Show 40 3 in gold HIDDEN AWAY IN TEETH EVERY YEAR DONT ASSIST IN CAUSING A MONEY PANIC PRESERVE YOUR TETH GET A TOOTH BRUSH SOME antiseptic MOUTH WASH AND A GOOD TOOTH PASTE OR POWDER CLEAN YOUR TEETH thoroughly NIGHT AND MORNING AND GIVE YOUR MOUTH A RATH BATH WE WILL DO OUR PART YOU DO YOURS FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS WE WILL SELL ANY ONE OF OUR ELEGANT TOOTH BRUSHES FOR TOOTH BRUSHES FOR AND TOOTH BRUSHES FOR WE WC WANT YOU TO PRESERVE YOUR TEETH AND IT WILL BE WORTH YOUR TIME TO NOTICE THE FOLLOWING clet CtEt prices for the ten days BEGINNING THURSDAY MARCH ath Col colgate gates s dental cream cut to doleys kidney cure cut to sic ingrams In Ing granis Tams zodenta cut to th feleys kidney pills cut to I 1 Bu tooth paste cut to lac doleys family pills cut to loc tooth powder cut feleys paco faco cream cut to rexall tooth powder doleys honey and tar cut to A U D S princess tooth paste sal II Il epatica cut to cut to sal Il hepatica epatica cut to A U D S antiseptic liquid cut collates Col gates tale talc cut to prices dentifrice cut to lac sloans liniment cut cut to amblers liniment cut to cut to THE HE EDDY DRUG THE REXALL STORE STORE L scientific PRICE CUTTERS OUR BIG burg n I 1 M S a I 1 begins sat saturday aday morning lorning IV 1 00 pairs to L D S garments spring weight to felt hats one lot mens best Work Shirts one lot dress shirts one lot to negligee stints m one lot silk waists il 1 one lot fancy white waists one lot to Mens Spring one lot ladles ladies muslin underwear at half price one lot gac dress goods goodse 4 I 1 I 1 one lot ribbons HUNDREDS OTHER seasonable ARTICLES AT EQUALLY LOW PRICES out of pairs of shoes and slippers we ave have 75 pairs left naich W we haie decided to close out t from to we still liae haie plenty best 3 yards for best outings 3 yards for and best calicoes Cali coes ac call early and get first chance 1 THIS SALE WILL BE BEA A HUMMER AND A MONEY SAVER DONT FORGET IT we still lead in bargains 0 H HOLST 00 L S T SON a la N remember the place halt block south of 0 tabernacle J comingo Comi ngn the AM U roll I 1 be sure to save the date of march 16 1912 presented by box ox elder high agh school aw what is that we enjoy having but hurry to get rid of our appetites of course THE HOME ajo of f quality Groceries jj J THERES no ao better place we would advise TO buy your meats than here that people want the best there is TO us is very clear WE all must have our meat you know cant get along without it WE all must eat while heie heia below EAT the best wafie while youre about it A 40 CASH GROCERY V MEAT CO cheap sale at r ou w ns shoes reduced to ac sl per pair OOK FOR THEM IN THE RF REVOLVING WINDOW shoes repaired while you yon wait LL RUBBERS AND OVERSHOES s AT co sr P R I 1 de eji I 1 ia A M monet 10 n e savers Saver sir 0 dont put your savings into enterprises you know nothing aboa about choose the the low rate and absolu absolute te security rather than the high rate and a big risk keep your savings where you may convert them them int cash should the necessity arise A sa savings vinit account at this bank will afford you absolute security keep your funds fund always salway s available and assure you or of a fair return without depreciation i of your principal STATE BANK OF BRIGHAM BRIGNA nil CITY BRIGHAM CITY UTAH capital sur surplus p lus resources david eccles president R L jr vice president W T davis cashier george A anderson Ahde raon abst cashier fil 1 bargains bargains WE E WANT to call the attention of the public to the fact that our mr oleen N stohl has spent several weeks in the eastern markets and factories buy ing goods and never in the history of the firm have we been able to buy at such low prices we have already had one carload come in and will receive several more cars by april now is your chance to furnish B IW your homes you will get J the advantage of not only y the low eastern prices but also the carload freight rate which will enable you to buy cheaper than you have ever bought see our lines inspect our goods and fit out your homes at r furn 9 co the reliable furniture house N STOIL brigham city utah r a MIR X |