Show professional CARDS dr A J webb veterinarian office at glovers livery stable brigham city utah J D CALL NELS JENSON CALL JENSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW practice la in all tho the courts and U S supreme court office in first national bank BRIGHAM CITY UTAH pearse private hospital DR R A PEARSE wm J LOWE lawyer aw practices in all liae courts COUNTY ATTORNEY offie court coart house Bilg biggham Brt gUam ham utah WM E DAVIS LAWYER liaison hansen dock block brigham city utah 0 H bryan DDS boll phone 31 red acom 22 first national faille k building Ball Buil sing fing EMU CITY UT AJL HARDING mogee dp r WA M u 0 aba dr J D harding dr H R mcgee BRIGHAM GITT CITY UTAH BENJ C CALL DISTRICT ATTORNEY practices in all file t he courts office in first national bank BRIGHAM CITY UTAH M J HOLT expert optician eyes eya tested tree free at HOLT JEWELRY CO Brig harn city utah F C HOUGHTON dealer in GENERAL HAY AD GEMIN GEM supplies aad ac comoda eions for travelers Tra velera promontory UTAH D Is one af the most pleasant pastime mea and means of recreation but the amount 0 of pleasure derived froia a bragy ride lop enels entirely aon on the quality of the outfit my mv horses hora are gentle spirited and carriages nabby co clr babl and rong iricea mica reasonable and athin the teach reach of UL when you gamt wan a good ra rig either call at the etame st adae or phone via a IF H glover THE LIVERYMAN EDISON phonograph on FREE 1111 we will send you yoa a machine without loze ceat 0 of depoll cel cal us up and we is tte the rest then it if you wish to purchase we give eye you easy payments hanson hansen furniture co EVERY ARTICLE guaranteed s C chui coui ready Beff ledy I 1 whai borov aad Waa caw ll r HE 2 g 2 irm N 1 LIS 1 aaa a EN M L i i I 1 S T esa i E N to what we have to say about the 67 N H 0 E NO CLO frio that is going ingoing to take place at ANDERSON AMDERSON BROS A great reduction on all mens furnishings also on mens ladies lad ies and childrens shoes a large stock of which will be on display from our regular lines and not sample shoes so our loss is your gain we ilso also have great areat bargains in mens hats and shirts mens and boys clothing will be sacrificed at half price just think of 12 suits for 6 7 boys suits for we are na no longer going to carry mens men P s clothing so take advantage of this GREAT SALE NOW 4 the following list shows some of the great bargains we are offering at this sale AA f AF L ladies adies shoes for i I 1 boys shoes for mens shoes fo for mens dress shoes for 5 mens dress shoes for mens heavy work shoes shoe s babies 1 shoes sizes 2 to 5 for 75 mens work shirts mer mens dress shirts mens 3 hats for boys boy hats for men s underwear La Ladies diess 15 wh petticoats ladies long lon kid gloves for this great sale commences promptly at 9 FRIDAY MARCH FIRSTI FIRST and continues I 1 until march we will have a sale on shoes every saturday after this big sale is over we also carry L D S garments and can za get your exact size we also carry a large supply of groceries remember the date march 1st ast time 9 a m sale closes mar 16 A 27 north main street brigham city utah 4 ex county treasurer C G adney aabey was over from corinne tuesday to participate in the meeting of the peach day committee EDWARD 13 KIRK of ogden utah has for sale four choice lot s in dri brigham 7 on north main st for cash on ton long time or will build homes to suit purchasers tt if saturday evening feb 2nd and the file elwood dramatic co presented the com edythe cheerful liar to a pretty well filled died house the play was a laugh from start to finish and all enjoyed the evoi evenings lings entertainment very much elwood brass cand band accompanied the troupe and furnished music between acts S jouan remedy cures colds croup whooping cough Z ATTENTION H when you want the best in lumber or coal call or phone us we give ive prompt service service 1 3 1 W A E R LUM 8 C U a J L JAMES JAMBS agent brigham briehan Brie hun mm utah A 44 D wida the lui non ima ar X AW new train service SCENIC via LINE OF THE DENVER rig mm GRANDE WORLD in connect connection lon with SANTA FE ROUTE burlington ROUTE t THREE ROCK ISLAND ROUTE FAST MISSOURI PACIFIC UNION PACIFIC TRAINS EAST TWO NIGHTS TO CHICAGO TWO NIGHTS TO ST LOUIS THREE NIGHTS TO NEW YORK choice ot of routes THROUGH SLEEPERS for further information see any y D R G agent or address to CHICAGO v 1 I A BENTON G A P D KANSAS CITY v salt lake city I 1 ST LOUIS F A WADLEIGH GP A denver colo |