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Show Local 0 E S Chapter Members Hold Meet i Cedar Chapter 20, Order of Eastern Star, met for Its regular meeting Monday evening, May 1 14, at the Masonic Temple, with Mrs. Clayton Lewis, worthy matron, ma-tron, and Frank Anderson, worthy wor-thy patron, presiding. During the meeting plans were completed to receive the worthy grand matron, worthy grand patron pa-tron and associate grand officers offi-cers on Saturday evening. May 26. A 6:30 dinner in the ballroom of Hotel El Escalante will pre-l ceds the meeting. Reservations should be made with Mrs. C. A. Mason, Jr., not later than May 22. Mrs. WiUlam Matthews was re-reived re-reived into the Order and a hearty welcome was extended to her by the chapter members. At the conclusion of the meeting meet-ing members and guests adjourned ad-journed to the recreation room for delicious' refreshments served by Mrs. Karl Boyne, Mrs. Otto Junge and Mrs. Ray Wilson. |