Show THE MORMONS and two northampton girls to the editor ot of the northampton mercury sir A friend of mine having sent rue a copy odthe mercury 1 dated d dec 23 containing a very remarkable letter e froman an irish bivins jils alleged experience and observations while living in salt lake city I 1 would like with your permission to ma make ite it a few comments on his statements because I 1 do not like to think that the readers of the mercury are being gammo ned by any sal sailors lors yarns even though the sailor be an Ir irishman ishma and a catholic let it be understood also that this letter is not in any way to be taken as a plea for mormonism monism I 1 have nothing to say about the mormon faith at all tor for or against my object is simply to correct asfar as I 1 may the slight inaccuracies which have found their way into his statements quite inadi doubtless and tor for which I 1 fully expect tile the sincere thanks ot of your correspondent who as a sailor and an irishman desires to be fair to every man inan with whom he may come in contact let that be a or even a mormon Furt further ber it is common kaow knowledge ledge that certain good people past told stories about old northampton and have called the said stories facts too which have mades the northampton ian an grind his teeth and feel that he would like to have the story teller in a twelve toot foot ring with the cloves gloves off for or just about ten minutes Is there not at this moment a certain famous revivalist who js is not elpe expected acted to como come I 1 to northampton again the first alleged fact is that the mormons cormons are are in the majority and lule iule the city the mormons cormons are not in the majority for the last nine or ten years the city has been under the rule not of mormons cormons Mor mons nor yet merely nou non mor mons but of a bitterly anti mormon majority which h calls itself the american party so tar far as tho tha higher offices in the city are concerned it has been a case of no mormon need apply during the ex istance ot of the american 1 regime the salt lake city council has become notorious for all that s usually associated with tammany hall indeed so bad did it become that last october the episcopal methodists tho the episcopalians Episcopal ians baptists Congregation congregationalists lists mormons cormons Mor mons and most other sects agreed to sink their differences and to nominate a nonparty non party nonsectarian non nou sectarian ticket and at the al ensuing election november 9 they swept the americans out bag and baggage the new council took office at the new year and much is hoped and expected from it by every over lover of decency in municipal affairs our sailor friends remarks on tile the mormon temple are extremely interesting and I 1 quite agree with him that it is magnificent outside As he attended the services there on a few I 1 lie he might have favored us w with ith a description of the interior I 1 have never been in the temple myself for the following reasons the temple is used exclusively for tile rles and onies such for instance as sims for or the dead ilia marriages etc no gentile Is ever admitted within its portals and not every mormon only such as are in good standing in the church and are arc armed with a certificate to that effect from their bishop can enter tor for any purpose whatever the templo temple choir numbers about a dozen not and are not spoken ot of as songsters song to be sure there la Is a very large choir at the tabernacle the choir is nearer SOO than they do not dress in ili white however unless they 1111 like neither Is the tabernacle magnificent I 1 wish to confirm his statement that the choir sings beautifully your correspondent Is to be congratulated on the powerful eyesight which enabled him to see the veils with which the women cover their faces on entering the temple this tact fact has entirely escaped my notice probably I 1 because I 1 had been busy noticing that ladles ladies here herc ril whether lether mornion mormon or gentile go to church bareheaded as often as not and that even it they are wearing a hat or bonnet they will in flat i defiance to the admonition of st paul remove it U this is most reprehensible and grieves me beyond measure the most serious tact fact of all to me is that ot of the two northampton girls who are living an immoral life in those two roomed cottages opposite the pres prea identa house tor for ilias this Is I 1 under stand him to mean by his statement about the handmaidens hand maidens I 1 understand sir that our sailor friend has furnished you yon with their names tills this is fortunate because it gives us a means of gotting getting a close view of mormon depravity fand band we may have a chance to save them will you therefore forward mo me in strict confidence the names of these two unhappy girls girla and I 1 will do 10 my level best to find them when I 1 have found them I 1 will do my utmost to get a full statement of their case in their own handwriting it if possible sible and will send the statements direct to you I 1 make this request in all seriousness and I 1 beleise you will see it to be your duty to help in rescuing these unfortunate northampton girls I 1 may have a difficulty in finding them because I 1 have two reasons for believing they are not now to bo be found ia i A i that row oc 0 two roomed cottages opposite the Il presidents residents house the first reason is there is no row of 0 two roomed cottages opposite the presidents house reason number two there never has been it is difficult to understand the story of the railway ticket because there are at least three railroads by which oita nay ver and rio grande the union pacific and the oregon short line there is sworn testimony that the mormon church does not own a share in any railroad company on this or any other continent anil is therefore unable to influence one of them in any way wh whatever aLever the only test as to your fitness to leave the city by rall ralla is your ability to plank down tile the cash there is soi sor very curious about our sailors marital experiences because the mormon church sets its face against the marriage of any of its members with gentiles and I 1 am therefore puzzled at tile readiness of the temple authorities in granting the permission craved then why go to the temple for permission at all no mormon ever does lie ile gets the girls permission first and then her parents if any after that he gets the bishop to give him a recommend to the temple which obtained gives him the i right ight to be married at the temple it if lie he tails fails to get his recommend he will most likely be married bythe civic authority but what a hussy that wife or of his was no wonder lie he shook the dust of salt lake city from his feet just one word about handmaidens Hand maidens the mormons cormons have too many enemies in salt lake to make such a system possible every other sect has it at least one erne eye fixed severely upon the mormon church and is extremely faithful in recording everything of 0 a darn damaging aging nature against that church sol so too has hai our venerable uncle sam |