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Show STRONG- EVIDENCE OP UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD ROME. Jan. 4. The universal brotherhood broth-erhood spokcu oC by Archbishop Ire-laud, Ire-laud, of St. Paul, was further emphasized empha-sized in Rome today whon, upon tho arrival of 1500 wounded from Messina and Reggio, Mayor Nathan telephoned tho Vatican, aslciug whether theso unfortunates un-fortunates could be taken in thore Tho Vatican ropliod in the uffirmative, and tho wounded wero received with open arms. To realize fulh' what this incident in-cident signifies, it must bo explained that Signer Nathan is not a Catholic, aud Unit ho was at ono timo grand master of tho Masons. Tho first 120 of tho. wounded sent to tho Vatican woro received at tho station by Monsiguor Misitally, sent by tho pope. "Tho "pope, could not restrain his do-siro do-siro io brinfr them consolation, and sought them on I. Ho passed through tho basilica of St. Peters ovor the arch connecting the basilica with tho hospital. hospi-tal. Although he did not actually set foot on Italian territory, he, in reality, went outside the Vatican. Tho hospital, hospi-tal, belonging to thy pope, stands on Iialian ground. Tho pope's entranco into tho hospital was tho sign for an outburst of emotion, emo-tion, not only on tho part of tho patients, pa-tients, but from the pope himself and the members of his suite. Many of those who wcro. uot gravely wouudod insisted on .iumping out of bed to kneel and kiss tho pontiff's hand. The pope spoke consolingly to each unfortunate. |