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Show Children and the Home. "Children," sold Judge MoEwen at 11 dinner In Chicago, "oro tlio groat homo builders. Tho lack of children means unhapplness, divorce In tho majority of tho divorce suits that I pass on nnd 1 pass on 100 n month tho couples are between 30 nnd 40 years of ago, and childless So children chil-dren should bo prized and chcrlshod, despite their faults. Faults they Imvo, I Will admit. Only tho other day I hoard of u little girl, who, lunching out, was detected In tho act of cramming cram-ming a largo yellow handful of Spanish Span-ish omelet Into tho pocket of her tlnk frock. " 'Why, you little pig,' exclaimed her mother, 'what on earth nro you about? Put that back on your plato nt onco. Why, I novor heard of such n thing. What on earth do you mean by U7' " 'It U so good, muvver,' tho child explained, 'I Just thought I'd tako a pluci homo to our cook for a pat-torn.' pat-torn.' " |