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Show H The New Federal Building H wll! be built on thu church pioperty H on North Main In the near future, but H at the present the best and latest H stock of mouumrnts, markers and 1 headstones ever exhibited in Cache county arc to be seen at the Cache H Valley Marble yards, 175 South Main, H the only place In the valley carrying H granite and highest iuallly of marble H at the lowest prices ever offered to the H public m ' Fur Sale, H 1,020 acres of tillable land, of which P 175 acres is planted In wheal; 50 acres P good lucerne; good well; 000 acres un- P dcr fence; 450 acres broke. The lanch P Is located in l'ocatcllo valley and Is P ' know n as the. Ic&sop llros, ranch A- P ply to F.pliralui Jessop, Mlllvlllc. H Notice of School Tax H Election. P Olllco of the Hoard or Education of P the City of Logan, Logan, Utah, April H H Notice Is hereby given P First That an election w ill be held p on Saturday, April 27, 1007, to vote P upon the following question and prop- P osltlon, to wit: H Shall the Hoard of Education of Lo- H gan City levy a special school tax as P hereinafter stated and for the purposes P H The election will be held on Satur- H day, the 27th of April, 1007. H There will bo live polling places for H such election, ono In each of Did live H m iniclpal wauls of Logan City, at the H loilowing places: H First Municipal ward Haws school. H Second Municipal ward Vestry of H Second ward meeting house. H Third Municipal ward County Court H Fourth Municipal ,vard llenson PPJ H Fifm Municipal waid Parry school. H Second. The names of the Judges to H conduct such election at each of the H said polling places are as follows: H , First Municipal ward Ira Cole, Itose H Jones, Vendla.l Roberts H Second Municipal ward William H Kvans, Alvlu Wawks, Hobcrt A mlcr H Third Municipal ward-J M. Hlair, H Samuel McKInnon, George Torgeson. H Fourth Municipal waid Joseph 11. H Downs, John Dahlc, II. .1. Klulsou. M Fifth Municipal waid A Hurrls, P. j F. J. Maishall, 10 T. Lkd H Third. Thu polls for such election H will open at 12:30 p. m and close at 8 B p H Fourth. The tax proposed to be H levied Is two and one-half (21) mills In 1 1007 and two (2) mills In 1003 H Fifth. Thu tax Is proposed to be H lovlcd for tho purpose of erecting and H equipping school buildings. H Tho Hoard of Education of Logan H City. 1 Hy W. W. McLaughlin, H President. H Hy L. O. Fahh Jit., Clerk. HI . t Want Column The celebrated Market Price potatoes pota-toes for sale Last jcar they averaged 075 bushels per acre. They aro most excellent for table use Apply to Thomasi Stirland, Providence, Hell 'phono :i77x. wo For Sale Twelve bundled acies of land, a good pasture, nearly all fenced In, In Mt Sterling precinct. Price 1,000 Clear title to all of It Apply-to Apply-to Hobcrt Baxter, Hyrum. Wanted Man and wife to caic of fruit farm. Knowledge of beets, haying hay-ing and irrigation lequlrcd Good proposition for right parties. Inquire at thlsoillce. For Itcnt Elglil-ioomed houso with lot and barn; will rent all the looms or part of them. Apply to 201 South First East; Hell phone 322y. wo Stock Wanted To pasture through the sumiuci; good meadow pasture, water and salt; located uoithwest of Logan. For terms apply to T. J Poulter, 301 North Fhst'.East. wc For Sale Finest Early Itose potatoes pota-toes for planting; also ten hives of bees In excellent condition Apply to John S. Pcluson, 0J0 Can) on road. Hell telephone 113z. wu For Sale Lu:cine and timothy ha) and straw. C. Hailing, .110, So. Main; Indcpcnt 'phono .'112, Hell Id'Jv. wc DON'T YOU DO IT.