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Show DISTRICT COURT NEWS IN BRIEF Judge T. I). Lewi held a nlmrt aeeaoii of lliv dlnirlel court here lent Miinilny nt which tlic following matter were dlnponed of: The cane of McDonald v. Smith wa dUminncd fur want of pro-culinn. pro-culinn. Tlie enne n( Mnry Kowler v. L uton u-ton Portland Cement Co., dUminncd wlihoiil prejudice on inotton of ululntllT. Mnry K. Khoade v. I)erct Hancock. Judgement entered on dcf.mlt of defendant. (Icorge V. Steven wa eentenced to thirty tiny In tho-nlntc prlnnn for neglecting 1,1 provide for minor chll-dron. chll-dron. A inn lulu Ni'IIkoii wb grunted a divorce from On Ni'IIkoii ly default nd wa grunted 'lXt per inoiitli all-many all-many and cot of notion. Itoiio Snrgcnt v. the Union Kuel Co., motion for n new trlnl deiiltd. .Motion of dependant for thirty day ty ft i:rfvwilliig grnutoj on approval of mloHloy (or plaintiff. VHOflA'f H MATTKK. In thu mutter of tlm entnta anil giiardlannhlp of laabel l,oi Mclaughlin, Mc-laughlin, Minor. Petition for Approval Ap-proval of third annual account approved. In the matter of tlm eitate of j Hoc but M. Kraaler, deoeaaed. Petl-" Petl-" Uon forTfiisf DUUlbuUonTgraAuJ. In the matter of tbe aetata of Mr. Jane Parker, deceaaed. Potltlon for ' settlement of aucoutit and contribution con-tribution continued to next acttlng of court. In thu mutter of the entnto of Jamo Judd.Jdwcuancd. Petition for dlatrlhutlon granted. In the mutter of tlieentateof Win. J. Pace, dccenmid. Pelitlon to net aHlilx property to wl low and minor children ntid lor mile of reiilnnd per-aonal per-aonal property grunted. Iu the matter of tlio cntnteof Mlk-i Alldemoll, dectaned. Petition for flnnl (liHlrlbiltlon continued to Oct. IH, ll II. Ill the mutter of the cnlntc Win, r. Campbell, deccaned. Piitlllon to accept option granted. Ill the mutter of the entnle ntid giiiirdiiitinliip of liulph Winford . ((entry, minor. Petition for ottlc-l liient for nccoiiut and tllnclinrgej III till' lllll'ter of the 1'KtntM of Albert Al-bert Olnell, deccannd. Petition for letter admlnlntntlnn granted and bond fixed nt lloo.ini. Ill tbe linitter of the eatnto of Patrick Pat-rick II, Tnllou, decenncd. Petition for letter icKinuiciitiiry continued to Oct. IK, 1119. Ill the matter of the cntnlc of !, roy Kdward llciinnn, minor. Petition Pe-tition for lollcrnguiirdhtnnhlpgriiiit-ed lollcrnguiirdhtnnhlpgriiiit-ed anil bond tlxed II xod allium). In the matter of the cntnto of Willlnm (iuun, ileveiiHcd; hearing on return of Bale of pemonnl prop-frty. prop-frty. OIVII. OALANIIKK. Jnme. K. Puce, PlnlntltT, v. Silver Sil-ver King I'onlltlon Co., a corporation, corpor-ation, defendant net for hearing. law and motion cai.hniiah. Thu Mine auJ Smelter Bupply Company, plaintiff, v. Adirondack Mining Company, a corporation, defendant, de-fendant, motion for Ultnll con-ttnoeil con-ttnoeil to Oot. lay.,.. . - The Mountain City Mining Company, Com-pany, a corporal Ion, plaintiff, vi. Adirondack Ad-irondack Mining Company, a corporation, cor-poration, defendant, dlmied. NATl RAI.I.ATION CAI.KNtlAH. In thu matter of the Natrunlli-atlon Natrunlli-atlon of Charley lljork, an alien not proaont. In the matter of the niitrtinlliuitlun of John Axel Kduimtroin, an alien granted. In I he nmtt t of the niitriiiilir.ntlmi if John .McKailden, nn alien granted. gran-ted. Adjourned to Oct. IK, IIMI. |