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Show Z? CITY AND COUNTY I Items of Interest About j & t People and Events. Jrt j.Jr$ V. W. Jones, of Wcllsvllle, was In Logan Wednesday. We sell the Earth and Loan money on It. II. A. l'cdersen Si Co. Money made is money saved. Go to Hayball's. Miss Marlon Groesbeck Is up from Salt Lake visiting her mother and sister. Oscar Malmiosc, who underwent an operation for appendicitis thicc weeks ago, Is iiiouikI again. Remember the readings of MM Moench at the Fourth waul hall, Monday, April 22, at 8 o'clock. Ilyrum Nebckcr, of Laketown, who lias been spending a few days In Lo-Kan, Lo-Kan, returned home on Thuisday. Mrs J. N. Chrlstensen, of Teton Haslti, underwent an operation last Monday at one of the Logan hospitals. She had a cancer removed. Charles and John Thorpe went to Ely, Nevada, on Tuesday. There are now Ave Thorpe brothers In that locality doing plastering work. Deputy Sheriff Grlllln brought a negro from Cache Junction Wednesday Wednes-day night and placed him In jail, lie Is accused of purloining a satchel. Mrs John 11. Chapman, of this city, who was struck by lightning about three weeks ago while coming from the cemetery, has fully recovered. David Egbert, the blind musician of Lcw!stou,came to Logan Thursday. The joung man recently returned from the Kast where he was studying along the line of his profession. In order to mako room for our new shipment of wall paper we will give a reduction for ten days In all hold-over stock or 33J per cent. LOGAN FURNITURE FUR-NITURE COMPANY. Thco I'etetscn, of Ilyrum, Is made defendent In a damage suit tiled by John E. Miles, of Paradise. The claim is for $320 for the grazing of defendant's de-fendant's sheep upon Miles':) land. ggWhenX;H. O. Hayball makes a statement he means it. The big sale begins today. District Attorney Fred J. Ilolton has been in the city the past three days. He came to argue a demurrer tiled In the Danlelscn forgery case, after which It was taken under advisement. advise-ment. Thousands have pronounced Hollls-ter's Hollls-ter's Rocky Mountain Tea the greatest great-est healing power on earth. When medical science falls, it succeeds. Makes you well and keeps you well. Xi cents, Tea or Tablets. Cy. E. Nappe Nap-pe r. Five head of yearling beeves raised by William Morgan have recently been purchased by Rust & Reading, the gross weight being 4,010 pounds. The meat is some of the llncst and the sweetest that has ever been sold In this city. Tonight at Thatcher's Pavilion, a grand ball; ladies free. Miss Ellen Larscn, daughter of Mrs. Mary Larson of the Third ward, was married to Mr. Frank Smith, of Pocatello, on Wednesday. The ceremony cere-mony was performed at the Idaho town, Mrs. Larsen, the mother, going up to be present. Many friends wish the young people well. The State Fish and Game warden brought up 12.",000 spawn on Tuesday. Commissioner Knowles and thu warden war-den placed 75,000 In the springs near DoWltt's ranch In Logan canyon, and 50,000 weio taken to springs at thu mouth of Illacksmlth Fork. They did not reach Logan until 4 o'clock Wednesday morning. The present cold snap brings certain advantages as well as disadvantages. In retarding the increase of water In the already swollen streams great damage to bridges throughout the county Is averted. If care Is now taken to prevent an accumulation of debris about the abutments It is probablo that tho county will wholly escape any great loss from tho high waters. Eliason Sislers Ladies' suits, muslin underwear, embroidery, towels, hosiery ho-siery and numberless other oth-er articles are going at prices that will surprise you. Today iu the time. Mrs M. I' IiOnuatim, of Mcmlon, came to Logan Thursday. For Sale Some hav dry hay. S. W. Rltcr, :i53 West 1st North. Dr. Joseph Morrell came up from Ogdcn Tuesday night, returning Wednesday. Wed-nesday. Architect J. W Itarrctt Is getting out plans and speculations for a line residence for W II. Thaln. Seth l.angton went to Salt Lake Thuisday to attend the funeral of Joshu.iGrant, who recently died there For Sale Eighty acres choice beet land In Trenton. Including good water right. Inquire W. R Lewis, Lewis-ton. Lewis-ton. MlssJcanctte Ostium! returned to Logan last Saturday evening after teaching school tho past winter In Summit county. Roller skating makes the young folks happy, and the old folks younger. Try It at the new Auditorium, Soutli First West street. Mrs. M. A. Pond, of Salt Lake, Is visiting the Oroesbeck family of this city. The visitor Is a daughter of John Henry Smith. Paul Spencc left for Eureka Thursday Thurs-day morning. There Is a great demand de-mand there for miners, as many of the regular hands have left for Nevada. Bishop Oscar Dunn, of College, was In the city yesterday moving around tolerably well with the artlllclal leg that he procured a short time ago. Dr. F. J. Alexander, representing theAlexander-DlbblceCompany.Atlas block, Salt Lake City, will bo at the Lincoln hotel, Thursday, April 2.i.ono day only. Every woman appreciates a beautiful beaut-iful complexion, so much desired by men. Sucli complexions come to all who use Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea. 33 cents, Tea or Tablets Cy. E Napper. Within two weeks, W. G. Danlelscn and family will move to Independence, Mo., where lie will supei Intend the orectlon of a factory for the manufacture manufac-ture of hlscelebratcd disc plows, Tho building will bo 200x80 feet.two stories high and will be built of brick or cement ce-ment blocks Our car of wall paper lias Just been received and wo are better prepared than ever to take care of our customers. custom-ers. Come