Show OLD FOLKS SOCIAL ilone mar liar Ilone honeyville was the scene of a very pleasant affair friday march 1st ast the oc cassion being our old folks social outside the day was very bleak and gloomy steady rain pouring down all day but not so with the merry makers v ulio ho had gathered together to make the day one of the brightest events ants in the history of honeyville everything every thing diat that could Ja bedone edone by way of previous arrangement t was done to add to the pleasure pleasure and comfort of the expected guests tile the hall had bee been 91 beautel buhy and 11 t fife L e balul an d pink which mere a ere also the colors to of the badges to be worn by the guests of lionor honor long tables heavily laden with all the bount bounties les of life were mere spread on each side of the hall which added greatly to its appearance guests began to arrive at 1030 and were received and made welcome by a special committee who also presented them a badge according cording ti to their age those over 50 years receiving a pink badge those of GO CO years tears a blue and 7 ac a mii amile the honored guests those these who had so valiantly vail antly passed the mi milestone mileston leston e ot of 7 cais nl mering alering five from our on OMI ward and three from the adjoining wards were led to a seat at the front then came those over 60 and next those of 50 while bile tile the remainder of the hall was aas filled with married folks who were trying to make everything pleasant for the old folks at 1130 an all appropriate and interesting program was rendered followed by the bounteous repast places having baning been laid for more than persons after partaking of the elegant din ile cpr npr the ilie vu co sis rc ass asar bled ii ohp body of the hall and spent the remainder of the afternoon renewing acquaintances quain and enjoying each others society the five honored guests were each presented an appropriate present as a token of respect supper was served by the committee to all who ullo desired to remain and the evening evenin was in dancing dancin in which young and old alike engaged in to the enjoyment or of all when finally the day closed each guest went away rejoicing for it had been indeed the time of 0 their lives let us have one again one very interested |