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Show CLASSIFIED 1 WANTED j Store Management Trainees S. H. KRESS CO. has opening! for qualified young men. who arc desirous desir-ous of making a career In the retail merchandise field. Applicant mut be between 18 and 25 years of age. College graduate or qualified high arhool graduates, who poueia the neceuary requirements for ! success will be considered. Unlimited i' opportunity for advancement. II T tatereted writ to Mr. W. I OUklik. t. It. Kress A Company. Sail Lake atf. Utah. J WANTED Service Station Salesman. Experience Exper-ience not essential. Sajary and commission. Apply at Utoco Station, Sta-tion, Main and College Avenue. Adv. M-17. ft MATTRESS RENOVATING Innersprlns rebuilt, cotton mattresses made Into Inner-springs. Inner-springs. See E. L. Strubble. Cedar Mattress Co., 180 N. 900 W. Call 507. Adv. M-17. LOSE UGLY FAT IN TEN DAYS OR MONEY BACK If yon are efwiat. hers la the first really thrUllne; sew o come along la years. A new end onossoni way e art rid of extra pounds easts than a, so too can be as slim and trim as rod want. This now product soiled DIATBO" nub both hunaar and appetite. Ho drug, no diet, no exercise. Absolutely harmless. When yoa take DIATBOM. yoa still ea-foy ea-foy your meals, still eat the food yoa Vfc but yoa simply don't bar tna uran tor extra portion and automatically your weight must com dawn, because, as your own doctor will toll you. whan you oat less, you weigh loss. Excas weight endangers en-dangers your heart, kidneys, to bo matter what you bare tried batoro, got DIATBOM and pros to your sell what It can do. DIATBOM to sold ea this GUAKAJfTEEi Yoa must losa weight with tha first nock-age nock-age you us or th package easts yoa nothing. Just return th bottle your druggtat and get your money bock. DIATBOM DIA-TBOM easts $3.00 and to sold with this trtct money back auarant byi CEDAR CXTT DRUG STORE Cedar City MAIL ORDERS FILLED BE A HYPNOTIST WRITE Dr. Marcus Bloch L-Hy President Central School of Hypnotism World's Greatest Hypnotist 240 Riverton Street ; New York 2, N. Yf 1 12 -aU 0 M.W .I I Treat your skin to its best cleansing in. combination ., .toft water .and judlxurf 1 oap! With toft water there ia no gammy 11 curd or greasy film to coat and mar the I I beaut of your skin. Call for Culligan Service today! ffifT i?Jf. Atkin Plumbing & Heating . 139 North 100 West Phone 93 If you need a good steady Income In-come and can work only half days, sell Avon Cosmetics. Experience Exper-ience unnecessary. Write to Avon Manager, 164 No. 700 East, Provo, Utah. Adv. M-17. NEED A RUBBER STAMP? Do like hundreds of people, who use them in home and business. They say what you want to say, are neat, and save time. For your personal stamp write your message on back of a postcard and mail It to George R. Manning, Man-ning, 356 So. 900 W. Cedar City. Utah or caU 151 -W afternoons. Your stamp will be delivered promptly. Adv. M. 17, 24, 31. e FOR ATHLETES FOOT Use T-4-L for 3 to S dor. Watch the old tainted skin slough off leaving healthy, hardy skin. If not pleased with powerful. In. stout-drying T-4-L. your 40c back at any drug store. Today at Cow. ley Drug. Adv. M-3. 10. 17, 24. Don't Let Carpet Gleaning Floor You Mow you can clean all types of waU-to-wall carpets aulckly and easily with the now Blu Lustra Carpet and Op-holstery Op-holstery Cleaner. This eery fontl foam cleaner Is brushed lata the carpet without sog-flnf sog-flnf or mat tiny, tsarina the pile open and lofty. The .original color (print out Ilk magi as you apply the foam with long bandl brush. (Easy as playing huffloboard). In lustra I ears an rings. Ton con restore spot at traffic lano In Jiffy- Work beautifully ea aphol-try aphol-try too. It' sec no ml col as Vt falloa of line Lustra ouceatrute cleans three t It rays. Roberts Furniture and Appjiance 99 North Mala FAINTING DECORATING Work - neat and attractively done. Prices reasonable. Call Conway Con-way M. Le Baron at Hurricane, phone 2777 collect or Cedar City , 812. Adv. M-17. 