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Show TRAINED FARM BOYS IN DEMAND Increttnliiff Nrcda Are Fnr Greater Thtin the Supply of Young Men With Experience. The demand for young men who have been reared iiihiii a farm anil train, -il In the a lence of aKrlrulture la greater at the preaent time than ever before. The InereiiKlng needa for tarhera anil Inveatlgalora are far Krealer than the aupply of young men with the proper experience and training train-ing The tyi f young man In greateal demand at tlio preHetit time la the graduate uf an agricultural mlline who haa been ralaed on the farm and haa hud praelli al farm experience w ith a high arhool education before enter lug the agricultural rnllt-ge. Hut-h a young man la uliln to auci d In teach. lug various Utiea of agriculture and may take up Inveatlgallonal work with reuaoiiiible aurety of le. 'tiring valuable val-uable reaulta. Thu ditiiand la for hlgliiy trained men who can do thliiga with the aaaur-aneo aaaur-aneo of good reaulta. The demand for capable fartu auperlntendenta, managers, man-agers, atockuien and dairymen lu greater great-er than the aupply. The averaga young man can usually get a place, but the best poaltlona ure awaiting thoso with widest experience and most thorough training. |