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Show IJIEIII BF SUNSHINE IENJOYEOJNJHh CITY 'AYeathcr Is Not Normal, but It Is Pleasant, and This Counts. -4 tf?k ! MONDAY'S TEMPERATURES. minimum 3i degrees : i Maximum 1G degrees, - i 1 1 Min ,...-11 degrees i -: Above normal 12 degrees 1 ! Forecast Tubsday, generally fair. it si Although the weather conditions Mon- Bday were not normal for this lime of the ; yoar, the day was a plen.sont one. The S air was warm enough to he comfortable 'j anil there was pljnty of sunshine, for f. Old Xcl smiled down upon Zlon nil day long. Interrupted only by an occa- slonnl passing cloud. The weather man - snya the storm seems to have passed 'it ovijr this section and predicts the gen-'t gen-'t c-raily fair weather will continue. ; An area of low pressure covered the tej , middle .slope of the Rockies, central val- Ij leys and upper lako region Monday morn- :n ing. Ueliitively high pressure prevailed ! over the remainder of the country. Pre- iSl clpltation was general over Washington, LCT Oregon. Idaho, N'orlh Dakota. Montana uiii! the slates cast of the Mississippi viiS river. Zero temperatures, or lower, wore ri reported over portions of Montana, North Dakota ami western Canada. Warm and isi5 rainy weather prevailed generallv over jg the Atlantic slates Monday, and cloudy A : winihOr over tho Pacific and plateau Bisl ' .Generally fair weather will prevail In si tfiir locality Tuesday. j Muno.tyV meteorological record .it the JS . loc-T station of the United States weath-Ss weath-Ss ' buro!lu for tho twenty-four hours end- I" ; ing at (i p. m. was as follows: 157 Temperaturo at 0 p. m.. -1 degrees. M; Maximum temperature. liJilegrees. Minimum temperature. nGriegreos. SSrVifc. Mean temperature. 41 degrees, which is iRrr; V- degrees above normal. Total excess of temperature since the J first of the month, 42 degrees. P'r"V Total )reclpltalion. trace-. Total precipitation since the first of the month. .01 inch, which Is .15 Inch be- U low normal. tt lleiatlvo humidity at U p. m., 4S per lST c--nt. Temperatures Elsewhere. BY Atlanta. M New York 'jo f Boise ::S Norfolk AS Hfi Uoston W Omaha Hfi I rimrleston .. .. 511 Pittsburg .. .. 11 rUTl Chicago 10 Pocatello .. .. B rincinnati -IG Portland. Or.... 42 f Denver :iti Pi. Louis -18 Hclt (lulveston .. ... GO. St. Paul ....... 24 QSJI li'mnd .JUnctlon. 1G San Francisco . 18 jml Helena 'J Sirnta Fe 20 B Kansas City ... 4 1 -Scran ton 38 iaH kittle rtocl: .... M Spokane .. 30 T--s Angeles .. IG Washington ... "C -jJ New Orleans .. 3S Winnipeg .. .. 10 IU liamc Shoulder, ar", Tu'? '5 a common form of muscular ' Thfiimntism. No internal treatment is l needed-. Apply Chamberlain's Lini- I II ment frcoh' twice a 'day and a quick j cure is certain. This liniment has .proyeju especially ..valuable for muscular .'ind chronic rheumatism, anil is sure 9 to cive quick relief. Chamberlain's t Liniment is also most excellent for Tgfjl sprains and bruises. Price, 25 cents; -jg largo size 50 cents. 1'or sale by all |