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Show IDAHO AT THE FAIR. Raeldents of tha Oam State Cloture Seattle Exposition. Healtle- t!ov. Jauiea II llr.idy of Idiiho, uiemhera of hla alufT, llie Csld. well bund and three Iriiluloiuln of TUalio people cume to Hcaiile in Thursday tn rclchriilc Idaho day al Hie Alalia-Yukon Alalia-Yukon I'aclllc ckponltlnn. Thin Is tna third visit nl liov. Ilrud, who li"llecs thai hla stale h ia pruilied grrn:iy by the exiMialtlon. The principal exerctnea were hfid n the afternoon In the Idaho building After an overliire hv the ' .1 1 dw. -II IiuiiiI. IHrector (icncial Nadi-uu w,d-roincd w,d-roincd the Idaho vlnliorn In h'-li;il 0f the cXIKwIHult. liov. Illiidy ri-ni'onded with the addrena of the duv. JuJ. Forney tiri'nlded. Following ihla program (inv nrady and atalT held an Infnrmul re. . piu.n al the Idaho building. |