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Show r ICO AL 1 1 j THB--J-M f ! WASATCH MINE.; : Car Mil ! tt bit tw U foi j Km ud domestic pmrpo I I I I J 5 A - MlNB THB TEICC3 AJ3Ts. ? ' ft J STOVE o 2 J 2 Patronize a Roma Industry, - X i 4 x ..WEBER COAL CO.. f rar.irMir-'VTBiHLraras.'i-; u.iirar:-.1 ..-,-v.n wwwj KING OF THEM ALL! ! BALLARD'S SNOW LINIMENT II a l-. n Crowned with Phanomlnal tuccoao alin-o IhKI, ami V ....lay th.i Boat HautthoM Llnlmont tin- mark. t. CURES RHEUMATISM AND ALL PAIN, - mrr nunaioia. ifiMi. cut, nuiars. oni, oio 11 IDPS IOMI. ClOB. BACXCM IU.MOO, nr IOIMT w "' Huaxia a apuainio vaii, mini) aT. CON. I I IMt, AND ALL INFLAMMATION, l and f 1.00 Rafiiw All Subtlltul... ,N0W LINIMENT CO., ',,1.u,"lt"', rth S.cond ttraat, T. IQUia. MO. aasaaaaaaaaaVMBH01' Kaeommandad bvtBMBnBB Julia Boydaa Born. V V 1 "S" laleraatlaaAl CarrrsaaaaraM Sckaall ' V ' l I Y.iu.lo not hav. . r ' V in l.av. Iioin., . IM. IfTMrtia. f a. , iN " ! wiizs, JiSrrZzrz. ', X. 'i I , AUumWim KLxLJtjW L T"""' . N.i'l Vim Sm V . m I'mx FM , . . , , C irnj Law CitiilMMf t L X x C' V, , ... HJ.U.l.-... . . . (.nlm A.. I .J . m t ( i 1 AnhaMt I ..a. W. S,JFwi I tlmnm . I Ff Mlf M .111 I I . II Hf . MLu.i Oidm f'm4 . 4 " CY . ;1 ' S tea A Household Necessity. -Sar BALLARD'S HOREHOUND SYRUP 'j Cl).MIH)UM). '.'I ""'URES Coughs, Colda, Whooping Cough, Bron- . 'jj v chitis, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Etc., ' Tho Favorlla Ramady In all Homaa. 1tlair.mil fur v.iinnr ' nml ..I.I. I lu a toothing and Moating Ettoct on all Cougha and Colda. I W. a. Con. hi. Richmond. W..h rrll..i Uo.t ato I r.i h..l roi.l. f H,h 1 IIU..I into l .,(in,.i. Ho I I,...., HI a ltll. ol I'.IUr.l ll.vrlio.nid ,! C.,n,,,J..,J,ti,.,,i,i,.,.a ni.om J"" ': l. ll.ll.ia .lloreliuuu.l 1 frioa 25c, BUc anil l 00 K.(u All Sub.l.lut... 1 BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. I EflalBBBVHKBBVjBliolcl at rid KCDmninrt.d 1 1 BKSABH9EVJHBjaai I v Jo Boidoa A Boa. Brutal lndiftfr.net. "It ari'iiia aluri- Iila iniirrlnuo j-k Thornli'V Im. ,1, i...irU luto a ,wr. ffct lirutK." "You aunirli... inr! What hH b,, doni''.'" "Why. tin. ollnr nlnht ! i. nH Wlfr n ri'Kiilluu hllll with all h partb'ulara of that choka Wnfajt irHiuhil alio not Ii nl that he s..,l(( iry ipiki't. And what do you tt,,: jlla aa aouuil ulovp!" - 1 -r"l- Coimtv i Fair Four Days Only-Sept. 29, 30, Oct. 1 and 2. gnu Tmrim M vmmrMHiMtntuniwi jtr r.u.imm. im in . mwiii i vi)asf5Bfjriiw Wonderful Specials from various Departments to Celebrate the County Fair. Ladies silk and white lawn Shirt Waists 25 per cent off regular price Our entire line of Ladies and Childrens Summer 1 fC Dresses in ginghams and calico . . . iA t Special sale on Mens Dress Shirls--$ 1 and $1 .25 value--75c each 1,000 pairs childrens' black cotton hose, sizes 5 to 10. Extra j special price of 5 cents per pair. - - . - i MiaaaMaaMi aji iiaaMaa l I I . Bargains in Outing Flannels I SAJy" Amerlcan ,,,int cw I 1,500 yfJ bleached wliile ouling. Reg- C . ,rA ular 1 0c quality. Sale price OC per yarO . , - These goods ore all new goods and you will It) yarOS lOr I. save money hy taking advantage of these prices 1.5000 yards Colored Outing. Regular Cleaning up sale of broken 8 I -3 quality. Sale price szes jem'f Boys' and Child- 5c per yard. rens medium weight and fleece lined Underiveat. 2,000 yard heavy Outing, assorted colors Regulw 12 1-2 cent valu. Special Bargains in Shoes Various prices, sizes and qualities. Get 8 1-3C per yard- yur winters supply for the School Boys and Girls. t, u v -'ttti tn.ikiMatx&eKiMmrMtmtmBmmmmitm asaaa iMmtKsaaisammmimuwB sjsxoMaansasi Remember this Great Slaughtering of Prices lasts ONLY 4 DAYS. We specially invite visitors to the County I Fair to call and make purchases at Our Bargain Counters. Summit Furniture ; & Mercantile Co. Butter wrappers (printed; wil" be charged for at this olfice al the following rate: For 500 $'.25. 1 For 1000 Jj.oo. For 5000 $8.00. The county Fair is going to have a Wild West Show. "Hill" Moore a rcuowucil rider and ranger ha charge of it anil promises to have a baud of the iiuiitiest plungers iu the land ' and a half dozen of btickerioi that stick like tanglefoot to a fly. Tlicte will be three days of riding and roping, biunrho races, ladies horse races and potatoe races. Improve your homo ltli Strvwut. Iron rViii'lnir. Apply 1.1 C.II.Wwi, Hnylavllli', for 1 1. .inn. anil pllr. a. t:li."'Mi"'r lliaii wooil anil In. la a llfo-tlino. llfo-tlino. a--i A Burglar in Town Iila inline la "bml rininli." Hi ili.ran'l riur for lv 1 I or allvrr lull ln will ati'iil your brail h away. II Iiv np"'iira in your lioiiau nrir.i blin ut oiirr wlili liiilliiril'a llori'lioiiuil Syrup. Il nniy linan ci'ii.uiiiitiiui il you ilnu't. A I'uro for nil cousin oolda ami obxat tr.nllilra. I'rlen ', fak- nml ll.'H) per bolilo. Tor aalo by Joha Boy don A Son. j You can't be a good Summit Farmer without THE TIMES Specials for 3 Days Only SEPT. 29th, 30th and OCT. 1st. BOX STATIONERY. Regular 65c quality .... sale price" 50c Regular 60c quality .... sale price 45c , Regular 50c quality .... sale price 35c j Regular 30c quality .... sale price 20c Regular I 5 and 20c quality . . , sale price 10c Sylvian Toilet Talcum Powder in Sandlewood, f Violet, Heliatrope and Lilac Odors. Regular ,i . 25c quality . Sale price 15c I Java Rice Face Powder, regular 50c quality, on tale 35c r' Tooth Brushes, regular 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c, 40c and j 50c quality; sale price 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c & 40c j JOHN BOYDEN & SON. |