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Show OLD OFFICIALS TURN THEIR OFFICES OVER Many Changes Are Made in Utah County; Deputies Named. Special to The Tribune. PROVO. Jan, 4. At 12 o'clock today tho county commissioners of the old board turned over the management of Utah county to. tho board elected at the last election, as did all of the county officers. of-ficers. Tho event was marked by tho exchango of complimentary speeches by the now and old officers. Tho members of the new board of county commissioners arc as follows A. B, Walker of Linden, chairman; Charles H. Ward of Provo, and D. T. Lewis of Spanish Fork Messrs. Joseph W. Dunn of Provo and John H. Dixon of Payson are tho retiring mombors. Tho now county attorney, Jacob Evans, presented tho name of V. K. Rydalch of Prox'o as his deputy. Thomas John Is the retiring county attorney. County Cleric M. 15. Kartchncr. Jr., presented tho names of II y rum R. Chrls-tensen Chrls-tensen of Salem and Miss Mina. Houston of American Fork as his deputies. Ellas A. Gee Is tho retiring clerk. The newly-installed sheriff, Gcorgo Judd. named as his deputies Alma C. Hales of Spanish Fork and Parley P. Pratt of Provo. Jessu M. Harmon Is now ex-sherlff. County Treasurer Mont Johnson (reelected) (re-elected) named as his deputy L. L. Nelson, Nel-son, tho Incumbent. It is understood, however, that Mr. Nelson will retire In a few months. County Recorder R. R. Thorno named as his deputies John T. Chrlstensen of American Fork. Allco J. Farrlngton of Provo and Nellie Jones of Spanish Fork. Edward T. Jonus is tho outglng recorder. re-corder. County Assessor J. H. Beck (ro-clcct-ed) presented the name of Don W. Con-over Con-over of Provo as his doputy. George N. Chllds of Lchl is tho new county superintendent of schools, and L-E. L-E. Eggertson Is the retiring superintendent. superintend-ent. Mr. Chllds enjoys the distinction of being the only Democrat elected to a county office. ' A statement of county finances was presented by County Clerk Gee, which shows the following: Cash on hand July 1. 190S $ 234.43 Received from various funds.. CG.7C3.91 Total 5fiG,00S.25 Disbursements Warrants In circulation, Jan. 4, 190D ,..4 2,43r..34 Warrants paid 42,4CI.S2 Total .$44,901.18 Cash on hand Jan. 4, 1909 $2G,2fU.(;7 The valuation of all county properly and resources over all liabilities Is given as ?11 0.377.5-3. W. H. Brown of tho Sixth ward dlcrl at 3 o'clock this morning from congestion of the lungs, after a short Illness. The deceased was born In Morley. Ga December De-cember 14, lSoi. When 19 years of age he came to Salt Lake, whore he remained re-mained until about twenty years ago, when he moved to Provo. He hnd since made this his home. Mr. Brown left a widow nnd two children. Funeral services will bo held Wednesday Wednes-day in the Sixth ward meeting house at 1 o'clock p. m. |