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Show MRS. GLEN (DELLA) GARFIELD1 Iron County Hospital Nurse Leaves For Chicago Confab . Mrs. Glen Garfield, nurse at the Iron County Hospital and president of District No. 5 of the Utah State Nurse Association, left last week end for Chicago and the National Nurses Convention. Convention activities got underway un-derway Monday and will be completed com-pleted Friday evening. Mrs. Garfield Gar-field is one of approximately 10 nurses from throughout the state in attendance at the national conclave. " District Number 5, which Mrs. Garfield represents, is the southern south-ern Utah area. Local nurses sponsored a doll and doll clothes sale at Christmas Christ-mas time to help finance the trip and the Iron County Hospital Board allowed Mrs. Garfield the time to attend the function. The doll was won by Mrs. Gertrude Walker. A similar project sponsored spon-sored Jointly in the section of the state near Price, had a similar simi-lar contest and Mrs. B. Christ-ensen Christ-ensen of Cedar City won the doll from Price. Before leaving for the conven-tion conven-tion Mrs. Garfield expressed her thanks to those who participated in the doll project which assisted as-sisted her on the trip and to the hospital board for allowing her the time to attend. It is felt by the nurses of this area that attendance by a representative rep-resentative of the group would assist them in their respective capacities. New development and techniques are given at the National Na-tional Convention and upon her return Mrs. Garfield will meet with nurses of this area to relate re-late the information. In this way "Nursing practices of the south ern Utah area can, and will keep pace with improvements' throughout through-out the nation and world," Mrs. Garfield said. |