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Show X wilt h I bit L rivabrir .i4l today SERIAL V story jg wlmse r bin s;.ho Hr h's sik surds sounded wonderfully tar, and wh n K htl.l my hand gve f ar-j-t, h where hot Taft open President d see tne mad by 1 pates, and speet ht-At last bbt hUm I. mowd restlessly p, W Mi netvr of eng runnel), (iinsulting h hi own and whiM-t-rei- f or t'tn i.i-- il head.fc, that I the reiidUiat'on strike, and S uator a!iFTdXiT'r a' u d i t ja old never n naain, I bt e ' jjloraie T Delamg of Gland lumtion Where Ul.te?t he ' she Iceta. de-h- e lu get wadi (gan. RESIDENT TAFT StVlNS GATES t " Aller tbe return to .Montrose Uie.e is lit' -- hi Li pi Ma win. w is a Hi 1 as not ( to' ho'i e et, Mr came to me and told me that lemptinn tirPresidenf Ta(Tan3 OF GUNNISON RIVER BORE. Be r i othc rs, and this evening specifies were ht Graham I ruU'tL will thaea Was tailing him, and lie must odojht 'dilAeied hv a number ot well known III il o (. go i'e suggest ed that I Cottle with t'oloi aduatis the celebiation winding nh oil lull uii n In r p Mow, and bPL hert wheie he ci uM Jiave his MIGHTY WORK IS FINISHED up with an illuminated HJiduaVVy; parade and pyI'litl ii t i iv I iiatu' to' l side, bud b at H'1 come home to me at night.. lon i bine Jrspld) he waved no awav and tumi'd her but Ids would not bring the boy and it Dispels fa t to till Wall Story of the Great Tunnel. brc m hi art to leave him V.w Waters of Mountain Torrent ; Fiist ot the big governimut reclafche moaned; you k iow why 1 hate the oei an nn It vvai not a dn mi Are AcU it li triif, qlifte tni'' " Brought Six Miles Under a Granite mation projuis to lie undei taken, the 08 ' I t ti ti river tuiunl has been one of liose iv.uiii J Jers'amL the ht'jid Ridge to Revive Beautiful But (ianti'--oIn 'aid and thought . the most difficult to carry through ' hi i and and lull! wild J fli le.llle a lit le how dlsllesslng it Semi Arid Uncompahgre Valley. The an pie w.his of the Gunnison ai imh an urightness of mult he to hei to he so n ar it j jor MeuVcwwO How thre gh narrow ' she said I .ilon T her ot ! valleys unsuit- i'll for the loom was chilly tins Col mi , As many hire glad Sept J i, Ttw-- un (Ad. 'and fa-- ' I'nm'iii daik ' ause hi asked Ii, all hough I thousand people cheered thimstlvts I) By Final! v Mis (iiithain raised herself ha (Jin air and tl e veiv- - s'ght of the hodise and i aninui boomed this att i To fcl Os noon MIDDLETON ELLA Iretudi nt William H Taft' a rr at e flint and ino koned to me. tn efi Hut to dav I found .something by Wc buv Gutivimu, wuw mending hD coat, the in t tn tatie iti my in in ' she said, ehe. opened gates of tlie(jUiinoii river living Vjt&k t innj TYBOUT )y speaking wjih diffiinll), Jim will find to Ve in IT Vk V ii idf iyul lioflKink tmrnet nmt admmedotTik T'uToinpSh sorin' ini'dii ine lb op it In water the timliuh for he went out dav be'ore gTe valby the waters ot a mountai bottle tills In aud hiti'K It to me. yntei lay ami I have not seen him tomm brought from its roc ky bed lx mile' nndenieath- a Hilt he qu h ' mt great granite I said, for she paused un r ri to tlie Tittle room above and s the tlooil that hencefonii Jc ridge SOLO BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS WIU frrrkr im hrouatl (tie undicine, dinppinq it with eerutl Iy oinpaiably tortile tins It is not the ikp.iii s' i1 nt; hand and holding It to her slie said, brok hmly valley i aim pom mg thiough V)' SiZf pvjy rtjj'ar pnbuttle bps ih," she iTT'Ibt swallow it In a tnij. That was but an ext use' It is the cairn that tonduita it to thT 1 n ti w tudnuLLii It i .hit. a Hi tut; grew. less. A woe an " I'ompatigre iivii, nnn and women iair SYNOPSIS. MISSED !T. latinii I, , nd she ten d faintly.