Show constipation causes headache nausea dizziness Tan heart palpitation drastic physics gripe sicken clien si weaken 1 the bowns and dont cure cur doana a Regu lets ae act t gently arid and ct cure ire constipation ask your druggist if it needs moving WE CAN CERTAINLY MOVE IT AND OUR CHARGES WILL BE reasonable LESTER L HANSEN PHONE K uban I 1 wo s cough remedy cures grids crout aw tul cough Co uli 4 60 N DEARS EARS experience gar TRADE MARKS MARH si DESIGNS Copy copyrights niGHTs ac aono a ell diacri tion ina y our ainoo aucter huc ber ter nr inn ta ll bl co anna at patin JUL a eltta 0 o a lorn for lai I 1 tikon gatley culip fc co notice wit boat cli arve furbo u the 5 CIO 1440 iwick A TArm TAri rut ctr C iff if ay borms torms ti lis year ear ibur 41 sold buwi ro a ca cady CIS as F r et bt Wa Allington nc IL LEGAL COLUMN no I 1 REPORT of the con condition of THE FIRST NATIONAL DANK BANK at brigham city sn in the state of 0 utah at the close of business february 20 1912 RESOURCES loans and discounts overdrafts secured and unsecured U S bonds to secure circulation cu lation 00 donds bonds securities etc banking house furniture and fixtures due from national danks banks not reserve agents due from state and private banks and bankers Dankers trust companies and savings banks due from approved reserve agents checks and other cash items fractional paper currency nickels and cents clash cash in ba bank redemption fund with U S treasurer ap ot of circulation due from U S treasurer f total liabilities capital stock paid in surplus fund 1 undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid catl bank notes ing due to state and private banks arid and bankers dividends unpaid 1600 individual dep deposits subject to check demand cert of deposit time cert of deposit certified checks total state of utah county of box elder ss 1 I john D peters cashier of oe the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above state statement ment is true to the best ot of my knowledge and belief JOHN D PETERS cashier correct attest P al HANSEN PHILIP QUAYLE OLEEN N STOHL directors directors subscribed and sworn to before me this day of feb 1912 scafa seal N Macdou ald it 11 notary public IN THE DISTRICT COURT ot OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OP OF THE STATE OP OF UTAH IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOX ELDER in the matter of the estate ot of bodel marie hansen deceased NOTICE OF 0 SALE OF REAL E STATE ESTATE under authority of an order granted by the district court of the first judicial district of the state of utah in and for the county of box elder dated march llarch 2nd and 1912 1911 0 1 I the under signed administratrix will sell at vate sale the following described property situate in brigham ant city box elder county utah to wit lot two 2 2 block eighteen 18 plat C city survey situate in section 13 tp 9 north range 2 west containing ivi acres the sale will be made on or after march 16 1912 and bids will ile be received ce ived at the ollice office of wm J lowe at attorney torn ey at law court house brigham city utah the terms of sale are cash gold coin of the united states dated march 2nd and 1912 SINE POLSON administratrix william J lowe ma 14 attorney for administratrix in the district cobit of the first judicial district of the state of utah in and for the county of dox box elder in fit the matter ot the estate of annie C johnson deceased NOTICE 0 OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE under authority of an order granted by the district court of the first judicial district of the state of utah in and for the county of box elder dated march and 2nd 1912 1 I the undersign ed administrator will sill sell at private sale the following described property situate in brigham dox box elder county utah to wit lot three 3 block sixty one 61 plat C brigham Brig hain city survey situate in section 12 tp 9 north range 2 west S L lil eaily cal 4 acres the abe sale will be made on or after march 1912 and bids will be received at the residence of the under signed administrator at brigham city utah terms pt sale are cashi caslib gold coin of the united states NELS N MADSON administrator dated march aad 2nd 1912 william J loa lowe a attorney tor for administrator ma 16 1 in i IN R M af u u w evv ay va chuu U U ij pesia T 54 A MID D ALUM AND WA TROUBLES secta oil Z of ma va ivey S in the district court of the first judicial men lal district of the state of utah in and for dox box elder county ogden state dank bank of 0 ogden a corporation po ration plaintiff vs W E robinson floyd holley D S wyatt and W C wyatt partners as wyatt and wyatt defendants SUMMONS the state or of utah to the said defendants i you are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after the service of tills this summons upon you it if served within the county in which this action is brought otherwise within thirty days after service and defend the above entitled action and in case of your failure so to do judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint which has been filed with the clerk of 0 said court this action Is brought to recover a judgment upon a promissory note dated sept 1309 1909 and due on or baa fore one year after date executed by the defendants W E robinson and floyd holley payable to the defendants wyatt wyatt and indorsed endorsed indor sed by said payees hayees to plaintiff for a balance on said note of with inhere interest st at 8 per cent from june 1911 JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNON plaintiffs P 0 address first catl hank dank did bid ogden utah m 7 a 4 in in the district court of the united states for the district of utah in the matter of george shuman bankrupt no 1273 1279 in bankruptcy petition for discharge to the honorable john A marshall judge of the district court of the united states for the district of utah george shuman of garland in the county of dox box elder arid and state of utah in said district respectfully represents that on the 13 day of january last past lie he was duly adjudged bankrupt under the acts of congress relating to bankruptcy that lie ho has duly surrendered all his property and rights of property and has fully complied with all the requirements of said acts and of the orders of tact court tou touching chini ills his bankruptcy I 1 wherefore lie he prays that he be may be decreed by the court to have a full discharge from all debts provable a his estate u under said bankrupt acts except such debts as are excepted 0 by law from such discharge cited this ad day of march A D 1912 GEO SHUMAN bankrupt order 0 of notice thereon reon district of f ah 1 31 on this ad day of