24, 31. DR. A. C JOHNSON Vetetlaartcm 82 South 400 East TeL 355 Adv.M-4.tL PIANO LESSONS. Alan Seeg-miller. Seeg-miller. Call 1165. Adv. .M-17. tf. We have something new for dandruff dan-druff that's truly terrific. Get the new Sanidyne. Cedar City Drug. Adv. M-17. f ' lists-. iiinii A new type of uUeray atatasmf for reflh. - dry. sealing, tvhlne or weopUst skin a any part of th body. If you have (lva up la despair thftiktnt no product would relieve th ttrtdna ar heal your Imtsled akin; fat R. It K OIirrhtENT TOO AT. Ka product Is equal to It Your eyunlat has tMs marvctou boaling HAM. Ointment He win oindlv refund your money if you ara not pleased with results. It I nawsst to use, odurteo and sola color, col-or, rnr ynur sain' sake get U. A nt ornTMerr. HSM. LABORATORIES MORE jljiktnMA "S" MORE wMiaM Mono 9pWWJl ' CleWlt ' The Rght, mild Bourbon j -i ' f' J j , 3 of cherished flavor h . I Z. KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON """p"" Cltw'MflRt DISTILLERIES COMPAWT "WHERE PERFECTIOII OF' fBODUCT IS TRADITION" IQUISVIUC KENTUCKY FOR SALE OR TRADE: 1949 Studebaker ton pickup with ptility bed. Call 854 or see Morg Slack. Adv. M-17. 24. 31. FOR SALE. Complete baby crib. ExceWent condition. $15. Westing-house Westing-house electric roaster, used only twice. 2 prs. skis and poles. Very reasonable. Phone 769NR or see at 369 So. 2 W. Basement apt. Adv. M-17. O . WEANER PIGS FOR SALE: See Mrs. David Leigh or David Bent-ley. Bent-ley. Phone 567 or 764-M. Adv. M-17. WE WILL BUT Pelts, hides, wool, scrap Iron and metals. Cedar Hide and Wool Co. Phone 959, residence 335-M. See Jim Montgomery. Adv. J-12. tf. CHOICE FIRT CROP wire bal-ed bal-ed hay at Fillmore and Delta. Le-land Le-land Calllster, DELTA, Utah. Adv. Mar.-29. May 31. pd. FOR SALE OR TRADE: 70C tires. We trade new for old. See Jim or Oliver. Lunt-Heywood Co. Adv. M-l, tf. 0 4 ? BATTERIES, $8.95 to $29.95 One to 10 year guarantee. NyJon Tires $19.60 and up. Hunt Oil Co., North of Cedar City. Adv. M-17. tf. FOR SALE: Automatic Mimeograph Mimeo-graph machine. Reasonably pr-ed, pr-ed, practically new. Cee "Credit Bureau of So. Utah, caJl 1317. Adv. M-17. Advertisement LPplio f roateeBts Fire nt Spars ' 'IjJiiiiless': Sssoolts -SaWstfaigftir!7 ; How can we afford to do this? This has been a stand-in.? stand-in.? offer by the Spears Chiropractic Sanitarium and Hospital, Denver, Colo., for a longr time. Yet, not one refund re-fund has been requested. Why? Because, Spears makes no claims its results will pot justify. sary. Chiropractic in every home for prevention and relief of polio would help wipe out this scourge. This is one of a series of Spears' reports on research findings find-ings and gratifying results in the treatment of polio, multiple sclerosis, cancer, cerebral palsy, arthritis and rheumatism, heart, epilepsy, tuberculosis, muscular dystrophy, myasthenia, asthma, rheumatic fever, headaches and other problem diseases. What l MleeiyelMt? "Polios" means gray; myel, cord; itis, inflammation. Thus, poliomyelitis means inflammation inflamma-tion of the gray anterior columns col-umns of the spinal cord, which are composed of the nerves that mostly control the muscle power of tha body and especially of the arms and legs. It Is an affection of the spinal cord and nerves which often results In paralysis of muscles of the limbs, spine or organs of breathing. wbot Ceases PeRosnyoiMs Like many other problem diseases, dis-eases, several factors which may Jiroperly be termed causes are nvolved. Our research indicates that the most important of these are: 1. Pressure on the spinal cord and nerves, caused by slightly Csnafln. vstnsM ail and a pen free trln t Don er are nelnf (Iven the It elrfeet peseta b the srerld ay SK AM to) n tfosi wHh HaUnelt Sesearee) lmfai vow uojdn way. W svund nan ai all lima arse yours. 0 FOR RENT: 5-room older house. East side, close to school and stores. $55 mo. plus utilities. Available immed. Write "F," Box 1050. Cedar City, Utah. Adv. M-10. 17. 24, pd. FOR SALE 80-Acre Imp. Farm. 5 -room home, machinery, exc. water rights, ideal location to oil highway, dial telephone. Small payment & long-term financing. See J. C McGarry, Beryl, Utah. ' . FOR RENT: Choice furnished basement apt. Large closet and storage space. Hot water and heat provided. Close in. Call 14-W. Adv A-26, tf. ; M OWE Y or Spring I e - s ' WD I r- i . M... " Gat monay irom u to mole horn r pair, tx up your car, buy clothing and othar nid things, pay bills or maat any othar seasonal nd. Choice i of loan plans. Monthly repay. I ment. Prompt friendly senrlca. Saa or phone us TODAY. INTERMOUNTAIN FINANCE & THRIFT CO. C T. Coo ley. Manager Home In Toquervllle with 3 acres of ground with fruit trees. Ideal winter home. Small down payment. Two bedroom home with basement apt. Living room carpet Also nice fireplace. Extra sleeping room in basement In good location. Corner building lot on 700 W. Sewer and street assessments paid Cinder