Show UTAH MENT LEAGUE the following toU owIng report sent to this office by secretary joseph B E caine shows what the utah development llague league Is doing for tho the state of utah the reports covers the oile operations rations of tile the development league for february aary direct inquiries answered on lands business opportunities 13 manufacturing 8 city real estate 2 J 7 C miscellaneous 1 log to total tal requests to furnish egl i i inquiries referred refer reil I 1 to land companies real estate firms I 1 13 15 commercial clubs 1371 miscellaneous 77 y 1 total 1 L ayo i personal and telephone bone cals calls tor for anfor i ii laa 50 sources sou rees of inquiries where known n 1 folders 15 i letters i replies to previous letters 39 55 dictated 1 I 1 from letters used to answer miscellaneous cel laneous correspondence I 1 I 1 total 1 l follow up cards for filing letters distributed to inquiries 1110 1100 in large quantities i AS 1837 37 i to mail list 1000 total automobile maps distributed 20 mimeograph aad pages run off |