In and see our stock before buying. LOGAN FURNITURE COM-PA COM-PA NY. President Ellas Kimball, of Black-foot, Black-foot, stopped over In Logan Wednesday Wednes-day night enroute to Salt Lake. He went down In tho interest of the Montezuma Orange and Banana company com-pany of Salt Lake City. The company has a large plantation at Tamplco, Mexico, on tho banks of tho Tamisa river. A slaughter is on at H. G. Hayball's. Nothing reserved re-served in his stupendous stock, See his ad. elsewhere else-where in this issue. W. G Danlelscn went to St. Anthony on Thursday to start some of tho famous Danlelscn dlso plows Three plows have been shipped to J.B.Crapo, of St. Anthony, each having ten discs. The plows will be attached to a traction engine of one hundred and ten horse power. Each round of tho plows turns a furrow over sixteen feet In width, or about s'ixty acres per day. We carry a large stock of wall paper; new designs and the most reasonable prices is what we offer. LUNDSTROM Furniture and Carpet Co. The Journal was hardly accurate In Its story of George Dunbar's experience experi-ence with a colt tho other day. Instead In-stead of jumping fourteen fences, the "animulo" hiked over exactly twenty-one, twenty-one, twenty-ilvo of which wcro barbed wire. Instead of climbing two telephone tele-phone poles, It knocked down four, and rather than swim the river drank the water faster than It came down, thus securing a dry crossing a la Israelites crossing the Red Sea. The animal did come on home, 'tU true, but became repentant, hitched Itself up to the family barouche and went b.ick to tho Mlllvlllo lanoafterGcorge. This Is the straight of tho story, tho facts of which were easily obtainable by The Journal. Our contemporary must be condemned by all the truth-j truth-j loving people. Mrs James tuavle Jr Is i nprovlng ' very satisfactorily. I W. R. Ballard, of Newton, spei t Thuisday night In Logan Services nt the Presbyterian chinch at 11 a in and s p m. Sunday Grand ball at Thatcher's tonight; tickets 5O cents, ladies free. George Skldiuoic and wife were, passengers to Salt Lake jes'erday. Mrs. Hondo, of Pocatello, came to Logan yesterday to remain with her mother, Mrs Runil. Andreas Peterson will addtess the Scandinavian meeting tomorrow at lo a. 111 at tho usual place. Frit, son of Mr. and Mrs Gcooo' II. Champ, who h.is been thieateiicd with pneumonia, is Improving 1 Theiu are two cases of spinal men 1 Ingltls in the Fifth w ird. The suit m I crs are children thro j and six e,i s old. City Councilman Edward Nelson has j been con lined lo his lion e during the pist ten d.i)s with a bad attack of shingles. I If everybody don't, Tliev should If they could, , Skate at the Audltoiium. , There aro people there to show 1 You how. Mrs, Thad Naylor returned frcm, Ccntervlllc Thursday night after an absence of ono week. Tho lady was I with her mother, who has been Indisposed Indis-posed for some time. ' The negro arrested at Cache Junc-j tlon for purloining a satchel was J bound over to the district court 011 a chaige of grand larceny. Ball was llxed at WOO, In default of which tic was committed to Jail. j Bishop A. L. Skanchy and counsellor counsel-lor Gcorgo Dunbar went to Salt Lake yesterday to Interview some of the church authorities In regard to a do-' sired appropriation for the new mcct-i lug house to be built in the Sixth ward In this city. i Lovers of dancing can I be highly entertained at; Thatcher's Pavilion to- j night. Ladies free. ; The Thatcher pivlllon opened for dancing last night, an A. U society i giving a swell ball. The pavilion hnsj been used for roller skating the past j few months but the Moor has been put 1 Into perfect condition and lovers of the "light fantastic" are now Invited to their old haunt. j F. Tcct came up from Salt Lake dry Thursday to look after his Center Street "Bargain Store." Mr. Tcet has returned from the east but recent- ly and while there secured some ex-i ceptlonal bargains which ho olTcrs ttic I pub'le In an ad to be found elsewhere. ' Don't forget Eliason Sisters. Sis-ters. They have a cheap sale, and their lady clerks will show you around whether you buy or not. I The sale begins today. J A reception was tendered the rctlr- j Ing bishop of the Fifth ward yesterday' afternoon No bishop ever lived more , In the hearts of the people than d d , William Hyde, and It Is fitting that an expression of love and friendship b3 tendered him for his thirty-three years of faithful service among the people of his ward. The Logan Amusement Hall wes opened for roller skating Thursday night and though tho weather was extremely ex-tremely bad there were probably live hundred pcoplo at the resort during the evening, a great proportion of whom skated. The throng expressed themselves as highly pleased with tho lloor and the "elbow room." The llftlcth wedding annlveisary of Absalom Woolf and his wife was observed ob-served yesterday at Hyde Park. Numerous Nu-merous relatives and friends were present and In a season of galty all enjoyed themselves greatly Absalom Woolf Is one of tho pioneers of Utah, among the first who built tho bridges and mado roads In these mountain valleys. He rendered valuable services In early days by assisting In piotcct-ing piotcct-ing tho homes of the pcoplo from tho Indians A trip to California costs money, but you can go to the Logan Auditorium on First West streer FREE in the afternoon, and for lo cents in the evening. 1 You can get a pair of Richardson's Rich-ardson's ball-bearing' skates for 25 cents from 2:30 to 5:3o, or from 7:30 to 10:30 any day but Sunday. Sun-day. Brass band in attendance. at-tendance. Come over. |