-ISuy land or city property until you seo thobai-gams thobai-gams I have to dispose OIL James Mllllgan, Smlthllcld, Utah First class sand delivered to any part of town. W. T. Hrovvn, lnd-'Ptioue2Jl. lnd-'Ptioue2Jl. wo II. J. Hansen, WcstflcUl, city scavenger scaven-ger and back-yard work. Hell 'phone 112.. WONDERFUL POSTER As a substantial evidence that Lithograpny is making rapid and wonderful strides the above cut Is reproduced. It represents a new 24-sheet poster, measuring 106 Indies in height and 238 inches in length, designed and executed by the United States Lithograph Company the famous KusMdl-Morgan Print of Cincinnati. It Is Lithographed In 6 colors, pure gold bronze forming the background, and is said to be the most expensive and dignified poster ever phced on the bill-boards. Tills l the first instance In which gold bronze has successfully withstood the weather. The poster represents Mr. Charles B. Hanford surrounded by the numerous tharacters he lias played, and is receiving much admiration for its beauty and artistic instructiveness. TZ j SPR,NG I r jgia Opening- Sale gMj The "ONE PRICE" Store's Reliable Sales are so well known throughout Cache Valley that they really need no introduction. You can always depend upon getting exactly what is advertised and never take chances of being disappointed. Why not trade at a store where all goods are marked in plain figures (and that positively the lowest to all) and where everybody gets treated alike. 0 Men's COc President a a Suspenders Hoy's 10c Suspenders Men'sor Hoy's 40c Belts Men's 10c Cotton Sox Men's 20c Suspenders lfio Shield Bows 7 25c 5C 25c 5c ioc 5c Men's 15c black or tan lisle Sox Finest f.oc Neckties Men's $1 00 Kid Dress Gloves Men's 20c fancy Sox, large 15 pairs for all styles variety of colors 2 pahs for S 25c 35c 65C 25C 0 Men's $100 Fancy Dress . . Men's $1 00 and $1 50 Finest A '-" J Shirts in very large variety M IS ttlB BJggeSt SillTt BargaillS W8 EVCf Offered. Dress Shirts in mohair, per- J of patterns and styles, sale ao cale3 and madras, with or ? prlcc The best Men's or Boy's 70c Jf- All sizes, all colors, all styles without collars attached, In 7Cft Shirts In an unlimited as- it ft Shirts that have never been this sale V . 75C Sr---43C- 95c z Men's or Hoys' Wc Shirts Extra "icnS S Mt'"S lSZ Um,erwear Udies' anJ,S,IdIr0csn0's 15 faSt S 25C 75C 25c I0C TV m wm Hos,' an(1 c,lllllrcn,! ?M)0 nnd oo Z 75c Knee Pants Hoy's i2 00 Knee II " Suits In all thesejon newest styles, :!5c Knee Pants Z T Pants Suits, neat k I LMmy all wool mater- p k f W X ACT patterns & styles I fV I lal, e.tia well L W 1 1 l 1 r-C 45 aiisles. y7tu I J made, sell now VI 5 M Men's and Youth 1 S 00 Sum- .. , .. . . Men's and Youth' tinnn dnltQ S mcr Suits, good selection , Mcn's u"e1st Brcs Suits In the largest variety of st) Ids and colors ever Mcn' i i!! i shown in this vicinity, all absolutely hand-tailored and warranted by tho u ark colori & A Q CZ makers to give satisfaction In evciy way. All tho latest patterns & styles p S f l Tts!) mixtures, plaids and clubchccks In black, blue. grey, brown, eU, as well Nm y " A tk it as solid colors aio shown, suits that cost )ou always from t20 00 to pJ9 S 0 J a $25.00, go In thlssElcat - 5 m Men's and Youth's $12 00 Suits Mcn,8 am, Youlh,8 mm M In la.gevaret) of patterns m m K m wool Suits in exceptional : $ 5 $12,50 $14,50 $16,50 $ Men's $150 Work Pants Men's $2 50 Corduioy Pants, J Men's $ I 00 line Dress Pants Men's $3 00 Dress Pants, light neat stripes well made large assortment and dark colors 0 S 95c I $1.75 $2.95 $1.95 All kinds of Straw and Men's $1 50 Felt Hats, BoyV 50o Felt Hats Men's best $.150 Dress Lareo varietv nr ii., S A Linen Hats at baigaln black and colors Hats, all styles BO variety of Mens :r fcr -tZC and Boys' Caps at special 9 J I 95C 3; $2.45 low Prices. 9 l 25 Strap Slippers Children's 75o spi Ing Ladles' 8175 laco Babies 50o soft sule Ladles' swell $2 50 Hovs' $1 50 Calf Q and Oxfords, sizes heel Shoo.-, sUes 5 to Shoes and Oxfords Shoes, all rolors Oxfords, kid or pat- Shoesall solid sizes 0 Z 9 t toll 8 ent lon J 95c 45c $1.25 25c $1.95 $1.25 3 -- ' ' , All Men's V.,rk Mcn's M I)rm o,bSeS ' 2,i Uco Udlc''' "no iU' Men's solid leather Children's $1 00 rul Sloes Voat si , Shoes or Oxfords, M- Shoes, solid leather, Dress Shoes and Ox- 25 OalNkln Shoes or tan Shoes 01 Slip- A nors m ai p.Llul , k( or p!,tcnt sl?esllto2 fords, all styles ,H.- ? $2.45 $1.00 $2.45 $1.75 7sc m i L J? . , -xNv o All Goods Cheerfully 'Tfljfilg' wktfW'Wfl Useful Souvenirs given 1 Exchanged or Money FBp ll9 ffifct'O awaY with 2 Refunded. & & & " ?5jJ$zPjS " every Purchase. di l Opposite the Tabernacle. . |