- Sly thrift h r hand Into the bosom, l5'yvpt tor joy, and the president him III I t Cf her d'ess, and mstimtiveh I knew f' u;1 tell! selt was visit, h aiTeit.d File opt II i n ml I i ri d hbef nld king foi'h a small package Mig ot the gati s was preceded hv .mi In Her now ri mu Know the! dltai ks " IrajT'd in white tissue paper We player and tollovved hv national air-- , in ni t h It r tip r l.itt'e bv PHle her tace gtew more Sjieaf IL and I saw the blue lltihon played bv n band in s ti mu 'I until af la at vhi ceased to Anil t! e little soft dirt with a strange if Mighty Project Completed. bn itlio with tlie kl.oit painful gasp, l gw of fathiliaritvN She put her fin Thiife was fittingly MgnalUed the rnz m tr t ( tj Mam Canal Near West Portal. ftjli s and run rat ttirlgnl among the pT cider the lock of hair, as Kltza completion of the Gunm-o- n ll till river tun li but t wr-fs-.i di a t hbo was still b th ad done, and looked at me with neL the hrbt tl III t umjertakt-pioje hj ed to agriculture or through deep, " L.J 1.1 ll t lit the i tilted Stateh goviinmeiit otffeiing from Sufitr slunk or dtsiresa pehkss misfr) t It hlh 't a lew-mil- es rocky eanyons while orrlv H I n 1 H tt there is of mind fur be t'ri .v me drrwn beside Perhaps, I suggested, servile Woik on the pro Cneoiu-pahgr- e to the west n lovelv the iti (i lier holipng mv b mil with a ilselike Ion mistake t ii nt jett was begun lour and a half y earns valley has been suffering for U is r U she said ago and had tr as thiiuL''i rf .u piettv. Is it not j( ft.ued I might progressed steadily ever w aler The Gunnison, descending in an stnee nati h it aw ,n fium hi r tl r Togefhei vviLh its main ami ever deepening gorges, finally plunges 'J in u .i I f i saw it aud rialied, tnv M t f k y "Si tv with me she begged jf Don't Tathen distributing cana's, tne tun m I will into tlie Black canyon, one obthe most I . Us lift in a leave rm' laOUOd acres of land in a vfi- -l cannot tay alone to-- , but stopped heating and I tetnemher Mi Aunt Well, Julinny, in Mi nni'f I magnificent mountain gorgi s in the I ' saw until Mi t lotlikg moie you. h f j tint ! lui a tw O' J ley naturally one of the most fertile world Tilts night find a niie sojourn In r. t unpromising spot was c i rucil i sc Sbe was talking talmlv now too I w in So K ti Colorado, but hit h has been semi r ag'x ed to eta) and dispatched ted as-- the starting point of the !! Johnny I in, well, I hid lots of tint mu' f 1) h 1 I as looked hei Ir at falnb, thmuht, arid because of the annual summer tunnel rif itn III I.. tin n aid to the tottiige with a note tjt Biave enginects lowered appli a an' peat lies an w if, rimdons an r w h hMh " The hand droughts and the fet'etishly bnght eyts f for t abrn 'le wring simply" that Mrs. I)M inadequacy of the themselves into the lilac k canyon at Win foil Mil to JT things, hut 1 guess thm xojourr It, '! '1; , t In Wttui nnne tomhed was octasionaflv lllw ,W t tl Im ouipuhgn; river eJlnre things wasnt ripe yet points w hei e the granite walls rise I 11 III l Thts day of the opening of the tun almost .ind'a'msn "in pnivot "aind tile to spend the night with ko( md dty, and a round red spot in t tl 1, mi hundreds of perpendicularly ltj,r cheek glowed and paled inter t" In The Root o f Altiu i sm i ver fi rget that SliaM "in iliirvut with inurtl night? Her mbiJ-ilv-t'oTj" ir sTurV Ttf a test "tor vm -. ... Hie three eletnal i.mh, of alfruistK r.uiv" T't'i'ii si a iiiod c a H etTi pi s at oriJTti ary 'l ' li wlln Hr lirl-- .lillil kthe At li (flr't lira glad I didn't know," she con Fit-.'