march A D 1912 on bead leading ang the foregoing petition it is ordered by the court that a hearing be had bad upon the same on the 23 25 day of marh march A D 1912 before said court at salt lake city in said district at ten in tile the forenoon and that notice thereof be published in the box elder news a newspaper printed in said district and that all known creditors and other persons in interest may appear at the said time ti mo and place and show cause it if any they have why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted i and it is further ordered by tle the court court that the clerk shall send by mail to all known ci editors creditors copies of said petition and this order addressed to them at their places of residence as stated witness the honorable honorable john A marshall judge of the said district court and the seal deal thereof at salt lake cit city Y in said district on the 2 day of march A D 19 1912 12 attest 41 JERROLD R LETCHER seal of court coart clerk NOTICE TO WATER USERS state engineers office sat salt lake city utah march 1 1912 notice is hereby given that samuel J ross whose post office adar address eis is moulton idalio idaho has made aepli application ca in accordance with the re requirements ire of the compiled laws of utah 1907 as amended by the session laws of utah 1909 and 1911 to appropriate one fourth M of a cubic foot of water per second from ross rosa creele creek box I 1 elder county utah said water will be diverted at a point which lies 1620 feet tact north of the southwest corner of section 34 township 15 north range 17 west salt lake base and meridian from where it will be conveyed by means of a ditch tor for a distance 0 of f 2 feet and there used during the period from fr 0 m may I 1 to september 15 inclusive of each year to irrigate 20 acres of land embraced in section 31 township 15 north range 17 west salt lake base and meridian this application Is designed in the state engineers mee as no all protests against the granting of EDWARD B KIRKI KIRK MORTGAGE LOANS LOA OGDEN UTAH said application stating the reamas must be made by kiy fit fa duplicate and filed in this office within thirty 30 days after the completion of the publication of this notice CALEB TANNER state engineer date of first publication march 7 1912 date of completion of publication april 6 1912 m aa ll 11 NOTICE TO WATER USERS state engineers unico office salt lake city utah notice is hereby given that albert january 31 1312 1912 E hartsough whose P 0 address Is naf idaho has made application appl cation in accordance with the requirements ot or the compiled laws ot utah 1907 as aa amended by the session laws ot of utah 1909 and 1911 to appropriate one 1 cubic foot per second of water from water canyon springs box el der county utah said water will be diverted at a point which lies feet cast and feet south of tile the northwest cozmer corner of section 33 35 township 15 north range 13 west salt lake base and meridian from where it will be conveyed by means of a ditch tor for a diz distance tance of 0 SOO LOD feet and there used during tile the period from ap ril I 1 to september 30 1 pi ol 01 each year to irrigate 40 acres ol of land embraced in section 35 township 1 I north range 13 west salt lake baso base and meridian As much of 0 said water as m may ay be necessary will ivill be used during the entire year for domestic purposes this application is designated in the state Engin engineers cers OMCO office as no all pro protests against the granting ot of said application stating the reasons ther etor must be made by affidavit in duplicate and filed in this office within thirty 30 days after the completion of the public publication allon of this altice CALEB TANNER state engineer date of first publication february 8 1912 1911 1 1 date of completion ot of publication march 9 1912 f 8 m 14 NOTICE TO WATER USERS state engineers office salt lake city utah february 1 1912 notice is hereby given that denjamin benjamin willmore Will moro whose post office address is naf idaho has made application in accordance with the requirements of it the compiled laws of utah 1907 as amended hy by the session laws ot oe utah 1909 to appropriate one and one halt half 11 ia 1 4 cubic feet of water per second from clear creek and rice canyon creek dox box elder county utah three fourths foai of a cubic foot of water per see second ond will be diverted from clear deek creek it at a point afee 1155 f fand t feet west of 0 the northeast corner ot of section 36 township 15 north range 13 west salt lake based base and meridian the balance of said water will be diverted from rice canyon creek at a point which lies 1650 feet east cast of 0 the Por northwest thweat corner of section 6 township 14 north range 12 west salt lake base and meridian the water will be diverted from clear creek cree lk and rico rice canyon creek at the points above described and conveyed by means of two ditches 51 feet and feet in length respectively where it will be used during the period from may alay i 1 to april 30 10 inclusive of each year to irrigate acres of land embraced in section 26 township 16 south range 27 east boise meridian this application is s designated in the state engineers gi office as no f all protests against the granting of 0 said application stating the reasons must be made by affidavit in duplicate and filed in this office within thirty 30 days after tho completion of the publication of 0 this notice CALEB TANNER Ak st state ate engineer date of first publication F february e 8 1912 date OL of E completion of publication march 9 1 1912 I 1 S m 14 PROBATE AND guardianship chip NOTICES consult county clerk or the respect tivo tive sign signara a for further information NO NOTICE TO CREDIT CREDITORS RS estate of charles li wood deceased creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned undersigner under signed at her residence in huntsville utah or to wm win E davis attorney at his office in dribb brigham am city utah on oil or before the alth day of june A D 1912 MABEL WOOD administratrix with the will annexed of the estate oi of charles L wood deceased wm win E davis attorney for administratrix tra trix date of first publication february A D 1912 fi f I 14 4 in 1 U 4 notice to creditors estate of naomi whitaker wh deceased creditors will present claims with vo vouchers J to the undersigner undersigned under signed at his residence in brigham city utah on or before the ath day of july A D 1912 JOSEPH JOSEPHSON administrator of the estate estat e of naomi deceased W E r davis attorney tor for administrator 9 date of fi first public publication atlo n march 7 A D 1912 m 7 a 4 l |