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Show Parowan City Council Considers Insurance Problems At the regular meeting of the City Council on Monday evening, most of the trime was spent studying stu-dying the insurance load which Parowan City is carrying and trying to i d ways and means to reduce this burden to what the city can carry it. The insurance, insur-ance, including fire and extended, liability, etc. is carried with the Trans-Western Company of San Francisco, and Is the most com' prehensive coverage the city has ever carried, with total prem-Continuod. prem-Continuod. Column One. Page 7 CITY COUNCIL (Continued from Fag Six) lums amounting to over $3,000. An engineer of the insurance company met with .the council and discussed various ways of cutting down on some of the costs without reducing any important im-portant insurance coverage, and after much study it was found the almost one third of the total to-tal insurance premiums paid by the city were for protection of the buildings at the race track, liability insurance at the same place, and insurance on the canyon can-yon pipeline leading to the city H. E. Plant. While it is felt that all the insurance in-surance carried Is essential, It was felt that these three items were the least essential, and if the cut is made it will be on these things. It costs $500 for the pipeline insurance, $404 for fire insurance on race track property prop-erty and $178 in liability at the same place. It was felt that the two items of Insurance at the race track could be dropped or transferred to those who use that property to a certain extent, thus relieving the city of the burden. A final decision on the program was deferred until further study Is made of other Insurance carried car-ried by the city At the same meeting a delegation delega-tion representing the Southern Utah Dairy Co. including Its manager M. B. Bayles, and Ray Morris, Mario Topham and Lester Les-ter Williamson, officers, waited wait-ed on the council to discuss the disposal of waste liquids from the dairy plant. This waste has f un Into the city irrigation ditch which flows down the east side of Main Street For many years residents on the blocks north of the high school where the water runs have complained against |