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Show WILL DEVOTE IMF TO MANUFACTURERS M. and M. Association Decides to Organize Upon Entirely New Lines. WILL NOT ENCROACH ON COMMERCIAL CLUB Reports Are Submitted at Annual An-nual Meeting and Directors Di-rectors Elected. That tho present Manufacturers and Merchants' association be dissolved and reorganized into a Manufacturers ' association, as-sociation, devoted exclusively to the interests in-terests of tho manufacturers of tho state, was tho decision reached at tho annual meeting of tho officers and directors di-rectors of the association at the Chamber Cham-ber of Commerce. Monday night. It was the sense of the meeting, that inasmuch as the Commercial club had absorbed tho duties of the association, in so far as thc3 applied to the affjirs of tho merchants of the stale, it would bo wisor henceforth to,dovoto tho entire en-tire attention of tho association to the producors of tho state. This will permit per-mit the organization of tho associatiou on much narrower lines than formerly, and admit of closer attention to tho particular interests -which will be represented. Annual Reports Prescntod. Tho meeting was called to order by George A. McAllister, president of the associatiou, and tho annual reports of tho ofncers were thou presented. The rcpor. of tho president cnlled attention to tho attempt of tho associatiou to organize a traffic bureau, tho agitation for the opening of tho Provo woollen mills, tho matter connected with the opposition to tho merchants' license tax. tho proposition to bring a rolling mill here, and other matters which had been taken up by the association during tho past year. The report of the treasurer ahowed that the finances of the association were in au excellent condition. Tho secretary's report commented at some length on the present exhibit of tho state's resources which it is inlondcd to have maintained in tho Chamber of Commerce for another year, at least. In view of the proposed change in the organization of tho associatiou only six directors were elected in placo of tho ten whoso terms expire, tho other four to bo elected by tho board from representatives of different portions of flip state. Theso six new members, with the fivo whose terms hold over, wero authorized to change the articles of incorporation of tho association to i conform lo ho changed condiliou. According Ac-cording to the usual custom, officers of the new organization will bo olecled by the board of directors at the next regular regu-lar meetiug. New Directors. Following are tho directors elected to serve for tho ensuing year: George S. McAllister, John If. Bruff, F. J. Alexander, Alex-ander, O. Tf. Meredith, all re-elected; Frank Erath and Ifobert Skclton. The directors whoso termp go over until next year follow: George Austin. W. P. Silver, W. G. Lambert. L. N. Stohl and F. .1. Crager. Following tho completion com-pletion of tho regular business, a resolution resolu-tion was unanimously adopted com-inending'tho com-inending'tho work of "ihe present Commercial Com-mercial club traffic bureau for its attitude at-titude in undertaking a regulation of the existing freight rate charges to points in this state. |