Show CITY ASKS FOR at a special meeting of the city council held on monday evening it was decided to call a special election in order to lot let the taxpayers of the city say by their ballot whether or not they will grant the mayor and city council permission to bond the city tor jor the purpose ot of improving the wa ter works system at the meeting bacr rish fishborn burn and all the coh council ri men were N ere present and it if ft as the unanimous opinion of 0 all that the bonds should be issued some dif difference feren e 0 of f opinion existed as to the amount the city should bond for so a compromise was ILI the sum was eliod id at the notice calling the election appears in another column of this issue und and states where the improvements will be maile a careful perusal of it will vill enlighten the taxpayers on oil that point but to elucidate a little further it might be stated that tor for some years vears past the city reservoir has been tup supplied plied only by the springs in eos box elder canyon the stream from devils gate canyon being very small for the reason that the pipe is not cot large enough to carry all the water so the greater part of the stream has been beba diverted at the intake and now runs to waste the increased patronage patio nage of the elty elly water mater works system requires an increase in the supply and by laying a good liard lard pipe in devils gate canyon a well as replacing the pipe thru box elder canyon with a larger one to accommodate the increased how flow of water it Is figured that a sufficient supply of water can bi be obtained to meet the demands of brigham city for a good many years years to come there are are many springs in devils ga aw Z e m til chaie bli blind zid that is to 10 say tile the water springs up lip and flows down the mountain side a short distance then sinks into the earth again by cleaning these springs out and connecting them up with the main pipe line they would mould furnish a considerable supply of water and supplemented by the flow from tile the springs in box rider canyon a stream would pour into the city reservoir that would more than keep them filled under all circumstances cum stances lt it Is also the purpose of the city officials to extend the water mains to various parts ot of the city and nd deac reach I 1 1 nearly every home ionic within reason rao n in that manner the citizens would receive the benefits of the water which la is a big it m as well as fire protection it is figured that something like six thousand dollars will be used in making extensions of the mains the bonds of the city water works system that were toted twenty years ago mere paid off recently all but about and the system owes nothing other than that amount today as against the present worth of tie the water works by the expenditure 0 Z in an additional the city fathers have calculated calculate a that the system canic placed in such a condition that the cites water supply would forever be assured and the extensions will increase the revenue to such in an extent that the sinking fund will be ample 0 redeem the bonds when they fall due in other words bonding sor for the purpose of improving the water works system is an investment that will more than pay tor for itself without one cent of added tax to the property owner tax payers should give these matters careful consideration |