Show SPECIAL ON raj 1 HA am SH orr 5 AND VIAM yours tor for business edw ah L hansen hansel corner south and main streets GLE EYE ye wl good doc 4 44 J ot thang bu bai tho ees THE MORAL SA SAVE VE WH VY Y 1 SEND your savings awag for deposit when a safe bank like the F FIRST IRS T NATIONAL BANK of brigham cit ci tg V pa pays gs four and five per cent on savings and time deposits because of the conservative policy of this hank bank it is now a roll of honor hank bank it or bells pine tor tar honey 17 for end golah 6 4 I 1 HE WILL GIVE YOU THE rhe BEST JOS it PLUMBING E C fe A 2 alai car r L U M S E R SOUTH MAIN STREET BRIGHAM CITY UTAH ss 35 COLLECTED INJURIES FOR PERSONAL I 1 we collected the above surn sum tor for clients named below the by each name show how much eich each ona one received N I 1 mrs mary biary ann frew wido syracuse utah 3 35 mrs ch 1110 te cow ell cm widow provo william cole Cold carpenter folsom N M 2200 mrs IV n R clason widow Sterl sterling ilig 1 ar coo colo 2000 frederick arst la ia L giado oregon 1500 fialk arima administrator estate of ki taut japan werner holm s i miner eureka utah gus gustafson ft eureka utah dominick dominich terro utah sirs mrs nellie moore salt lake gus Ka kangas tigas miner park city felix feix farrer miner park city if y you al your friends or relatives get hurt or killed see us wo we collect the DAMAGES MERCHANTS protective C scientific collectors of oc honest debts 12 rooms continental block 25 2 east bast 2nd and south st some ome people dont like Us francis G luke benl benl enl alar mgr I 1 salt lake city utah |