Show PUT ON MOURNERS BENCH BENC little dorothy explains explain break in de da notional vot ional exercises for her family of dolls doll little dorothy Is the daughter of 0 a mint minister ster she has hag a family ot or fifteen dolls one or of them being a parson dorothy Is devoted to her treasures resi for a long time she held religious service for them but suddenly the servi services cog were discontinued only to be as unexpectedly resumed wily why did ou stop he fie services dorothy she was asked oh the dolls decided not to have bare them auy any more but why were rethey ve they started again therill The voted that way that I 1 ls Is 1 dorothy hesitated but she added regretfully all except the clown and ad the teddy bear they vere regarded as incorrigible by the ministers small daughter next neit day at the services the were created immediately in trout of the ha loll doll preacher the oti other ef dolls occupying less prominent places why are the clovin and the ted dy bear car sitting billing lu fur far fo olward iward li inquired dorothys faill fallier fr oh vess the celily benl v r thou glit they the at to hear the sermon germon I 1 X v ass i DODGE at the opera house tonight in faust |