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Show Br DENNIS COLBERT As this is the last edition of "Teepee Talk" this year thought it only fitting that some of the graduating students should get a chance to see some of their literary work in print. So some of this article was written by these students. FACULTY ASSEMBT The long-awaited Faculty Assembly As-sembly will be presented to the CHS student body Friday morning. morn-ing. Miss Sidney Reading, chairman, chair-man, has made sure that no Information In-formation pertaining to the assembly as-sembly has leaked out. While trying to Interview her. every time I asked her a question about the assembly she quickly changed the subject. If this year's assembly Is anything any-thing Jlke those of the past years, it will be one of the outstanding highlights of the year. SEMINARY GRADUATION Graduation services for the Church History class of the Cedar Ce-dar LDS Seminary will be held Friday, May 18, at 8 p. m. In the Stake House. According to Mr. Aaron Han-eon Han-eon Dr. West Belnap, director of the undergraduate division of religion re-ligion at B. Y. U., will be the guest speaker of the evening. In addition, student talks will be given by Nancy Dlx, Reed Mur-dock. Mur-dock. Eleanor Grlmshaw, Reed Heywood and Karen Olroyd. ' The 105 graduates will be presented pre-sented by Principal Hansen and the diplomas awarded by Elwood Corry, President of Cedar Stake. Immediately following the graduation exercises the last Seminary dance of the year wUl be staged. COMMENCEMENT Bemett Baldwin The end of another year has rolled around and for over 100 senior students May 23 marks the day for saying farewell to Cedar High and closing the doors on their high school education. The past three years' have been very enjoyable. Friendships have been made, good times have been enjoyed and preparations to meet life's problems have begun. The speaker for this memorable memor-able occasion Is Director Royden C. Bralthwalte of CSU. Student addresses' wtl be given by Sandra Lanford and Bob Jones. CHEERLEADERS leanett Flcmlgan Taking over the position of cheerleaders to lead the pep club and school with yells and songs In the 56-57 season are Kay Ash-croft, Ash-croft, Sandra Wood and Deanna Dotson. Retiring cheer queens are Jerl Smith, Jeanette Flanlgan and Martha Fakler. These girls will do a very fine Job next year, as they've support-ed support-ed the Redmen in all sports contests con-tests this year. Congratulations! FASHION SHOW Sandra Langford The Cedar High School Home Economics Department presented, a fashion show Wednesday evening. even-ing. May 16 at 8 p. m. There were almost 120 girls' and several boys who participated participat-ed by modeling the clothes made this year by the students' taking) Home Ec. After the fashion show a tea was held for all those who participated par-ticipated and their parents. SENIOR BREAKFAST Last Sunday morning from 8 to 10 a. m. the senior girls were' treated to the annual Senior' Breakfast in the high school home ecnomlcs room. The girls and some lady facul-1 ty members witnessed some top-1 notch talent as the junior girls' presented an outstanding pro-, gram for them. i Sandra Wood, chairman, was also hostess. Participants on the program were Jerl Smith, Pat Gardner. Betsy Lunt, Sharon Haf-ris, Haf-ris, Judy Corry and Lyona Cox. I Also during the party Sandra Langford, president. Girls' Or-, ganlzatlon, presented a $15 check to the Home Ec. department for future use. All In all, the party was very successful and definitely an event to remember. , '56-'57 OFFICERS Here Is a list cf tha student body leaders for 1956-57 at Cedar High. President, Gardner Dalley; vice president, Betsy Lunt; secretary, secre-tary, Linda Knell; yearbook editor, edi-tor, Marie Beck; newspaper editor, edi-tor, Dennis Colbert; Girls' Organ-1 Ization president, Joan Nelson; Boys'" Organization president, Dayne Gardner; Suah Kanne pre- j sident, Sharon Harris; cheerleaders, cheerlead-ers, Kay Ashcroft, Sandra Wood and Deanna Dotson.' j NOTES j I'd like to congratulate: The members , of this year's graduating class and wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors. This year's' student body offic- j ers, Frank Knell, Marva Carter, and Eleanor Grlmshaw, along with the faculty, for making this year a very enjoyable and memorable mem-orable one! The athletic teams, for performing per-forming to the utmost of their ability and bringing high honors to CHS! The coaches for their outstanding outstand-ing work with the teams this year! Next year's student body officers of-ficers and wish them the best of iuck in their respective offices. I extend a sincere word of thanks to: Mrs. Erma Smith. Principal Bothers and other faculty members mem-bers for cooperating with me and helping me make a better coverage cover-age of the news and reporting I it to you. I Mr. Rollo and the Iron County Record, for giving me the opportunity op-portunity to report the high school happenings. This past year has been a very enjoyable one for me and the experience, I've gained, will prove Invaluable Invalu-able In years' to come. I You, the reader, for showing .enough interest in the high school, to read "Teepe Talk." I'll sign off, by say, "So i long" and "thanks again." THOUGHT FOR THE SUMMER; As the days grow warmer, we'll see more and more automatic cars with the clutch in the front seat. |