Show JOURNEY OF IWO RE editor news it t is rot cot for want of appreciation that I 1 at we wound our friends and associates but because we too frequently expect thern them to accept our silence as express expressive iv ot of our feelings this is especially one of my weaknesses and pot lot satisfied to any longer enjoy your kindness and courtesy in silence I 1 express to you and through you to your fiends wid aad ours our deep sense of a appreciation P pre clation and gratitude for the innumerable acts ot of confidence and kindness and love which have been directed toward us for many years past and in the immediate present and which we feel are projected toward us still in the romantic and antique land of 0 scenery switzerland dear to the I 1 heart of many tourists and the pride of 0 every frenchman i you yom who know us so well know on only too well the anxiety of our departure and the apprehension which would ino not t down gy BY reason reason oi of sister iila ellas s va len gentines tines illness illness with heavy hearts and choking throats tin thi oats we bade farewell amidst the faling failing flakes of silver snow the like of which I 1 think switzerland zerl and cannot equal defore before we reached boundary line the gloom was dispelled and it has never settled down about and within us since and we do not propose that it shall wo we have grown stronger each day since our journey began this need brid bring no alarm in my case arid and will be good news in the case of oe E ella ila our journey was punctuated with the regular marks of punctuation as follows ol lows corns coma at omaha period at chicago exclamation exclamation polut point at buffa lo 10 0 because mccaus we were not permitted to see niagara Ii agara falls at montreal a dash sudden break in our journey no conn connection action and in order to symbolize the dash more inore completely we took one robed in the furs of a canadian canadia a c utter cutter with the snow fairy fairly shrieking under tinder hoof hoof abst john I 1 must realy really begin a new paragraph and also a new sheet because the break was too long to indi indicate caie othe otherwise 30 hours of that unpleasant dingy feeling which every seaport presents more or less st john has more r st john to halifax followed fol owed by a colon be because cause formally introducing 1 sea ea voyage billiou stress and sea seasick sick ness two days later dec 25 old santa alius claus not willing that our company should b e forgotten pre presented sen us vilh with a very e ry rare r alewin thing g indeed an all iceberg in mid ocean in midwinter I 1 v soll followed owed by double exclamation tio a point liverpool dec 31 1 1911 followed by the apostrophes possessive case A dense tog fog preventing our landing for 10 hours at leeds we were unable to express ourselves in the regular rhetorical marks so we resorted to astronomical signs viz A dark moon indicating a total eclipse of the sun tor for 5 days the length of our stay at london we had a very delightful time and visited many things of world renown two things which were very pleasant to us wore were to hear the work of fellow townsmen jesse IV hoopis and jos P hanson hansen spoken of iti in nd no uncertain way by the saints of london londa not that we doubted the nature 11 nor questioned the activity of the I 1 men but because bc cause we take just pride 1 1 in I 1 ie hearing tt a ring oth other er people recognize and speak of our worth and works the which was full ot of interest was the mass of humanity human ity and the volume of business far more interesting teresT te lAig and possibly more far fai reach tog hig titan san lier her antiquities and museum s TI t at present the present the latten the past the lormer the living W fitness tile latter the dead test testimony london withal great arid and perhaps ha P S greatest of all cities pat paris is is bea beautiful ifal but not groat great the most beautiful be dutiful city impressed me with its r T numerous trees let us ake warning if we would have a beautiful city to 0 increase out our verdure and our foliage arid embellish our open bare places we ve did not expect when we ive commenced to write for publication but keleel so kindly toward so many that oui our expressions haie hai e become wil al general and if you desire to give ap to it in fit your paper which greets isiach wee k lle like the picture in the hall hall of fame of which benjamin fr franklin said now I 1 know it is a rising sun you have our consent wo we fad found un two copies ot or it awaiting us upon our arrival here and hope it will never slip a cog and ELLA |