Show COURT the county fathers have had a protracted session this week the business at hand requiring the attention ot of the commissioners all of 0 monday tuesday and wednesday W E davis appeared and informed the board that J Y rich was assessed twice on 30 head of horses and head of cattle some having been included in assessment of the hillside land cattle co and asked for rebate request denied clerk was instructed to advise john F r tobin that the county expects to collect tax on 1200 head ot of sheep and CO 0 bead of 0 cattle belonging to T F I 1 keogh map of mantua town was presented and approved david holmgren and enoch iversen presented a petition to open up a road 0 on section line between sections 2627 26 27 and 14 15 3 referred to coar pierce tor for investigation E T capener appeared and asked the board to grade the road on south side of see sec 11 12 3 and open the croaa between 11 and 12 12 3 deferred county fruit inspector carl isaacson presented his report for february showing the eis exis taace of san jose scale in the lear bear river valley also other destructive pests request of treasurer iff M J richards for a burrows adding machine and typewriter tor for his office office was urges denied coar adams reported that he and johnr coar pierce had accepted proposition ot of john sommers made at last meeting and authorized a loading trap to be installed accepted J W V betteridge reported road made b by y G grobee r 0 C creeds creels r e e 1 telephone e le p company a n y to in in g good c 0 d uepa ss i b 1 e condition n d etione concep accepted t e d and claim of 50 alloi allowed ed surveyor holdaway fol daway submitted plans for a bridge across canal west of riverside ver side referred to road coar who was also instructed to confer with bear river canal co relative to a bridge north of garland tax on oil improvements on pred W petersons Peter sens property was declared erroneous rone ous as he did not receive his aio notice of valuation and he has no improvements in prove ments state road commission corn mission advised that they have set aside tor for state road purposes in box elder county and ask the commissioners to set aside an equal amount deferred petition for rufus lamb asking board to have 0 S L R R co put in crossing between sec ec 9 16 13 3 referred to coar pierce road coar was instructed to open road immediately through ag 13 9 3 either on old road closed by christian larsen or on oil proposed new road road coar also instructed to collect transient poll tax claim of lizzie Y Ile heywood Hey for damage tax was denied considerable discussion was indulged in over the notice of election for road bonding purposes |