block retaining wall on one side. Oil street both aides. Pronto Pup business for sale. I have buyer for a good Duplex In good condition. See OLIVER LeFEVRE, your Real Estate Dealer. Call 699- J. Adv. M-17. So, la order to extend the Kanafita of sue treatment to thousands of polio victims desperately des-perately seeking- relief t reasonable rea-sonable rates and with assurance their efforts and money will not bo wasted, w make the following i offer in which wo believe most chiropractors will join ust Your money's worth tr your treatment money back. Because polio is such a wasting and crippling disease, it naturally takes longer for optimum results than in most diseases. But after examination the minimum time required under our offer will be given each patient If our rules are observed and if reasonable results have not been obtained in such minimum time, the treat ment cost will be refunded. Thii does not apply to meals and room. I rNeveallee Bafto Tbeo Core Chiropractic is alto extremely effective in preventing polio. One treatment per month during polio season is all that is neces I 1 V V it 17 Dr. Le Scour Glvlflf Hilt series to e tick Meed may kelp teve e life. twitted spinal joints forced out of line by falls, strains or other Occidents. Oc-cidents. The location of the paralysis depends upon what nerves are strangulated. 2. Stasis or congestion in the spinal cord and motor nerves tup-plying tup-plying the affected muscles. Hew Basic end toaoteweMeiy Casta Combine to Irina About Pelle Pressure on or Irritation of a nerve, before or after it leaves the spinal cord, congests and interferes in-terferes with the flow of nerve energy and other life factors through such nerve. This lowers body resistance and brings about paralysis and impoverishment of the muscles and tissues supplied by that nerve. Sspplesteatsry causes which often help bring on polio when body resistance is low, am (1) Exhaustion, (2) getting too hot or too cold, (3) an ae-eumulaUoa ae-eumulaUoa of excess body waste, (4) virus created by body waste, to; over-eating, (6) incompatible food combinations and (7) severe emotional upsets. Aseldoett Oftee a Peart Bicycles damaged by apparently apparent-ly harmleis accidents are taken to the shop for repairs. But, unless un-less there is some obvious injury, the children riding them are allowed al-lowed to fjro without attention. Weeks, months or years later these children become diseased in FOR RENT OR SALE In Paro-wan: Paro-wan: two bedroom home. See Ken Jensen, or call 4011. Adv. M-17, 24, pd. FOR SALE: New duplex, ready rea-dy for occupancy. For Informa-tion Informa-tion call 706-J or Parowan 3172. Adv. M-10 and 17. t FOR SALE: 3 -bedroom home. Wall to wall carpeted living room. Full basement with 2-bed-room apt. Call 367M for Information. Infor-mation. Adv. M-10. tf. CHIROPRACTIC Pains In Back, Hips. legs; Nervousness. Ner-vousness. Tiredness T T THE CAUSE MAT BE NERVE INTERFERENCE CHIROPRACTIC "Nature's Way to Health" Dr.C.F.Bamhill 180 South Main Cedar City Phone 531-W Hours 9 to 5 Evenings by Appointment I I Ornamental Iron Stair Railings. Grills. Barbecue) Equipment WELDING LAWN MOWER SHARPENING Rasmusscn Blacksmith Shop 470 It. 300 W. Cedar City Phone l354'W j body or mind, but the parents have forgotten the bicycle accident acci-dent and injuries which later resulted re-sulted in these ailments. Had they, at the time of the accident, taken their children to a chiropractor chiro-practor and had their spines examined, ex-amined, they might have avoided poiio ana piner custress in later years. Body Meets Self Were It not for the ability of the human body to often repair Its own damage, heiug neflocted as tt usually is after aeddents, it would, be left In a worse condition con-dition than the damaged automobiles auto-mobiles and bicycles which are Immedfstely taken to the repairman. repair-man. This self-repairing- ability of the body ia not only fortunate, but almost miraculous. In many cases, however, the damage resulting re-sulting from, aeddents is such est it cannot be corrected or paired' by nature without some assistance from a doctor schooled in body mechanics, as art chiropractors. chiro-practors. Way I. rati Mere rVeveJeat Is rite Winier 7 The reason is the call of the outdoors with its Inducements for tree-climbinr, bicycle ridint;. wrestling, diving-, lesp frog and other games through which spinal injuries, exhaustion, and over, exposure originate. Its low Incidence In-cidence in winter is the result