Show F FREE R EE IF IT FAILS your money back it if you are not satisfied with the th medicine Me dicirio we recommend wo we are arc so positive that our remedy will permanently relieve constipation no matter how chronic it may be that we offer to furnish the medicine at our expense should it fall to produce aatos factory results it Is worse than useless to attempt to cure constipation with cathartic drugs laxative or cat cathartics hartles flo do much harm they cause a rehe reaction tion irritate and weaken waken alt bowels and tend to make constipation more chronic be sides their use becomes a habit that Is dangerous constipation la 19 caused by a weakness of the nerves and muscles ot of the large I 1 intestine or descending colon to expect permanent relief relict you must there tore fore ton up and strengthen these organs go ris and restore them to healthier ac I 1 we want you to try rexall reinh orderlies on our recommendation they are arc em cs cre pie pleasant amant to take being caton catan allm candy and are ideal tor for children dellea delicate te persons and old folks as well as for the robust vhey they act directly ou on the nerves and muscles of the bowels they apparently have a neutral action on other associate organs or glands they do not purge cause excessive looseness nor create any inconvenience whatever they may be taken take riAt at any time day clay or night they will positively relieve chronic or habitual constipation it if not lotof f surgical variety and the myriads of associate or dependent chronic ailments it if taken with regularity for a reasonable length of time 1 12 10 0 tablets ts 10 cents 38 36 tablets 25 5 cents GO tablets 50 cents sold only at war our store sto reThe the rexall store i THE EDDY DRUG STORE no 6 south main st SL brigham utah BRIGHAM PEOPLE SHOULD TRY THIS W L eddy states that any one who has constipation sour stomach or gas on the stomach should bould try simple buckthorn bark glycerine etc as compounded in adler i ka ha the new german appendicitis remedy A SINGLE DOSE DOSE brings relief almost INSTANTLY and brigham people are surprised how QUICKLY it helps this simple remedy antiseptic izes the digestive digest jve organs and draws off the impurities the eddy drug store rp fa 13 I 1 c LAN ow all CS I 1 esth to to TO UTAH DAY MARCH e LOS ANGELES TICKETS ON SALE AND RETURN DIRECT march ath ath 1912 utah will be represented RETURN VIA GO U SAN FRANCISCO HELP BOOST OTAH for literature information and tickets soe see any agent or write J H manderfield RETURN LIMIT A G P A MARCH salt lake city seii i fruit grown A 1 1 i I I WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF 4 TOOLS SPECIAL PATTERNS THESE ARE USED AND HIGHLY recommended BY THE experiment STATION OF COLORADO HAVE PURCHASED DIRECT FROM FACTORY AND CAN MAKE VERY LOW PRICES GRADE considered THEY ARE ALL HAND FORGED I 1 merrell iA errell lumber co g HE HAVE THE GOODS fw ka alfain s cough remedy curel caret colds croup zad nd couge fly ill I 1 I 1 that you ought to get an abstract of title to your real estate there there are so many les connected with land titles that a purchaser cannot be too strongly urged to take every precaution to see that the title to tile the land which he purchases Ls is clear and unquestioned the litigation tio idich arises from the carelessness of oc persons in this respect crowds the court bort dockets there ther e is another tiling thing that requires a word here namely the common impression that one may safely purchase lands at a judicial sale that is in a suit and under the direction ot of the court this is not in an unreasonable opinion since men would naturally belle believe that the court would not order a public c sale of lands to which the title was not valid the fact is however evera that such suits are often not ones in which the question of titles arises and the court is merely selling the right of the litigant whatever U t may lie e to the lands and the purchaser is purchasing that right at his peril I 1 laws lawa that affect land these things are true in ill certain jurisdictions and consequently the same rule applies to these purchases as to all al other purchases of lands that one should never acquire them without first knowing that the title which lie he purchases is valid here again he should not take the common rumor or the opinion ot of the officer making the sale or take advice ot of his neighbors melville davission post poet in saturday evening post feb 3 1812 1912 diagnosing titles Is our business let us work on your case leo lee dun rooms 2021 20 21 first nan catl bank L bids edg briehan city butak is the almly un 1 lure a dewing machine I 1 jus just t think of it c THE FRES cewin machine N inz for five years lai accident f breakage wear farej tornado a I 1 W nina and water this shows our faith in apr aar f thier ables ui omit iron break the n I 1 or oy part pan ae needle edle wt or oe ez etc M f h 1 bo od toy 0 o nm t S send tor for our oar booklet in the ac days wow FREE fitee SEWING co chicago ill hanson hansen furn fure co diw dont take Chan cliance chancol Gli ance col aft 4 hisa high F low and ham arnil bill ton smudge pots nr oiste ALSO TWO CAR LOADS SMUDGE OIL SAVE YOUR FRUIT AS OTHERS HAVE DONE car shipments BARBED WIRE NAILS MOWERS RAKES PLOWS HARROWS BINDERS HEADERS DIRECT FROM FACTORY AND OTHER ITEMS YOU NEED TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION CALL AND SEE US OR MAIL YOUR ORDERS YOURS FOR A BUSINESS NOW WATCH US GROW farmers barnier s cash union TREMONTON UTAH DAVID HOLMGREN manager ITCH I 1 n ITCH ITCH scratch and rub rub and scratch until you feel as it if you could almost tear the burning skin from your bt body until it seems deems as if you cou could 1 d no longer loncer endure these endless flays days 0 of awful torture those terrible nights of sleepless agony then a foy few drops of D D 1 C D the famous kezema specific and ohl oh what relief I 1 the itch pone gone instantly comfort and rest at latt last D D D is a simple external wash that cleanses and heals the inflamed inflame s skin kin as nothing else can A recognized s for Lc eczema zema psoriasis salt rheum or any other skin shin trouble we ave can give you a full size bottle battla of the genuine D I 1 D D T remedy for and it if the very first bottle falls to give relict it will vilt not cost you a 3 cent we W also crin can give you vou a sample bot fit ir tor for 2 25 cents why suffer buffer another day when you pou can set get 1 D D D the eddy drug store who has never been guilty of spoiling h his s mormon I 1 a rm 0 n c child h 1 by sparing ar 1 n g i his Is legal lcou bys sab r rod 0 d 1 it t m may a y 0 ol 01 course be e a argued rg aed that this veil may exist in remote country places where the population n is almost exclusively mormon even it if it does not exist in the big city well brigham is is just such a place and although I 1 have eyes and cars and have been hero here over a year I 1 have never before reading the sailors yarn seen sean or heard anything of a Illand handmaiden maiden yours JOE LANGHORN city utah jan 16 1911 the northampton mercury |