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Show Greenville. GREHNVILLE, April IS -At prof-entail prof-entail our people aie enjoying good health, with the exception of a few. The many friends of Mi. Jam?s Maughan will be gi loved to leain that he Is quite sick with pneumonia. Mrs Win. Davidson was called to Salt Lake last week by her daughter, Miss Yerna Duckworth, who underwent under-went an operation for appendicitis Mrs. Davidson returned home last Monday and reports Miss Verna as getting along faorably. Sister Ellebctli Palmer, who has been spending several months with her daughter, Mrs. Frank Crow ton, returned home this week from Salt Lake City President Mary L. Hcndrlckson and m Ilro. J. A. Hcndrlckson were vislors IH to our Mutual Improvement Sunday IH evening. The visitors were pleased mm to II ml tho Mutual In such cxcllcnt H condition. H Mr niid Mrs. Mose Jensen and Mr. imm and Mi rchle Wolfe, of Hyde Park, M wen- Msiiorsln the ward on Sunday. WW Mr. Wlllard Nyman, who has been MM housed up for two or Hires weeks with M rheumatism, Is able to be out a little. JmM Golden Nj man left for Gentile vul- SMu Icy this week. H |