Show spencer and free l abrar ies dislike for public i libraries libra was shared to the full by bi herbert spencer W when h e n t the trustees of the british library ot of science naked asked to present tir firs works to the library he be replied a rom time to time I 1 have had vati vaT iotis ofis applications aada to the one you make and have hare in all cases de declined I 1 clapp dla approve rove of f free r ee alb libraries barles altogether the british museum included believing that in the long run they are mischievous rather than beneal cial as we see clearly in ta case of local and municipal free 4 libraries which instead of being places for study have become places tor for reading trashy novels worthless papers and learning the odds I 1 no more approve of tree free libraries than I 1 approve ot of tree free bake bakeries riez |