Show FOR saua AT HALF PUK I lugii grade piano neatly neally new aar apr apply ay iy at f 29 this office FOR SALE z acre on tween ath and ath so 4 x rods pacing 2 streets apply nets stander f ns 15 tr FOR SALE 7 acres good meadow land in heart of the dig big field good terms denmark jensen je t f 29 q FOR SALE acres or of dry land on oil promontory Pio montory purchased from state norman lee lec t 1 FOR RENT 2 looms call at this office o j WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW watch for our bur weekly special OUR FIFTH SPECIAL CIAL ROM VO mor mo 9 saturday burday kows 1723 CL r loc ribbons 6 4 C R I 1 bb ons ribbons ribbons 1 ribbons A ac lerson corsets yua corsets corsets ac EXTRA SPECIAL MEN 1111 1 S tj GLOVES ci nap pairs mens work gloves values gauntlet and short 50 0 pa u rs work gloves mens dress gloves b tk tk 50 N no 0 a exchanges changes no refunds forcash forc for cash ash only NEW ARRIVALS our new spring suits coats coati and dresses for ladies cind and misses are now on display in hiir our cloak dept call and see them we have some of the new styles that are being shown in 1 new york city 41 we have just received our spring shipment of dress trimmings these are the newest patterns shown anywhere our mens spring suits are now on display in the clothing dept we have all the new purple and blue I 1 shades that are very popular this spring when passing look at the displays in our windows hanson ans omil mercantile 8 r coh mail WO le co us jah just across the street brigham utah adjo dependable bendable goods ofte anaf an cf low prices are the features of which our store is famous every prospective purchaser of MeT merchandise chandise is looking for prices but the goods must be cc worth the mone money y if this is not the case low priced goods are not economical we have the highest grade of merchandise at lowest prices princeton clothing 5 V AN 2 D DOYS BOYS we want you to know that our ine of clothing was never so extensive as it is this spring there al were never so many new patterns nor so many good values we are anxious to show you pe the values we are offering it is to i t your best interests to investigate because we know that nu n X tetter better values were over ever offered you and no was ever sold at the prices we ask t CHILDRENS SUITS 1 I to 1111 I 1 g ap f I 1 i v BOYS and YOUNG ME MENS NIS SUITS to 2000 MENS SUITS 1200 to 2750 new dress goods 4 styles and and sa s1 silks alks new the style and variety ideas in N 0 ot our DRESS oxfords GOODS a SILKS ca shoes will suit the most for the fas fastidious tadious buyer whole do not fail to see family them 1 very LOW high glade prices low 11 atoo DOIN IF ONT IF DONT tradell H US TRADE D t W with raj i Us uj lot i of t 5 0 OTH lok lo 10 Z jl Y X IS THE ONE STORE THAT IS absolutely RELIA LE 1 1 FOR RENT modern houses ideal geo W craghead tt tf FOR SALE or TRADE A 2 horsepower gasoline engine alsi sausage mill L I 1 NN y miller city phone 96 9 y ti FOR SALE one acre lot ondi tso BO 2nd and east planted to trees A snap it ii taken before before L C lauret zen tt tf FOR SALE thoroughbred jersey bull calf cak W K ae morrison orrison BI I 1 tle t J johanen Johans cn mo jeweler nas his big watches and jewelry repair shop two doors north of the utahna hotel dr AL A ii brown formerly of bolin coun utah has now located in brigham hain cuy city andaas and has opened an office in tho the eddy drug building in connection with general practice he Is doing eye ear nose and throat work m 7 WANTED TO BUY I 1 A good second hand band saddle CASI CASH GROCERY MEAT CO it FOR 2 acre with 3 year old elberta peach trees phone box 80 x JUNE HANSEN tt tf real 1 I estate af M N S apple or peach orchards an am age any place in box elder county for most alost any price and very easy ter terms s all kinds of farms irrigated irrigate I 1 ol 01 krylow bricea and ana F easy aay terms houses and lots in any part oi of the city see us before you buy box elder realty really coo co FORET FOREST ST next to vates baft A standard high grade practically new at one third original price cash or baym payments ts hansen furniture co at WANTED TO BUY A good second hand saddle cau CASH GROCERY MEAT COMPANY it egg for hatching R 1 I reds 1 for setting of 15 5 a S C NV leghorns Leg horns a setting ot of IP 16 97 essa lf ens laid 1109 1409 eggs la in jan im 1803 iff fab ord drdek oz day old chicks now 18 13 atleed aplena telephone holle 2 y wa 30 so MIA SL SE PETERSEN petersons SC SORI RI reds lest est laying strain in it the state eggs eess or hatching per setting or ler er hundred ed F peterson brigham LOANS ON FARMS GOOD IRRIGATED FRUIT LAN LANDS FOR SALE hunter kennedy first national babir Build lne UTAH rasa |