- , the pum ipli "'ll i iiversatioii energy ,ue tht s. ullih win hei long silt nces, alway u'i ri li rloM-.l.1 tlnued , there are some things one rnfhrr rityult jf jiiKtlte, that then is a iiioihI law Ini mo, foIlowiiFbv wau f li tv the entile ii hung to the window a 1 In lure width all men ate equil, to Mt might have a wtlnirsetl stelllM and faing out ovei the ocean with eanwt forgive, and (lih'hlh Utl- Now I can always re Ktlith Ior'l Spoken bitterly l,fly that ot ght to "help my neighbor to frttln vet the of cue s L In hopeless expectant air tht thf tt- tils right. Second, the principle of r s mii'tr M in f Ann brought tint k who knows it Is usele s to watch, yet member that I never said a harsh 1 was most t h t ii s r ink, Unit w nt li Ii Mi? u 1 neveilheiess continues .to do sd; and wort to him, even when chart!) , that owe lufluite temlej-nerl II in snrefr tried of I'm that very glad to any shape or kind of man however ht r l U Kill ihf l(4 hv uH IMjlh lit Inhl h r It glad unworthy or useless to the state tun f in) I Hi t Hi (oiinlT-Hf- t iiniIsiitlV urf pli SI spoke In the tone of quiet rem Thirds the principle of free will, that thlh uvs n d T if (f vthuh n kuv lnlMnce In which one reviews one's a Ht w r At mlthuvhl rtle Krl 1 ran to decide really blp my neigh- fiw tun nn n imp iif tht'tit (inf hrt 1iMi-past attitude to the dead, after the bor, and am truly dlsgra ed If 1 do not un vnirnnrf In mfifitu first poignancy ot grief is over. ir lumthouHt She Uflmtlted to hfP-n4u so. To this may be added the to tU Hut hhf md noarlv lNd him ami Bet he will come back, I said. Idea of a definite judgment, that Is, believed h ra If lined an a loot by u Ihhf Thak how many times be has left that the action will at oiuo time terCHAPTER XIV. you bt fore. ribly matter to the holpef and the He w ill not come back." . If come could you ntlss, please, you helped. 0. K, Chesterton. - tk finality of her voice precluded to Mrs. Graham?" This unwelcome summons forced a rtply, amt "after Standard Oil Wall. long silence The Standard OU Company' real Itself upon me a 1 lay luxuriously snp-,tethat she lie down and try to M p, and I would do likewise. She estate holdings in Itayonne, N. J., reading upon the couch iq, the living where Its latgcst oil refining plant in room - the day following onr dinner docilely enough, and I Threw " ' Tffir the eant ts sltuated. hive been In party. ipon the bed beside her, and Did she aend for me? creased from 17,360,01)0. the value I a few moments was sound asleep i slept heavily, for I was No, mis fixed uKn them In -- 1 soft for taxation, , very tired, Mr Graham' servant, sit It seemed scarcely a moment untlt half grown lo 113,000,000. The cotuimny 1 ap I heard her call me. pealing against the iucreases fixed gltl with a face of surprising stupidi. upon the .realty ,hy the lfydsop county I cried, ty, stood stolidly before me, the ends Yes, what alarmed; of a Ritmll shawl held under her chlih is board of equalisation. and a ' frightened expression In her Mrs. Graham, Tully dressed and Big Berlin Philanthropy. small eyes with a lighted candle 'In her hand, More than f.0,000 children were en Then, why did you come itood beside the bed, a shawl around willed by the authorities of lterlln to To tnv surprise, the girl put