Show judging by the attendance box el eli i der stae can stand another division and sul Still I 1 have haye enough members to fill t the h e T a LC r n a C le a at t confer conference enco time I 1 P perhaps 0 rha p s n never e y er be before f ore in the history 0 oil the stake either elther before its division or since has hag tere there been such an attend lace ad that which characterized the quarterly conference conference held on saturday and last the saturday morning sessi started out with present in th afternoon there were on S sunday andai t morning the host ed 1619 1649 13 ha in the afternoon an and approximately 1000 to in the evening that is LIn unquestionably questionably a record tor for the box elder alde r stake the stray saturday meetings were given 1 ov over er as pl announced to a discussion of the duties of the ward teacher special subjects had been allotted different speakers and after each topic I 1 ns was treated general discussion clis cassion sion a as indulged in m the subjects treated were importance of the work of alil the ward teacher by bishop L N stohl sohl calling duty and qualification of the ward teacher by elder dobri johne E baird dest best method of 0 approaching the people and the matter to be presented e d to them by elder WJ facer aard ward teachers report by stake clerk S N lee and best 4 method of conducting teachers N work ork in the ho home 4 el by president oleen N stohl th discussion brought out many v valuable points enlarging a little littie on the is discourses courses of the speakers and the tea teachers c hers present got a pretty thorough understanding of their duties president seymour B D young of the first counos af 1 of seventy was in attendance at the saturday saturday meetings and he ha P ga gave ve valuable instructions as well ell as I 1 il i the discussion discUs slon of the subject in matter atter in ha hand nd bait particular i clair reference was made by president young to the social evils that are creeping in and he pointed out the dangers that beset the pathway of the young men and women and urged the teachers to throw an influence of love labout about the young people that they might be protected from the pitfalls of the he adversary at the morning session miss connie madsen rendered a solo during the services and A W ensign sang a solo at the afternoon session the stake priesthood stake and ward officers met also saturday morning the various organizations retiring to their respective e spec tive class rooms after the opening exercises leaving the male portion of the congregation in the auditorium of the tabernacle at the afternoon session a great many of the ladies remained away for tile the reason they thought the work was more for their husbands fathers and sons which accounts for the decrease in attendance sunday morning the tabernacle was all but filled to its capacity As usual the sunday school children of the city I 1 wards ards were nvere there enn en masse imse filling the gallery and the south side ot of the auditorium I 1 the big partition door between eteen the main auditorium and the vestry was raised and the late comers flocked into the room by the score president seymour B D young returned home saturday evening on account of other duties and seated on the stand with the local authorities was elder orson P F whitney af 0 t the quorum of the twelve apostles the sunday schools were given the first hour of the meeting and after the opening exercises the following program was carried out duette orvil lund and clarence C jensen organ solo john brook remarks on sunday school work joseph F hansen of the stake concert work acts 2nd and chapter esth verse led by elder ephraim white of 11 vallard 11 lard solo fear not ye 0 israel wm win ot of willard Wll lard class exercise fourth ward S S primary dept reading mary starr chorus by the whittler whittier school under direction ot of leonard nielsen the kindergarten and primary departments of 0 all the schools were then them dismissed and passed out of the building elder whitney was then given the remainder of the time tibe and iund he delivered a beautiful discourse on the organization ot of the church and its growth lie he pointed out the duties ot of the various departments of 0 the church with particular ref reference erCe to the at auxiliary hillary organizations and briefly outlined their accomplishments since the beginning i th the closing song waa utah star stai ot of I 1 continued on vae ase six QUARTERLY conference continued from first page the west and the benediction bened lWon wis ivas pronounced by dishop bishop hubbard of 0 willard another record crowd came out to the afternoon meeting tile the auditorium galleries s and vestry being filled with expectant and interest 1 listeners who sat in iii deathlike still stillness ress and listened to apostle whitney deliver a discourse that many are frank to admit was the grandest they have ever heard him give ghe ile he spoke for over one and a half hours but would have been accorded unanimous consent to continue on an another hour and a halt half had ile ho desired tho the services cs began by the choir singing in g the anthem in our redeemers name prayer was offered by elder joseph A west after egich the choir san sang tho the selection sonic happy nay day president oleen na N stohl then arose and presented the general and local authorities before tile the names hames were read however president presented it a list of those who had boon been called upon to 0 o by reason of other duties to relinquish their positions in 1 the organizations of t the lie stake among the number were ciders aders 11 W valentine n of the sunday school Su on and peter 11 II of tile tho scandinavian organization on presidency pies d ency who are now in the old world laboring laborin as missionaries john crook brook as stake sunday school organist carlysle stoney as stake secretary of the Y ai 51 M I 1 A doard board and S N lee as stake tabernacle choir leader referring to the record of elder lee president stohl stated that he had veen b een directing the tabernacle choir for the past 32 years and was a member of the choir for eight years before lie he assumed the leadership during all the ills his incumbency as leader elder lee has never been late for a meeting and only been absent twice when he could have been present president stohl stated staled that elder leo lee would reach rach the coth mile stone in ills his life on the 31 sl of the present month ana lie he had stated to the stake presidency that he would like to be released at that time if they were willing willin in view of the fact that he has served so faith faithfully runy for so many years the presidency felt that he was justly entitled to a rest and though they reluctantly luct antly parted with ills his services as choir choi leader felt that their feelings should biot be cons consider derd der d above those of BO birther er lee pies also paid C on ductor lee a high compliment on ms ins excellent judgment in selecting bongs for sacred service set vice stating that once had the stake authorities beca beai embarrassed because of any selection which the choir had bad sung and he leader irader had a most happy faculty of selecting the right hymn at tile the right time it was then proposed that all those hose mentioned be given a hearty heart y vote of thanks and be released with honor boner from their labors which was unanimously assented issen ted to by the vast congregation in filling tile the places reade made vacant the following were sustained leader ot the tabernacle choir victor E madsen ARM assistant stant leader C elias jensen number of relief society stale stake boad loa d julia A richards second assisi HIT superintendent in the sund dl board charles D brown ale sunday r organist bt sarah sara adm stohl 1 alm aim white member ot or the sunda sund hool boand C IV li Mr forrell rrell seer in ile young mena ol 01 aboard durton burton stake r TP IP lillywhite and red eed the shahe stahe e oad oa d 01 01 delit relit i class andrew 7 M I 1 eion coconi s cond counselor oun un in tile the prest do arti 11 ol 01 tile the Sandin scandinavian avian im in conre connection tion with all the other i e voting to sustain was un 6 bumm I 1 tin till r ag EIS the selection fO aO ju 1 I Vond erfur ind and elder whitney rw icis i cis to peak lie ire con mentee on I 1 n niti caneo af sustaining tile tho ais and pointed af arh member adepts by that action out we must not think that because men sustain a man as a prophet seer and revelator that that action makes him such prophets ale aie not made but born barn with that god div ii right and it is by the power of G god od that hat they exercise their gift apostle vV iV hitney then elucidated more clearly cearly the meaning of the terms prophet seer e t and revelator reve ator using the prophet doseph as the great exemplar of them 11 1 I in bearing out this claim the Ve alcer related prophesies that had been given years before the event transpired the most moist conspicuous of which is perhaps the one relating to the civil war which was uttered twe awen U t year before the war broke out i and nd yet when that conflict was set in motion every utterance with refer reference enbe |