Show WARNING bilchi Bil bilglio ghi ii utah march ath 1912 I 1 take this means of warning th a fruit growe s of 0 DOS box elder county that your orchards are ai in danger of being ruined by the much dreaded san jose scale and other scale 1 insects I of the same kind ind which are now found in nearly all parts of this county therefore I 1 ask that all fruit growers cooperate with me ino in preventing the spread of 0 this pernicious pest and to this end if you see anything on bour 1 our trees that you do not understand send we me a sample for identification I 1 recommend that all gise ghe their trees a thorough w winter inter spraying with lime and sulphur if you use the commercial use it one to eight 1 to 8 before leaves appear but where scale is known to exist this becomes compulsory and if you do not do it you may expect to have it done tor for you youat at a whorl when it may do hirm harm to your trees and crop and it will certainly cost you more than it if you spray when you should chapter 4 session laws of utah approved march 24 1909 provides pilo vides that it shall be a misdemeanor to offer for sale or dispose of or have in his possession for sale or barter any fruit which is or has been infected with san jose scale or other scale ans insects acts or larva of the codling moth it becomes the duty of the horticultural inspector to destroy any and all such euch fruit when offered for sale I 1 therefore give w warning to allcon corned that so tar far a aln in my power lies I 1 shall see that this law Is enforced in box elder county andani person alo violating this law will hereafter no not tonly only I 1 I 1 I 1 have ills fruit destroyed but will bo be prosecuted to the full extent of the law it Is my bezief that this law was made for the best interests of all al the people and it if not it is your privilege logo to work for its repeal but so long as it is on the statutes obey it and thereby advance the interests of yourself and the community in which you live 1 I am yours to com command mind CARL ISAACSON ma 7 21 t horticultural inspector |