Show TRAIN LOAD or automobiles again the he record for tile largest trainload of automobiles ever shipped in tho the world has been broken and again the s shipment will move over the lIar harriman riman railroad to the pacific coast the buick automobile company which broke all previous records by shipping fifty full carloads of ati automobiles toulo by a single train irom from its factory at flint mich has now shipped a trainload of fifty five dye cars which passed through denver monday march 4 and will move as rapidly as practicable to destination this makes io 10 carloads of automobiles shipped by a single company to the pacific coast within a i month it affords the best possible evidence of the favorable business arid and financial conditions existing in tho the west both trainloads train loads of machines wc resold when ordered showing that the people of the coast have money and are not backward about spending it of course this is by no means all the automobiles that the coast people have purchased in that period but it shows the largest larg shipment ever mado mada by any acy company within a month to any territory and to that extent shows how favorably conditions in ill the west compare with conditions in any other section of the country the shipment of so large a consignment of any single commodity always attracts wide attention among people in the territory to which the goods are shipp shipped edl as well as among the people along the route the shipment follows thousands thousand of people wore out at various points along the union pacific between denver deliver and ogden to watch the other train pass through in february interest was aroused because it was the largest shipment of the kind ever made and more especially because it was a shipment of automobiles automobile s for ar everybody owners ot of auto automobiles automobile mobil s an and those not yet fortunate enough to bs be in that class are interested iu in automobiles and everything connected with them the value of tile the former shipment was about the value ot of the present shipment is considerably larger it will be accompanied by a ilarra nian man line representative from denver denier to ogden and every attention and care will be taken to transport it speedily speedia 1 y and safely at ogden the train will be broken up and and the shipment will move over 01 or the southern pacific and oregon short line to various dest besth Mat fOns al tile the coast 1 te the train will arrive in borie aarl early tuesday march 5 and will move as rapidly as practicable from hero here to ogden As much ol of the run as possible wl will 11 be made by day ia it order that everybody having a curiosity to see sec the big shipment may have a chance |