Show THE PERFECT WAY scores of brignard Brig Tiam narn Cit citizens liens hove learned it it if you suffer from backache there la Is only one way to cure it the perfect way is to cure thekia the aid A bad back means sick kidneys kidney neglect it i uran urinary ry troubles foila ollow doans kidney pills are arc made tor for kidneys only are endorsed by brigham people J T burden west second street south brigham utah says at times 1 I had bad such severe attacks of ba chache that I 1 could hardly straighten gh altar after stooping and when I 1 did any lilting lifting sharp pains darted through my kidneys there were other difficulties which showed that my kidneys were at fault and I 1 knew that something must be done learning about doans kidney pills I 1 began their use and it was not long before I 1 was relieved I 1 have taken doans kidney pills occasionally since then and am very grateful tor for ii he ie benefit they have brought me for sale by all dealers price go CO cents foster 11 alburn co buffalo new york sole agents for the united united states remember the namo doans and take no other |