of the youngsters being cooped up in schools and in their homes most of the time. Why Are Santo People Immune to Pelle? Because some do not sustain the type of Injuries that result in polio: others are strong and healthy enough to resist or overcome over-come spinal injuries and other polio-causing factors to which weaker and less healthy bodies would succumb. When only one child in a large family, school or neighborhood gets polio, more than likely the child had a fall or sustsined some type of Injury which the others did not when a number of children in the same family, school or neighborhood get polio, a check will probably show that they had eaten the same Incompatible foods, engaged in the same exhausting games, I CEDAR REAL ESTATE D. W. Corry i PHONES 550 373 SIX ROOM MODERN BRICK I home. Basement. Large lot. Full price $12,500. Down pry-ment, pry-ment, Terms. a TWO BEDROOM HOME with basement apt Full price $7,500 Down payment $1,500. BaJance payment like rent ATTRACTIVE BRICK HOME South on 300 West. 4 bedrooms. bed-rooms. Basement apt., separate separ-ate entrances. ; LET US SELL THAT HOME i which you have outgrown and ' tell you how to get Into ,1 larger one. a a TWO LARGE WAREHOUSES and modern home. Ideal setup set-up for Implement business, body and fender shop or weld- ing shop. Total price $14,000. Terms' can be arranged. ' a a a I TWO ' NEW BUNGALOWS one 2 bedroom, one 3 bet- ' room. Brand new. ready for '. occupancy soon. Will F. H. A. a a WE HAVE SEVERAL GOOD farms In the Beryl area listed. ' All can he bought on down ; payment and terms. Prices i; range from $3500 to $30,000. a ! VETERANS! DONT LET Your , eligibility for a GI Home Loan expire. You can buy a buD lng lot for part down and balance bal-ance monthly. VA will Jotot , you $10,000 to build it you I own a lot See D. W. Corry for f details. Hll MONf V-SACK UAIAMTIft If SAM S PHOTO 10 A n f. O. Sea Ills. Den. W ill' ss. ' Off. v. ' an - swam In the same chilly watersr. or shared in some other injuriouav or energy-reducing adventure. Of the hundreds of cases of poliov , handled at tha Spears Chiroprae j tie Hospital and the Spears rt- j patient Clinic, about 96 had at some time sustained defiaite spinai Injuries. . ? le There Aay Hee f, p,ij Vfatlsns-r Yes. With proper chiropractic: t measures, most polio vfctinas, re, gardless of the parts affected er-the er-the severity or chronicity of the disease, have a good shaaee far- tTpJltJevnV, l tT-yiarr relief. Thousands of acvU ail badly crippled eases reeever tjtv--der chiroprae tie eareby chJre , praetors everywhere each year. Research at the Spears Htwyital has resulted ia recent Hannmrim. which have been ntremefy sTe-tire sTe-tire ia the relief of polio. Wuvaatf to feJasn1sffis To assume there Is no cure ear-lief for polio is foolish. And it. is tragic when such aasumptioa results in failure to seek better-treatment better-treatment when one fails to bring: desired results In a reasoaabla W yee do eer beve nwansha treated, write at far COLO ' CANCER ACTSebe wow owes raf. fechMl, fatly decestssled. 41-pefO pkateffrapble e-aeae of tnucar eed the herrlfyief Mantra that oftee follow wreof treetusee. ever wrritea. 21 seats a capr. " time. To resign oneself to a life . on crutches, in braces or a wheelchair, wheel-chair, without giving chiropractic? ' a fair trial, is illogical. And it in good judgment to seek chiroprae tic first when possible. Pelle : muscles degenerate so rapidly ' ' that treatment that does not thour , ' , definite improvement almost freoa . the start, even though free, saajr ' prove expensive and regrettsble loo late. v For further infermatian, see your local chiropractor and writ Spears Chirapractie Hospital. Denver, Colov for 72 pages or authentic, documented Proof o results in Mores of different die-ettet die-ettet free. Also send name aC friends you want to get ear literature. lit-erature. Adv. . $1C3,CC3 CHALLENGE tpeen bee deflaltary dbeevered the eeate end siithsd of p-Mntief. p-Mntief. eteetmf and eetreethM Cerebrel Mty and Meosel Uff. eleaey m thaw eutrfy slsts. tlMOf Is offered to snitss at eesi eiiBfave rbft to the world. This tMlnslene Is new la slstple. MeV lllettretsd d oety to apply heat rem so aereats e sflssihisar treat their own healee tt.00 to sMthers aod pretpetttve nvathnra who tea pay free to these who eaanet pay. I vary heate shoald ' vy..tlt by. Order today. It stey sseaa the dlffersssa bdteoea aeefrti aed tayisSjajanj ee a life of tartare tor year baay, - - - - 4 0 |