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Show WOMEN DO WORK Men Stay at Home While the Wife Supports the Family. Pceallar Changes In Industrial Condition Condi-tion i Hava Dean Drought In Mohawk Mo-hawk Vallay Hutbanda Do Practically AH Houaevnork. ftrt I'ltiln. N. Y. Alilioimli stnbl-Hiss stnbl-Hiss and proKrcaalvc, tliu oliuwk valley val-ley la In a wny reverllna to cerluln iiSoma In vngno when In.lliins niiiiii.il tlor. ta nml (lulled li atreiiina. Then ' latiiMW ri lllllllied nt till) aeltlelliellt Ji did Ilia riiil work: now llm wll TiTiunilteils of liifliiniea Inboi-s In ti- or fnclory while llie bualiand al-li al-li noi lo pnictlciilly nil llie household links ciHiklna, wnshlna. etc Tils i limiKu Ima been liroiialit alioul ItirojKh the shlltlnn of Intliinlrliil con-rniais con-rniais In llm Molmwk vnllcy. Fnun-DrlM Fnun-DrlM nnd other iiiair'loetorles of the iii.BeniiloliiK aort hum K"H" lo the roal and Iron renlera or lo Ihe weal i na middle wesl In order lo be m urer llieli custoiiiera, und have I n sue ieid by Industries III which oiinieii tun cam better wiusea llnin men. Id one Utile llliute In ci nlrnl New Viirk there are aevernl expert worker In toon and ateel who lire full lle.lK. d aoiurkei'iiers. while their wives do mrk lo knlllltiK nilUs nnd wtrn frmn II W lo ;l a dny. Tim wife liiaiend of lavliit the liunlly lollow llie foundry, laa adapted herself to the nw rnti.ll tlona and (one Into a mill, while llie mad ot the house reinuliis at Inline var the tuba. Thla doea not by any meuni Indicate Ui lull extent to which wutnuii Is Ink ma- men'a pluce In cent ml New York; neither doea It cover llm unusiiul vis a tlona to which she Is rcaortliiK. Khe liromlneul and suceeaalul us a Jrower of kIiisciir: she Is Ireipieiilly Hiccessful as a bop Kroner; she Is Ire-'luently Ire-'luently a K.-nernl fiiriner. und In une luilnnce a iiiiiIIht und aevernl duiiith ura have ImiK liuinll. il u lilx lurin llliout nny mule help wlintever, the luailiund und fullier liiivlMK died y. urs Thla wotiiun und her iluiiKlil-rs huve n-eted a burn and oilier IhiiIiIIiiks lor tht. farm; they build mid n pulr all :llr fences, do Irem lima lor ilrnliinite. live dux und wnlled wells, ilo their iwn plowing, und. In fuel, do ull Ihe ork Inildi niiil to a well conducted lairy farm In New York suite. 11. . etit lyoim of Ihe iliiunhters hiked hurried If from the Ailuiiil. Hs l.eiirih und look ulio lierH. il u Iii.iIiiiiiiI, uml Kteat wns tl lndluiiiitl.ui of Hut tniitlier uml sis ts Ihereiil. . Tho Mohawk valley has several omun lawyers und do. -lore. biiiI one member of llie lulter prolmBloti ..via la a rutul iiiiiiiniiiliy uml l.er pruc tlce Is so his: Unit sle s.epa lour liorsea anil 1ms u mini lot driver. KpriiK. "Wiiiner, full nml winter. In ull sons "f weuth.-r, no mailer what llie co:i-illtmn co:i-illtmn of the loiids may be, she drives by day and ulnht ' ho" es of pa tuntu. Only thohe who have hn til v. Inter's Inter-'s Die Mohawk villi. ' can lully reallzu 'it such work mi'iitii. in. ii nry imay low Xero; Inns lllllt. IlirL'-ciltllliK winds; flene stiuniH ol rain, know mid k"'t; mud huh il" P or mow In llie 'ilf hwaya lo u depth heart lin uklUK tor uuia (or woiuuiil und buiat, und inputs of Inky bin. linens. Another wiiiiinn bus limit been the Hiierintendeiit of one nl the luia. Ht tlttliic uillla In Ihe Muliuwk valley, Ud In the world us well, und unutlier, 'is la u very yuuim woiuuii. bus lur fvtrul years had lull cliumo of a rawliouitl uiiiuulaeiurlHK pluul. Uur I fullier nviiia nnd for a I. ma Mine man UK.'d Die Iiil4linr.i. bill n few years nan he In . ame ull Inn lielpl. an throuah III m-HM. Then Ihe ilaiiuliler picked up Ihe reins, went ililvlnit rlKlit ulii'iid and hus nverc many dlillciiltlea ntnl met with au.ceaa In a Held liuril for even ui.'ii. The iliiuathti-r not only con-ilin con-ilin la the plant, but a I io ki a Into Ihe uiiirkeis nf New York and other Ulic cities and sells the output under try Ina cntidllloiia. If Ihe above Itiatiincea of wnmnn a Pluck mid reaourceliiluesa nru crllu-rl.ins, crllu-rl.ins, she cannot In Ihe .Mnhnwk valley val-ley seek spe. Inl favors on tint weaker sex aiKUtiiiut. aud shu duasu L VelUi-r VelUi-r la alis . lainorlna lor the prlvll. k of breiiklna Into further hum. hips via the ballot route. |