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Show OLD COUNTY BOARD PASSES 1110 HISTORY New Commissioners Qualify and Take Up Reins of Gov-eminent. Gov-eminent. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN". Jan. 1. The old board of county commissioners hits passed Into H history- Tho last meeting was held this xnornlns, when, nftcr a short session, at which routine business was transacted. Commissioner David McKay relinquished 1 his position on tho board by thanlclnp 1 each member for tho courtesies extended him and wishing- his successor. John T. Bvbee. the best of luck. Retiring Coun-H Coun-H ty Attorney Nathan Harris was present H and expressed his appreciation also for H tho treatment accorded him since he 1 has been serving in tho capacity of the county's legal adviser. Chairman Oscar H Madson' declared that tho county's flnan- clal condition Is in better shape at the H present time than cvur before, and paid H a tribute to the services of Commissioner H McKay on tho board. H Commissioners Frank Moore and John H T. Byhee wore inducted into office and a short session was held, at which Air. H Madson w:us re-elected as cnairmnn. An B adjournment was then taken until 2 J Perhaps the busiest session which will J over be held by the present board will J be the first. The appointments of tho J clerical staff of tho county assessor and J the county cleric, with the deputies by J tho sherlit, wero all approved by tho J board, but tho fixing: of salaries for each J was deferred until a later session. J A resolution appointing the several J committees was passed and the affairs J of the county divided among the mem- J hers. Oscar U. Madson was named as J tiic committee on county imlrmary. J finance and auditing; John T. Bybee as the committee on tax affairs and sup- I piles; Frank Mooro as tho commlttuo on courthouse and grounds. Commissioner Commis-sioner Madson was selected as chairman of the county board of health. The resignation of Joseph Stanford as overseer of the poor was accepted, to take effect January 31, and Chairman Oscar Madson named to ill! the vacancy, at a sulary of 5500 a year. The county was divided into threo road districts and euch of the commissioners assigned general supervision of one, as follows; District 1. O. B. Madson; district dis-trict 2, Frank Moore; district 3, John T Bybee. The application of II. C. Hanson for reappointment as superintendent of the county infirmary was received and the appointment made by tho board at a salary of ?100 a month. t number of physicians. Including Drs. H B. Forbes, G. W. Green. A. Lee Brown of Bountiful, nnd J. M. JSHIotl. made application for the position of county pnyslclan, which Is now held by Dr. J S. Gordon. No action was taken on the applications, the board taking them under advisement, as wero also a number of applications for road super-visorships. super-visorships. . Several petitions for new roads and Improvements to the county roads wera received and reports will be made after Investigations are made. |