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Show GOV. CUTLER GIVES PLEASING FUNCTION Spread lo Newspaper Men at Commercial Club Is De- lightfiil Affair. At the Commercial club, Monday evening, even-ing, former Governor Cutler gave a dinner din-ner to tho newspaper "gang" of Salt Lake all of those who do tho city and county building, and a number of others, being present. Governor Cutler's secretary, secre-tary, Willard Done, was also ope of the party. i Tho dinner was served In ono of the private dining rooms at the club. Covers wore laid for twenty. After tho feast brW addresses were made by the host and his secretary. In which both paid high tribute to the men whoso mission it Is to report the various happenings In Salt Lake dally. Tho function was a most cnjovablo one. which will long bo remembered by those who participated. Governor Cutler and his family will leave tonight for a prolonged visit In California. |