Show election 1 j I EB E B fa ri BONOS the county commissioners have decided to call a special election the date of which is april ath 1912 for the purpose of 0 finding out the desires of the taxpayers relatives relative es to bonding in the sum of or I 1 less c ss for road purposes county attorney V W J lowe we has prepared the notice of election which is a lengthy document inasmuch as it must specify where each piece of road will be built and each bridge will be constructed and a C opy copy of the notice was sent back to chicago C for the approval approve 1 l of At attorney torLey wood the I 1 great bond authority who wired back bacic his approval of the form the notice will be published in all the newspapers ot of the county as ae well as posted in every precinct and the taxpayers should read it very carefully as it states clearly where the improvements will be made in ade in III mew of the fact that through a legal ruling of which they were not aware when the former election notice was prepared the bond election hold held last year was declared vold void the county commissioners felt that the taxpayers should be given another opportunity I 1 port unity to express their feelings in the matter arid and the assurance is diverl this time that every point of the statutes has been complied with in preparing the new notice so that the ele election cannot be thrown out on that account and if the taxpayers want the bonds a majority of votes will insure getting them that the roads are one of the bis big assets to any is beyond 1 i ILL I 1 E ls eq blany efio 6 anon f 5 1 I able that box elder county is sadly in need of more good roads the funds which are available for road building each year are wholly insufficient to make the impi elements needed and some other method must be resorted to to raise more funds or the good roads will be a long time iu in construction the people declared last year that they were willing to bond the county in the sum of for road purposes but unfortunately the election availed nothing except to find out the wishes of the people and now the commissioners have hae decided after careful deliberations that it would mould be the right thing to let the people say again whether or not they are arc willing to bond and get good roads and hence the tha clec election clention tion has been called box elder county has been very fortunate in the past to keep out of debt this county with ll 11 its great stretches or of roads numerous bridges and t the he many requirements in the way of new roads and bridges has been able to go along during the past and meet the demands with the funds available each year from the regular regula r method of taxation but now n ow the the demands have become so numerous and urgent that something som thing must be done immediately or many districts of tile the county will suffer great inconveniences the people are the sovereign and they have a right to enjoy all the modern improvements prove ments they want to pay for bonding Is an easy way of raising funds and in a county like box elder with her splendid resources the burden is scarcely noticeable but the matter is entirely up to tho the taxpayers and it Is tor for them to say whether they want to issue bonds for roads and bridges oret along under present conditions making improvements each year commensurate with the revenue of the county in considering these matters it is well for the taxpayers to remember that over one halt of the responsibility for bonds loans or taxes rests upon the public eutimi utilities ties and the combined taxpayers bear the other halt half each individual taxpayer being responsible for his pro rats rata according to his assessed valuation |