, 1003, and on that day biennially thereafter for the purposo of electing tho board of directors for tho next ensuing two cars, notice of which elections shall bo given In the manner prescribed in the by-laws of the corporation. The secretary of tho corporation or the meeting shall within three days after the election notify each director of his election." And to transact such other business a3 properly pertains to and Is connected con-nected with such amendment. II. T. I'r.TKHSKN, Secretary. I). V. IlKNBO.V, President. Dr. Price, the famous food expert, has produced a product called D? PRICES WHEAT FLAKE CELERY which is considered to represent i the highest food production. Its healthful qualities are unsurpassed. unsur-passed. 10 cents a package. ' For salo by all Grocors Doing Business Again "When mj friends thought I was nbout lo lake leave of this world, on account of Indigestion, nervousness and general debility " writes A A Chlshulm, Treadwcll, N Y, "and when it looked as If llirie was no hope left, 1 was persuaded to trj Klcctilc Hitters, and I rejoice to say that they arcciiilug me I am now doing business again as of old, and am si III gaining daii)." Hcsi tonic medicine 011 (art It. Guaranteed by Rilcr Hros Diug Co GOo. I Mr S I How en, of Wayne, W Va , writes: "I was a sulferer from kidney disease, so that at times I could not get out of bed, and when I did I could not stand straight I took Foley's Kidney Cute. One-dollar bottle and part of the second cured me entirely." Foley's Fldney Cuse works wonders where othe;s aic total failures. For sale by all dttigglsts. K Cm I !'i ;.Srf1 l'l ., 11 1 .V- -.' . :" . - .' - C - -- - " Furniture Repaired Upholstering a Specialty... Our Work is Guaranteed. Logan Second Hand Store 24 W. 1st Street North, Phones 100. N. P. Johnson, Proprietor. MDFFH Lcotiino Hotel KLLUofOQdcnClty Is a model of convenience. Tho hotel olllce, "0 x :t0 feet, Is tlio most spacious and comfortable in the West. Two elevators, no climbing stairs, Ite-furnlslied throughout. Rooms large, light and clean. Steam heated. I flPATIOM Tlireo blocks castof Union LUl rt llUn. ileum ; city II sill's rk opposite op-posite on tlio west; Uraml Opera llousu adjoining on tliusoutlu Utalino I'arUTho-atro I'arUTho-atro srrosi tlio gtivi't norUi Tlio electric titrcot railways from all parts of tliu city center at Us uoorn. EUROPEAN PLAN, feffi and upwards, nxcellcnl Cafo In connection. connec-tion. Tlio Ik'sI value for tlio money in tlib Hutu of Utah. Why not come to the Hotel replete with every comfort when It costs no more money? Reed Hotel Co., Props. itTiX1. AvrwiiJitfiiirfr':" iiH Salt Lake Route 1 $30.00 Round Trip to Los Angeles on sale DAILY, ! , April 25th to May 19th; good returning l July 31st, 1907. j La Fiesta World's Greatest Pageant will take place first week in May. Ask any Utah agent or write for information to J. H. Burtuer, D. P. A., Salt Lake. nMFWRlOGiMN WL and XftcTFBh$Ri RID GRANDE WESS tl Scenic Line of the World. A Panorama of Natural Beauty All the Way, Canyou of the Grande, Eagle River .Canyon Wagon Wheel Gap, Glenwood Springs, Canyon of the Gunnison, Gardcu of the Gods Maniton Springs, The Royal Gorge. THROUGH Pullman and Tourist Sleepers To Denver, St. Louis and Chicago. Kor rates, folders, free Illustrated booklets, etc., Inquire of your nearest ticket agent, sperlfvlng the Rio Crantle ...route, or address . I. C. BENTON, G P A D, Salt Lake City iliiJiiJiitijAAtiJiiJiijAiJi.;;; .. . I . i if " -i . ii . M ftijt H I $5103-35 X I !T We collected five thousand and y&& ' , "' T J; thirteen dollars and thirty-live jUjJ1 J Jfr J cents for Mrs. Mary Ann Frew. Ui fs- 3it She lives at Syracuse, Utah, and MKk f t , will bo glad to tell you if jou have fyfBnjfJjpjf fj 4fe T any bad claims to turn them In and lSOTajp j 3& j wc will get somo money for you. ZzSS&jff yf1 I Merchants' Protective Association I $ SCIENTIFIC COLLECTORS OF HONEST DEBTS. . Fifth Floor Commercial Illock, Salt Lako City, Utah X X FRANCIS O. LUKK, 3cncral Mgr "Some l'coplo Don't Like us" 5? Tt ? I Qhieao Meat Market. s 1 fx & im yv Highest Cash 5 Nsrsv Price Paid for I Q PORK. J Wh wr 5 5 I fmMm S P' S0RENS0N' Prletor , rSBSB5B5H5g5H5g5H5gH5H5HHH5g5HHH5EHH5HSH5H5H5H5Br51 Why not send The Republican to I that relative who has gone away? jg g It costs but $2 a year in and would S S be to him a big newsy letter. B nH5H5B5B5ESH5a5a5B5H5E52HH5B5E5H5B5aHa5H5H5HSB5H5 B |