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Show STAR DISTRICT M ANOTHER GOOD FIND Combination Group at Shallow Level Holds Some Rich Galena Ores. "You couldn't kill me with nil ax," is tho erecting Dan Ferguson, one of the host, known mining men in tbo state, is now extending to his numerous Salt Lake friends who welcomed him j-cs-terday from Boavcr count". Mr. Ferguson Fergu-son lias iust returned from a terrific attack of pneumonia, and the newspapers news-papers of Salt. Lake for a time Averc on the ragged edge of running his obituary. But Mr. Ferguson is restored to health again, aud before coming to Salt Lake completed the annual assessment work on t the Combination group of claims which is, located in tho Star district. Tho Combination control rests with Leslie L. Savage and his associates of Salt Lako City, the property lying be--tween tho famous lcd warrior and the Moscow properties. Tho Combination owners hardly expected to encounter their oro short of the J50 or 200-foot levels, but at a depth of only 30 feet Mr. Ferguson ran into a well defined ledge, four feet in -width, in which arc numerous stringers of galena ore, ranging rang-ing from a halt to two and a hulC inches in width. From the samples he brought with him lo provo tho fact of tho find to tho Salt Lakers interested, Mr. Ferguson will not havo to drivo much dcopor before encountering another shipper of ore for that vicinity. "While you can hardly call this a strike," said Mr. Savage yesterday, "it is encouraging, to say tho least, and proves that, the mineralization is there. Wo have not. only tho Kcd Warrior and tho Moscow veins, but wo havo the crossing of these two sources of ore, and on our ground it is logical to expect magnificaut results when wo havo done tho needed amount of development work." Boston Copper Markot. James A. Pollock & Co.. bankers and brokers, 6 West Second South, street, furnish fur-nish the following, received over their prlvato wire yesterday afternoon: BOSTON COPPER RANGE. . Sales. II. L. ICIso Boston Con 625 17 I 16? 17 Butte Coalition .... 1.505 27JJ 263 265 Butte & London....l ,1 4lcl 36c lie Calumet & Ariz 2051119 11S1 11S4 Con. Mercuu I 25c 33c 35c Copper Ra nge 720 S2J 80S SOS Cumberland Ely .... 4,810 SB SI Si Daly West 100 10 ID? 101 Davis Daly 670 3? 31 3 East Butte 165 01 83i 83 Glroux Can 600 6Q 6jj 6E Granby Con 10U4 1034'lOOi Greene-C 2.570 12g 12'J 124 Nevada Con 475 It) 1SS 1S Nevada Utah 2.060 2J 2 21 Niplsslng .150 10 10 10 North Butte SSI Sag SI S4 Trinity 17 lfij 17 U. S. Smelter Com.. 1.35S 46 15 451 U. S. Smelter Pt'd... 109 461 16 46 Utah Con 475 463 16 46j 13QSTON COPPER CLOSE. ' 1 Bid. Asked. ! Arcadian ...... . , 31 34 La Salle Hil 148 Old Dominion 563 574 Isle Royal o 21 214 Calumet & Hecla...r. 6704 Copper Range ' SOS SU .Franklin ....... y..f::C. ,353 16 MrerMie-Cananea .1. tT. . ' 121 121 Michigan 123 I3i Quinry 95 96 Tennessee Copper 47 1 71 Victoria : 33 4 Wyandotte . 2i 28 Newhouse 53 6 North Lake 74 Ahmeek ' 1404 112 Hancock 144 15 Kew 5 5i Yukon Gold II 5 Troy . 12 15 Raven S5 SS OJibway 14 141 Chemung 22 J 231 Mohawk 6S 6S4 Tamarack 79 SO Wolverine , 150 152 Mont. C. & C 30 40 Adventure 9i 94 Arizona Commercial 363 37 Atlantic 17 174 Mass Mining 54 6 Shannon 171 '1 Utah Copper 46j 47 Winona 6J 6J Zinc 26 261 Corbln 213 22 Miami Copper 15 15& Apex 53 6 Black Mountain 2 15-16 3 Dominion Copper CO 60 Globe 71 74 Helvetia 1J 45 Majestic 79 SO S. & B .163 17 First National Copper.... 74 78 A. & M 14 11 Now York Mining Stocks. James A. Pollock .- Co- bankers and brokers, 6 West Second South street, furnish fur-nish tho following, received over their prlvato wire yesterday: LISTED STOCKS. I Sa.les. H. L. IClse Newhouse .... 500 51 58 51; Utah Copper 600 17 461 461 .Tennessee Copper .. 9,700 49 464 17j NEW YORK CURB RANGE. I Sales. H. 1 L. Clso Cumberland Ely 9,000 SRI S Si Ely Consolidated .. .1. .... ..I 16c 13c 16c Dominion Copper ... 200 1 5 1 Grccno G. & G: 8c Cc Sc. Nevada Utah I 200 21 21) 25 Nevada. Smelter .... 600 1 3 Z Mitchell 3 -i i Glroux Con 2,400 6J 01 6g King Edward 700 1 I 1 Tlntic Mining 4J 1 44 First Nat'l Cop...... 400 7g 71 1 Boston Con 1,500 171 17 17 Nevada Con 3,000 19 183 IS1! Yukon Gold 1,200 44 4jJ 4J Montg. Shoshone ... 100 95 95 95 Miami Copper 3,000 153 15 15 Cobalt Central 30,000 59f 57 574 Ray Consolidated ... 1,000 7 74 74 NEW YORK CURB CLOSE. I Bid. lAskcd. Butte & London g a Cumberland Ely S 13-16 S 5-16 Glroux Consolidated 6 64 Nevada Consolidated IS? 18a Nevada Utah . 2i 2 15-16 Niplsslng S 10 NowhouFo 5g 52 TennesHfC Copper 17 ' 47J Utah Copper 45A 47 Davis Daly 3 :ij Dominion Copper 1 ' 2 Ely Central Ely Consolidated 13 lfi Furnace Creek 12 14 Greene G. & S. Com 5 s Mitchell 1 J Montgomery Shoshone ... 15-16. 1 Nevada Smelling 1 1 1-16 Sllvur Queen 97c 1.0U Silver Leaf U . 13 King Edward 3 1 Foster Cobalt 40 IS Cobalt Central 571 5S MeKinley-Darragh ....... 1 1 1-iC Tlntic Mining . 4 44 Gibraltar 3 4 First National Copper 74 7J Boston Consolidated 16? 17 Yukon Gold 43 4 North Butte -Extension... 5 7 Miami Copper 15 151 Bay State Gas : 14 1 ;)-lG Penna-Wyoming 12 14 Pay Consolidated. . ,...71.. ,. 73 |