Show to it by joseph smith twenty nine years previous lus was faithfully fulfilled the prediction that the saints would go to the rocky hocky mountains and become mighty was also cited and many others A seer is one ona who se s into the future and cis discerns cerns wha is going to I 1 up er en aiana ii stances were n S D V to jbv v a remarkable extent this gift was vas possessed by joseph smith and ahi abi young who succeeded him as tile the leader of the church the speaker especially mentioned the first visit of the prophet joseph with his newel K whitney mr writney y was ivas in business with another man ti and one day clay a sleigh fleig 4 drove iuppo up to the c urb curb in front of tile the store a young man sprang out entered the store walked up to mr air whitney and reaching out his hand said newel IZ whitney thou ait ail the man it was the prophet joseph and I 1 he ie then explained that it had been shown to him that mr whitney was praying n g for light from heaven and for some ane one to bring it to him so faithfully were the features of newel shown to joseph that ho he knew him the moment he be saw him with his natural eyes A revelator is one who reveals and tile the book of mormon is the greatest witness of tile the power which joseph possessed in this direction but that is not all that he did for his mind was continuous lly ily illuminated by the spirit of god and he received revelations in in abundance both for his own comfort and instruction as well as for the instruction st and blessing of the chu church h elder whitney pointed out how the ruen men early associated with joseph in some or of tile the wonderful manifestations manifestation manifest atio 11 s arich he witnessed and experienced bullied away and forsook him i but the was true said t he latter lay day saints do not halt half appreciate joseph e ph tre prophet who indeed was a rare spirit silla if sent into the world tor for a mighty purpose I 1 in commenting upon the claim that I 1 some people e make that if it was possible for joseph to go out into tile boods and through prayer receive a visitation of the lather father and son wily why ir I 1 it not possible for others to do the same thin thing today elder whitney pointed out the fact that it W was a s necessary for joseph to receive absolute knowledge of tile fie existence of god cod to make his testimony unassailable just is as it was wa necessary for the twelve to see jesus after aft er ills his resurrection and thomas who was absent when christ chris t appeared to tile the others ethers was visited specially by the E f adlor who invited I alomas amas to handle him and see aee it he was not the sanie haftle jesus who had been crucified ana after thomas had satisfied himself ard and obtained actual knowledge ita id bent out and suffered death tor for ills his testimony so it ft was with joseph in I 1 today men are asked ti 0 live by faith in order that they might be reft aed through it its influence rind hid rawer bid api i ade ready for that corbala cert alii it ru ledge explaining the term idolatry apostle whitney stated it meant th the worshiping of the gilt gift instead or of the giver and he illustrated how generalli generally that sin prevails today y the testimony 0 apostle whitney as to the divine calling of 0 joseph smith was one of the most sublime and glorious records ever borne by any speaker in any of the conferences ot of this stake ile he occupied the entire time over over one and a halt half hours and became so filled with ills subject that ile he stated he could go on for hours president stohl offered a few je re mark and tho choir sang saag the anthem in r gloria after which the benedic benediction tio a was pronounced by bishop I 1 11 C john johl 1 son soil ol 01 mantua IS if I 1 the sunday evening meeting w was as conducted under the direction of the I 1 mutual boards the music for tie the occasion was furnished by the high iljin s school chool chorus of voices assi assisted sied by y brooks orchestra under tinder the dir direction of miss emily orcutt and tle th e sin singing ing was splendid fir on account of oc having haling to batcha catch f a train for home at 8 apostle whit ney was given the time after the oll opening eni ng exercises and he hb occupied nearly an hour in discoursing upon the power and beauty of music poetry science and philosophy gave some humorous illustrations of the effect ol of not selecting hymns suitable to the bocc occasion I 1 and he urged all choir leaders leade rs to be very careful in that respect and aed become so familiar with the hymns that they are able to select in ancin stant the right hymn for the right occasion stated that while all the gifts god vouchsafes to man are to be desired and sought after the gift ot of ille the gospel of jesus christ oer shadows anem all and is uie idle most precious thing in life miss delta cole told a story and nd the meeting cattle came to a close it was the largest attended meeting that ibid had ever assembled in ill the tabernacle for or an evening session and the order maintained was a big improved im improvement proven bent over the last ot occasion casion when a sunday guiday evening meeting was held in cheit theuay lb rn acl c |