Show SOCIETY NOTES on thursday afternoon of 0 last week a splendid dinner was given by the principal and domestic science depart of the high school in n honor of the county editors the dining dooin was profusely decorated with red and white streamers making a lattice work above the table sandpaper and paper stars dangling at tho the ends of threads to complete the picture the ends of the room were covered by old glory and the table decorations were in keeping with birthday the place cards were little red hatchets while the he center piece was a cherrytree covered with red cherries on each side side of the tree stood a candy charger chiai eer in front of the beautiful can delbra recently purchased by the mhd domestic science department the dinner was served in ia se cai n courses and the washington birthday scheme was carried out la in sering the ice cream tor for instance was served in a boat with aflak at the mast and on top of the cream cepo ed cd an imaginary calie calce of ice the idea was washington crossing t ae deleware delaware the menu consisted of the following star jelly olives almonds almond fruit cocktail turkish soup cheese Fi fingers vegetable nut loaf tomato sauce potato rosettes veal birds lady washington ice peas in cases cream sauce french rolls star butter stuffed tomato salad lady fingers ice cream in boats angel cake Marach Al tn cherries pink icing chocolate cream whip star don con dons bons ills airs lydia 11 tanner presided in the kitchen and the dinner was prepared and served by the folI following owing young ladies misses edna stohl mattie mattic west louie thompson and laveta wallace after the course had bad been served some little was indulged duleal in in by the guests to in which appreciation was va expressed for the privilege of being present ind and ur unstinted stinted praise was given the young ladies for the splendid manner in which the dinner was prepared and served mrs tanner invited the guests to inspect the kitchen and the fruit larder where all the choice canned f fuits fruits and preserves which the girls prepared at the beginning of school last tall fall were arranged in tempting display those who have never had a peep at the high school domestic science rooms ought to take a day oft off and spend it with sirs mrs tanner in her department it would be EL a revelation to many those who enjoyed ayed the function last thursday were lion hon and mrs airs frank W fishburn burn prof and sirs airs A M merrill editor and mrs airs W 11 capwell of 1 edmonton ti times editor R al M jeppson flox box elder journal editor and mrs airs victor E madsen news I 1 AV it if griffiths oren wilson wilfond anderson Au derson stewart horsley and D n R mitchell editor J A wixom on the garland globe was unable to be present on account 0 of the illness of mrs airs wixom on friday evening last tile the relief society of the first ward gave a grand social at the ward chapel in honor of mesdames mary johnson susan johnson maria alaria K anderson retiring treasurer and dora at ilan sen ben A select program was rendered consisting of songs readings and speeches during which the first two ladies named were presented with a gold ring each ind and the last two named were given a gold pin A regular relief society banquet was then served in n an informal manner which was par taken of to the accompaniment of lively social chat therb were about seventy five persons present the guests of honor have served tor for a number of years and the party was arranged to express the appreciation the rn members bers of the organization feel tor for the labors labor of their officers on saturday evening a jolly crowd of 0 friends stormed the home of mr air and mrs airs brigham jensen for the purpose of surprising the head of the family on the occasion of his birthday the surprise was complete and the evening was spent in a lively manner playing games etc an abundance of picnic had been provided and taken along by the party which was served between garner mr air jensen was presented a handsome swivel chair in which to rest himself and toast his shins by the fire ere after a hard days work mork those in the party were mr air and mrs airs brigham jensen hyrum jensen jeneen henry james vance ciuco ti agey nelo nello christ geo li johnson and lorenzo gurt burt I 1 ti 44 S last thursday evening the F IF girls spent a delightful evening with mr and mrs alphonzo nelson ZOO was the game of the eve evening nini accompanied liy by a lively social chat delicious refreshments were also served those present were mr and arszal al were served by the young men mcm and I 1 lively games were enjoyed by all I 1 I 1 the fraternal gathering of the 1 I 0 oi 0 F last friday evening in the academy of mus music lc was one of the most enjoyable functions that 0 organization h has as ever given in this city lodge dodge members from various parts of the county were present as well as a delegation from ogden and rev P A simpkin of salt lake who ho was the orator of the evening the exercises included the accepting of ten candidates who were initiated into the order an address by parson Simp simpkin kie a drill by the ogden team and refreshments punctuated with toasts 4 master Colen colaman lan ensign was host at a delightful childrens party last thursday after afternoon moon the occasion being his hist ath birthday the little folks were entert entertained by grandpa doden who took his magic lantern and gave them a P picture show lively childrens children 3 games were played also and the kid lets spent a jolly afternoon sirs mrs ensign prepared delicious refreshments which were served at al the conclusion of the theatre the rooms were prettily decorated with engish ivy and aad christmas bells those present were misses ora rhoda mannle and mary lee edythe stohl helen 1 merrill ferrill lavon hansen olive ensign I 1 lk masters lasters J C milton hugo wesley 13 and coleman ensign jack merrill glenn wright voscoe howard and aseph call jack jacj elwynn anthony In anthony thony algernon larsen conni conni le madsen xii alice newel luella fife N lareo larco madsen florence le lee e margurite wight mattie west and amri perry peters 1 t kiss riss margurite wight entertained at a delightful boci soci lf monday evening in 17 honor hondr of miss alice newel of pro vo TO five hundred was the game if at the and refreshments viere inere served on tuesday afternoon a 31 number of friends of mrs airs august F jeppson went in a body to her home to spend a few ew hours of pleasant social intercourse social chat was the principal form of entertainment and when the ladie had talked themselves tired they al all I 1 surrounded a bounteously spread table and renewed their energies those who enjoyed the function were mesdames esther forsgren luella R jeppson millie R anderson geneva F wright cleo F madsen elli ella V reeder keeder verna F jeppson misses alice forsgren and eliza phillips ill A very delightful social was given in the presbyterian church last night bythe by the young mens bible class clam A short program was rendered the hit of 0 the evening being made by the young mens quartette refreshments |