Show AN EXCLUSIVE POOR FARM no one can be admitted or assisted except those W who ho once paid taxes use i providence I 1 K I 1 enjoys the use ol of the most valuable poor farm ownell owned by any municipality in the world allbe cause ebenezer knight dexter in 1824 made a bequest leaving a ble big st stone one strewn meadow and several parcels ol of land tor for that purpose today the property Is valued at no less than and Is in the center of 0 one of the most fashionable residence districts of providence but while blits this Is a poor farm it Is a very exclusive one to say the least dy by the terms or of a very rigid and iron clad will none can be admitted or assisted assisted except those who once owned and paid taxes real estate in providence or whose father or il mother lother was EL a real estate taip taxpayer in that city no other rhode islanders and no person from tsy other part of the united states or from any foreign country may knock at the portal to obtain ari ad nit mt tance and secure shelter aru acci food the dexter asylum Is more jhao self Support supporting supporter ir with a limited attendance so to speak it Is said 11 that hat the interest on oil ini investment estment or income Is enough to furnish every inmane inmate a trip to europe each Ns ft inter with bac ac co at the best cumia r hotels in the summer during the hard times in fit providence when ther ewas aas a great need of bl work for poor pe people le an old clause in the dexter hlll I 1 iro viding tor for a stone stolle wall built around the place was taken advantage botand many poor people were given work national magazine |