Show LAURA POULSON HEADER while the religion beai J coard board just barely cleared expenses on all the venture tho the rending reading ol of madeline madame butterfly by miss laura poulson of 0 the university of af utah in the Ta tabernacle bernale last saturday evening was a literary feast the board had previously passed out a great many complimentary tickets so that a fairly good audience was present but it did not represent very big door receipts and as state staled the promoters barely came out jut even I 1 ilass amiss poulson I 1 has a very attractive P personality splendid oica decided histrionic ability bit A A y and the result was a thorough J entertaining ent evening the story ot of madane madame Butt butterby erAy is fj b n aie full of heart interest and is so well known that further comment is unnecessary As told by miss P poulson it appealed with greater force to the sensibilities and made an impression that will long loag linger in the minds ot of those who listened miss gertha bertha rosenbaum rendo rende ed a solo at the close of tile the reading which concluded the exercises |