her ber shoulders and another oveiher pend this summer oti land within face In her hands and began lo cry irraj The) --fpyf reach of the city limits lth. a sniffling uar cry an I am Come going out, she said were nselgned plots whtro they could nojlng to hear. Going out? I repeated, parrot like, and cultivate gardens profitably play Tin scared of her," she sobbed; betnt still dazed with sleep whh-the beTpof their families ami the hes Hurt queer, miss'- - Hhe'a went all Going down To the edge of the wa' advice of public inatrurtoi s blue and stiff like, and Mr. Graham to meet him.' It Is calling me at tr the ain't there, nor nobody lmt me And. Timbered Section of the Tunnel. list the ocean calls me, and I'm going. Mrs. Winslow' Soothing Syrup. ror rill It! M WiMlIitim. SsiflM 111' seeing ns how you come to the house nNliires he Will you come? asnisUun.sUpie.csrsstniloiim sometimes, miss, I thought as maybe the final moment when, Wait until morning; we can see nel was made the chief day of the feet, and after their surveys were comcasting all reWestern Slope fair, now being held puted active work was started on the you might help me, fur I'm scared to serve she flung Jterself upon her aothjcg In the dark. aside, Many a man ha sttatamed a comso I am here. All the morning special trains immense propect. alone, stay knees beside the she of fracture the the reputation by couch and prayed replied, raising Ills dawn, pound 1 rose t great expense and under enorkept, poming in, from various parta reluctantly, for I knew hut that death might come soon and spare shad. At last the night has gone " falling off the water wagon little of illness, anti was 8in seat-er Iict further Buffering of the horizon was of the -state, and at 1030 there was a mous difficulties, a wagon road was the at Of edge Hr rt.rrr'i Ptiwwnl tVltoU fir. I I'Mt up IS yiwr of the but go I must in parade- of the visitors Early in the bunt to the east portal of the tun-"- 1 ..oh Uarry.. 8he niotlriMdt how I broad streak of pale gray, and, while afternoon wi 'I Iht il' unit nusyl." ,l Moius, h, Uvur common prospect, - sue bonuli. the explosion of - a bomb H hi 15 miles long, and alunh at thaUl detcncy. the gars still shone, they were fading iohuIh aqd, climbwuld y(m, And , so,.. ,(m told the people that the special train ing the granite ridge between were out, , wag lnBnte, J fur. A brain Is worth little wIUiol', the in"! aft and a Gahrlelle was shut up In her room j hearing Fresident Taft and (Other gov- canyon and the Uncompahgre valley, - (TO BE CONTINUED ) Bhe grew calmer, she told when tongue From h while, ernment officials had entered the city descends the rocky wall on shelf with a had cold, the icsult of tix ninth L. nte her tendeily of the WHEN .HE CHANGED HIS MIND. limits bomb announced his work wandeiing about with thin slippers first fewstory. sieaklng years of her married life and debarkation1 at the station, and a third the night before Bore Built for All Time. of lier bushaad'a giiat love fur her Announcement A chllHeast wiml w as blowing, and About New - Cook was sent tfp- - -- as Jbe- - distinguished work was begun at Simultaneously and for the child, and the happiness Ssemed to Make a Difference. guest, escorted by I shiveted as we hastened down the he brought her procession, each end &Mbe tunnel and at a point started for Elks path a tel npthe narrow stops several thousand feetfronLlhejvest she (ontlnued, ' thcrp canic Two prosperous business men met President Taft Welcomed. Mrs Graham lay rigid upon the