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Show YOUll IMPROVE ANY i4rhnw ! RECIPE THAT CALLS FOR cAf? FLOUR WITH "?L & h KITCHEN CRAFT 4i imm FLOUR Ui0P SAFEWAY STORE SEE THE DIFFERENCE RSD MAKES wm. With ordinary svspnilon wheels hop tai braoct violently 4 , rouf b Tom4 m ibowa rj actual otcillofraph record. . .iiiiiyiiiiH'iJiiiiiiiiiiiiiyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii liinililliniliiiHilliilliiilili With RSD Suspension (oa tb mm md) every wheel koux , b tntfaadycontactcV mootW.cvt to aura flutter M tltt 1 cecutcfrafh. Now! The ride ' HJtat's amazing the country f, NOT just other trucks, but tvtn tart no wheel wrench, no punishment for are being put to shame by the truck OR driver. astonishing ride of our Blue Chip GMC This sensational performance already with Road Shock Damper Suspension 1 j, crcating a landslide demand. You'll It smothers every jolt and jounce. It we why when you try the RSD ride, blots up even little sharp vibrations And we want to book you for one right from road joints. You drive at normal way. peed over washboard roads where So come in. We'll give you the details others crawl and there's no slewing, , and arrange for the proof. Drtf in ttdaj, SUM Jar J Oil Suburban j tptitnal mt mtJtraU extra t$st M all tthtr M-ttn mtdill, "VIN MOTO TKAMIfOltTV fl f C Ttmr try m BlmCkip 111 - Set ut, Ut, fir TripU-Cktthi uti truth 1 FAIR DEAL MOTOR COIilPANY 71 West Center Cedar City, Utah f 8EAUIYRESL. 1 I CANDIDATES' irr wtmthevertieoldouWestitchnrwt... I I S - S kJen,ifl, th Bayr mottrew. , . l0fl (0 j LEIGH FUflNITURE'S ' I kfeK " "fiN: new plan to permit you to I fSif rw"4"l"l- sleep on the worlds finest mattress I ' ' After a small deposit of only $1.00 this famous Beau- I Ortfinory matfrat ' y , ri tyrest by Simmons is yours for a "rental" of only 95c a I Colli wired tooethl ""TWif motfrtst week! Never before has it been so EASY to own the I rVtts on, others too' t co" ,n,ivWwoy world's greatest sleeping comfort. Only Beautyrest has 1 Poc"'d, eon't tog. Floating Action Coils 'to give perfect support to every I part of your body. And it's fully guaranteed for 10 years f"" ;'. i .I i.him tmm for your protection! Scientific tests prove that Beauty , ,, ' j rest outwears other matresses 3 to 1 or MORE! i SQ 560,50 t whrt kappfM In m filnmrf mHiiii, stf .SBP.' FUnniTOOE G CARPET CO. rmfhf-miv yM Mrtwrvl, rlxln vtppH to y UHnf ptMam. Ne 9mf. No kllws. w n |