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Show Sikh . al Rites Observed. A stran religion!) ceremony was obaercd Inst ueek Jn.st oiUHlde tho city of N 'mn In HrltlHli Columbia, when tlic buly of Sunder Slngli, ox-serBcant ox-serBcant In a Ilurmrso reslment, was burned on n funeral pyro accordlne to tho rites of tlio Sikh religion, which somewhat lussnibli's Dralimlnlnm Kvcry HIkIi corpse must bo dlapo3eJ of by fi'P and water. Hunilor Slnsli wob one i" a party of 20 Slklis, most of tliom r ex-soldiers of tho Indian omplrc, vt . ,, wore employed hi construction con-struction nk by tliu Canadian Pacific Paci-fic rallroi' Ho was killed on tho rack, il . 'iudy was carefully prepared pre-pared foi i. in pyro and tho other Sikhs went tlirr .13I1 their rrllRlous ceremonies ceremo-nies whllo It was IicIiik consumed. Later somo of the bones were gathered gath-ered up to lie sent to Amrltsar, India, to tho widow and father of tho dead man. Tln remaining bones wero then taken down 10 the riverside nnd flutm Into tlic water with more religious rltofl. Springfield (Mass.) Republican. |