end, where a shaft was sunk. As fast a change He went away, and for 6 a At the park, after introductory re- - as the Broadway local, says the New couch, her eyes shut and her lips blue tqnnel was driven through the not hear from him. 1 York Times. shale and solid rock, it was timbered, was he . dead, and neatly died (.thought ,, , . a "Howdy do, old man, havent seen and then the heavy timbers were I a,so,pl1 At he Wia " came a,SrPat last Mrs1, an y la age. Hows Dayton? had thought s relief fcovered w ith impervious cement. Thi ha,.k UHVM) Unlngf BO patlAt wllh ... VUe and dandy. Brown; and how It Is only a faint. 1 exclaimed, and gives a tunnel of solid concrete built my luxalid wavs, ami so self reproach aq d reeled the bewjhlered girl to as- yu and the madam? to withstand the wear of ages. All ful at his own thoughtlessness He had "Mr. t Brown aqd your humble slst me in my efforts to tevive her. At hec-the flumes, culverts, division he an invitation yachting, gates, re both well, but by Jove, our last we were rewarded by a long came at the last said, and the letdrops and other work along the lines moment, w-- ' b!th would Improve if we saw the of drawn s'gh, and the lids blowly lifted ter he sent the main canals are built of steel telling me of bis plans Jos-pDaytona ringing our door and concrete. fiopj the dark eves must have miscarried. Could I ever There is no dam across the Black The sorvaut had found some brandy, forgive httn" Ya, yea, I admit weve been re und held a little to her lips.- - motion canyon at the point where the river is Well. 1 was onh too glad to get mks.f Mrs. D. and I both speak of 'v Vturned into the tunnel. Itig her not to speak, hut she pushed Lim back, and I believed him abso Instead of yoi so often and reproach ourselves this the tunnel Itself taps the river the gins aside and sat upright lutely For a while almost a year, we ' f && neglect. Its been fully year from beenath its granite bed. It Is a b id dream, she said only i wore very happy 'again and I was be site we dined with you. By this plan- neither floods nor slack wa- a dream Say it only a dream"' to forget, when he disappeared Tou're ahy a few months, hut we'll ter can 1 prevent the tunnel taking a dieam" v! ? : This, tune he stayed only two letthit pass. Suppose You come over Positively i tire d by mglvOnly"a bad dream'" repeated, sooth again j from the river all the water week.- - but when he returned he madt needed. to dinner one night npxt week , these Little Pills. She swallowed a little of the brandy no apologies The water called him Has Immense Capacity. I)i They Im and lay back eihamded on the couth, he he must go. -- lie? never A few statistics of this tr from Id tremendous 5.' crtko And Too U warty while 1 followed the servant into the told me where he went, nor what he project are worth setting forth. The kitchen. rrti?t rkm did hat he gave up his ether business FUnjj, tunnel ie 30,600 feet long, and 11 by riy br ruiitiei, Nau Where h Mr Graham? J de 13 feet Inside measurement. Jet we seemed to have moie v , lruHmrw, The main v t mandtd, ehaipljr ever ott than He went away in t he KtUi, (Vnt canal Is 30 feet wide at the bottom r4 Toujnie, Tata n tb "I don't Know, miss. Often and staved for long periods after and S3 feet wide at the top, and th Good night." dandy. MdrTOUPIU LiVFR. , When will he be home?" that, and for months I would not know ,, vty, yea. Brown, we ll make the average depth of the water is ten tha fkwelii Purely Tbey regTit I don't know, miss. where he was When he