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Show HBVJ Accidents will happen, but the best HBYB regulated families keep Dr. Thomas' HBVJ Klcctrlc Oil for such emergencies. It HBYB subdues the pain and heals tho hurts. BVH This May Interest You. BYAh No one Is Immune, from Kidney B trouble, so Just remember that Foley' Kidney Curo will stop tlio Irregular! jfJBBJj tics and cure and caso of kidney nd bladder trouble that is not beyend tho reach of medicine. For silo by all f f I I A Car Load of Chairs! i I I tit $ We are pleased to announce that we have secured the i Agency for THE FAMOUS 01 I WEBSTER CHAIRS. ! ?? II III illllll II i HI ! II "111111 I III' I Mil $ B f f I Jjl ' The Webster line of chairs is recognized among furniture I J men as the standard line, the line by which the merits of other S I J chairs are measured. 1 I $ i I A We have anything in the Chair line from the bow-back Kitchen f I chair to the Box Seat Leather Upholstered Dining room chair, Golden $ I 0 Oak or Mission Style , I ! Prices 70c and Up. S I J Our line of LEATHER ROCKERS, LEATHER COUCHES, etc., has J S never before been equalled in this section. Call and examine them. I i Spande Furniture Co. j I t 51-53 N. Main. Formerly the U. O. Store. S I I I Special Bargains At S I sTeet's Bargain Store! I No one else sells at our prices. You will find our goods just the same that the other stores I jte carry. THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS THE PRICE. te I jsi Notions. J 12 dozen Shirt Uuttons for 5c w 12 do.en I'ants Huttons for fie 15 2 doen Pearl Huttons for Co fc fJood Pins per Paper lo IT Gold Kyetl Needles uer Paper lo Nfe One dozen Hono Hairpins for Go jr Safety Pins per dozen 2c N 2 dozen Good Hooks and Kyes for lo J 3 Spools Coats Darning Cotton. . . ,5c r Talcum Powder 5o and 10c V: ScwIiir Machine Oil Co l& Vasellno Cc jT Host Alumlum Thimbles each Co Nice Toilet Soap per box of 3 cakes . . .5c j SALE ON te fe Men's Hats tew AllJAlen's $1.25, $1.50, and EJ $t.7s Hats go at j 98 ets. Useful Articles von everyhodv. Tlirce Mouse Traps for 5c Wardropo Hooks per do.en 10c Stovo Lid Lifters 5c Best Sad Iron Handles Cc Steel Fry Pans Co Steel Flrc Shovels Co Toasters to Wire Ek Whips lc Stovo Polish : Cc Stove llrushcs 10c Cloth Brushes 10c Tooth Brushes Cc and 10c Sliavlnk' Brushes Cc Whitewash Brushes 10c and up Everything else in proportion. Crockery and Glassware, White Plates Cc, "c, and 8c White Tea Cups and Saucers 35c White Bowls fie White Desert Dishes lie Nice Gold Decorated Desert Dishes Cc Gold Decorated Plates 7c, 10c and 12c Gold Decorated Tea Cups and Saucers with nice floral pattern, per cup and saucers 12c Good smooth Tabic Tumblers 3c Finest thin Hint blown Tumblers made, worth 10c everywhere, our price, 5c Cloihino Q I For Men and Bojs, te I Boys' Knee Pants Suits. .OSc, $1 CO, $1 m C I and $2 25 f I Hoys' Knco Pants 2CC, 3Cc and 4go fe I Men's good Suits $1 CO, $5 75and up j Men's $12 00 nice Wool Suits fur 3 05 9 Men's Corduroy Pants OScandup fc I Mn's working Pants 75c and up JL Men's Overalls 4rc H fe Ladies' Corsets from 20c and up te Ten bars good Laundry Soap for - - 25c ? fe See our CAPETS AND RUGS J? Come and see us for any- r thing you want. I I The Gfieapest fe I Store in the g C West. js fe Teet's Bargain Store, ft g Thatcher Bros Bank Building - - - Logan, Utah g |