came back feet The capacity is 1,300 cubic feet shouted Lay- CTer the phone Mrs Has Graham been ill long" dose, small price. of water p second. After the water 1 a the figure. after. hurrying nrnoftT'MoAC rawsTTiinigritTurTor my comtorj.. leaves iiwttrv,., pertal of the trannel Genuine Must, Bear Is there anything you do know" . ready to talk on any subject except it s conducted through 12 miles of Track of Them. ceuldt Keep I Signature inquired, my patlt?fl5i "U6rn thheSd-bar- The bhe hearest MV heart. But he, canal to the Uncompahgre. garUa Littleton is one ot a family There Is Largest Drop on Soutlj Canal. a drop of 214 feet in this distance, giew to hate the boy.- so a born to o!i9 say, children, they and No, ntiesp 1 dont knerw nothing " His own 'child? I interrupted by F. D. Catlm, chairman of this great fall will be utilized for ere -hRge of poverty and pluck. When marks This statement was so evidently true How unntiUiral' Gunnison the tunnel opening commit- ating power. A series of concrete bwtt a small lad down in Texas he HEFUSE SUBSTITUTES. that I left her He said I loved the child better fcj aimlessly poking the tee, Mayor J. Q Allen turned the drops has been constructed and the a the creek-onday and (to fire and returned to my patient. I loved my husband, she said. cl of the city over to the guests. immense body of water i, the next youngster brother, ran key rushing ovef She lay quite still, with closed eyes, but God knows whether that is true Then John C. Bell delivered the formal them Is Capable of to the elder: Littleton, GRAZING-LAND- S wfcnperlng at so I merely drew generating chair near the or not. At last I became ill address of welcome to which Presi- 10.000 horse power, which will be least again, Ibil Dad! Martin Is drowning! n EAB CHIC utiV couch and sat ddwn to wait further during one of his thla lra Taft dent ized in and absences, Martin! and Atttl responded briefly repeated the when; Martin! cfotr imiiv proptt, lighting the entire Uncompah-gr- e only; alfaif yDf I waited time. development. u4 long was better a returned The irDerl ih it frmiof exercises here conquestion whether the of W Then he turned dubiously happilyx valley by electricity.' The minutes slipped past,' and the dr not I would live. He fruit. Hpirmiid pur wairr. Oae cluded with remark by Senator was dreadful-- ! ton wife. The cost Qf the tunnel and distrib- . or bwt, Kkitrhi fpn Chicayu by room for , grew dim, twilight was ap ly shocked'' aud grieved, and oi hisj ternuLWrtte bmpAo4Ulairtrikl booi-ieCharles J. Hughe- - and Gov. John uting canals is over $5, 000,000, 0ra,' he Inquired anxious, ha v and Broaching the long summer twilight knees beside rar bed he besgsd me1 Shafroth. At four oclock trains start- perpetual water T. JU HRITT. MseUtee. Mich. i MarUl? Denver Nev. rights will be sold to ed for the west portal of the tunnel. actual settlers at about tud tio rnt lir i J Cleanses Uc Svstcm I i -- v a I , h-- and Meadaihes due ta Cowsiuqw fc waVvruy acs tru a LaxoAivc ai s 1 M i J lai, i iudGuU en-vi- d 1 aud tjjccs avas I v -- 1 CALIFORNIA Fig Syrup vv Co. 1 i i - (. I 1 ' ! . I f f i I ts- pfi-kiw- 1 f ' 'fs Vv I i I t M t ) I i i i t f s,. 1! tT-ttSfit- i i f 'll I ' i I i i i o , I I D se-le- -- tn t l I HM I i lr ' I - I llnli'i i 1 n-- t! f f s tr! 11 i 1 i I lf d it?" jexlt -- -- euso-u.Mt- ,ov, oe areat park, .7, - i aer-va- n r k 1 SICK HEADACHE f i , 1 ! Ttr rsfEt filOmall Fac-Simi- tlj t . '. - tbe--we- -- j le e j e Ml-th- ' j tni fr fa-h- e rtl Ey ' l i. l t , $351n acre. |